

Jennie's recipes

Friday 16 October 2020

If it all goes to plan . . .


This would be the view to be enjoyed near our next home.  Let's hope it all pans out . . . but the new Welsh Lockdown could throw a spanner in the works.

    We were there today, measuring up what would fit and where.  Downsizing is a bit of a nightmare, but at least the rooms there are really generous.  As I said, I wanted the same size rooms, but fewer of them . . .

    We also explored the town a bit and got away from the main street and into the hinterland.  Some nice nooks and crannies and a VERY good butcher.


  1. I do hope that everything works out and you manage to move into your new home. The scenery looks gorgeous.

    God bless.

    1. Well, have hastily booked another Tip Run because there will soon be a Welsh Lockdown and we won't be going anywhere then . . .

      Lovely scenery in the locale.

  2. I realized that you have not said much about your new home. I am curious of course !! I know that nothing is definite at the moment. Wishing you the best as always.

    1. Not wanting to tempt fate, but basically it is a 4 bedroom house of some age, which used to be the coachhouse for the nearby Big House. There are lovely Victorian stables the other side of the yard.

  3. Wow, it is every bit as beautiful as your current home. I do hope that no spanners are thrown.....

    1. Spanners in the air as we speak, so need to have a REALLY organized sorting out weekend. Off to the Tip tomorrow first thing.

  4. Hope all goes well. Stunning scenery.

  5. Gorgeous view. So hope all goes smoothly.

  6. Stress and more stress - not a good time for you, Hope all goes to plan and then once you are in you can look back on it all and say 'do you remember it' -

  7. Hoping all goes well for your move to the new (old) place.
