

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 15 October 2020

Hard at work and a walk to the Canter Field


Ghengis taking advantage of the Autumn sunshine in my craft room - on my old sewing box, bought at one of the first auctions we ever went to (£16 at Cottees, in Dorset).

    I had another busy day, going through the book stash again, and now I have all my archaeology books sorted - two big shelves of them which I am prepared to "let go".  I have a local bookdealer friend coming out to check them and hopefully offer (generously! I wish).  The Abebooks value of some of the first editions is a goodly sum.  I know a profit has to be made but not parting with £50 books for a couple of quid.  That sticks in the craw - being an antiques dealer makes you want to buy cheaply and sell for the best possible price!


Then Keith called me to start clearing out the poultry shed, namely the stacks of plant pots which had been breeding out there.  I kept what I deemed useful for our new needs, but  the divided seedling trays of different sizes do not stack . . .  There is easily another load to take to the Tip, and a gigantic corner-broken-off mirror which I really do NOT know how we will be able to shift without taking a hammer to it, nor the rusted cast iron stove which should have gone with the scrap man last time he was here . . . (well put it this way, I was for him taking it and Keith not as he thought he might "do it up" and put it in auction.)  Not worth the effort, believe me . . .

Then I came in to "rest" and sat on the sofa with a big wok-full of windfall cooking apples, peeled and cut them up and stewed them.  Then Tam and I had a lovely walk in the sunshine (it was hot!) up the hill and turn right along the ridge to the Canter Field - which now has a house built on it - and took a few photos.  After that, back to going through books and that was my day done.  Here are the steps to prove it! 21,471 steps!!  I slept well : )


  1. Looks like Ghengis is saying Now this thing stays...

  2. Your days at the moment make me tired just reading about them. Tired and sad too I presume tobe leaving but the time has come. Good luck with the next few weeks.

    1. Yes, there will be tears before bedtime when it comes to packing up the last things. I had a slightly misty-eyed moment at the new house yesterday too . . .

  3. Great name for a cat. Mice beware!

  4. I do hope your got that sleep after all those steps. You sound like you are really very busy at the moment.

  5. That's a lot of steps! You sure had a busy day. Nice picture of Ghengis and the beautiful scenery ones. All the best on the move.

    1. A lot less yesterday, as driving/going round measuring. I will make up for it today I am sure.
