

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 19 November 2020

A Day of Rainbows

 . . . with storm-clouds in the offing.  I spoke to our Solicitor today, and the wheels of house selling are moving very slowly right now.  It doesn't look like we will even be in before Christmas at this rate.   So Tam and I had the afternoon off and took a lovely walk up the valley for a couple of miles.  20,424 steps so far today.

One of the lovely rainbows which kept us company on our walks.  This has been a day of them.

Without the trees along the riverbank, you get a great view of our bridge.

Above and below - carnage.  I was upset to see that our farming neighbour along the valley had seen fit to decimate the woodland he had planted 15 or so years ago.  We actually saw him on the lane and I asked about it.  Oh, it was all Ash which had dieback (no, these were young healthy trees) and Willow - all trash.  I said it was such a loss of habitat.  He didn't seem bothered.

This looks like the remains of a plastic-covered  greenhouse? 

One of the loop walks we do comes down past this old house in the centre of the picture.

Here's where we turned round, just in sight of Nant Gwilw.

The low sun made the leaves on the Oak trees stand out against the mostly Alder and Ash woodland.

Hope for the future - Catkins forming already.

November flowers - Umbellifer (Common Hogweed I think).

Last glimpse of the rainbow.  There were lots this morning when we went to the Tip - it has been a day for them, all splendid and richly-coloured.


  1. Sometimes it is better to have slow turning wheels than those that go in a rush and miss things or make mistakes..

  2. Well, thorough is one thing, but being pedantic is another!

    1. Agreed...some are more than a jobsworth!

    2. I believe some may have Rottweiler genes too . . .

  3. I noticed catkins outside a bedroom window yesterday - very hopeful indeed. I don't know what your council is like, but apparently much of the delays in our area are down to the staff working from home and not able to consult all the maps & plannings documentation, so paperwork is not being returned to the solicitors as quickly as normal. You are far from being the only ones.

    1. This is what we have been saying, and I guess it's the same across the UK.

  4. Argh...totally understand your frustration.

    1. Well, there is nothing we can do. We just have to wait it out.

  5. What lovely rainbows! So lucky to see so many.

    God bless.

  6. Difficult to be patient while waiting for a property 'closing'--but it seems one never has a choice and can do nothing to speed the process. It gets tiresome!

    1. You have plenty of experience of this I know. We haven't moved for 32 years, so it is very frustrating.

  7. Wonderful photos of your part of the world - tree colours are gorgeous

    1. We have a lot of Ash, so they are already bare of course (and many earmarked for felling, along the lanes). The oaks and some Hazel leaves are hanging on grimly.

  8. That must have been a little disappointing, but at least it is still going ahead. Beautiful rainbow.

    1. It was indeed. Nothing we can do about it, but as long as we get there in the end . . .

  9. You always have such beautiful photographs on your blog, I've read back and lost a good half hour reading all about your ups and downs of preparing to down size, what to keep and what to let go.. so many hard decisions.

    1. Hi Chris, Thank you. It's hard to take a bad photo in these parts as everywhere is so beautiful. Glad to had some pleasure reading about our adventures in house-selling land. I shall be so relieved when it is all over. We have had to let go of things we would perhaps rather keep, but that is the way of things.

  10. I am sure those rainbows are a propitious sign for your move.

  11. How lovely to see so many rainbows - a sign of hope :) Looks a wonderful walk :)

    1. A sign of hope indeed RR. It was an enjoyable walk.

  12. I am glad to hear that things are moving in the right direction, albeit at a snail's pace, like you say there is nothing that you can do about it. Your energy is better used elsewhere than wanting things to be sped up. Your walk looks lovely, fresh air is always a good tonic, isn't it.

    1. Just had a letter via our solicitor in which our buyers still want to move early December so hope it can be achieved. Packing madly here.

  13. Greetings from central Ohio, US. This post got me thinking. You saw many rainbows on Thursday, November 19. Last Sunday, November 15, we had many rainbows in the clouds passing through that day. Given how weather travel around the earth, I started to wonder if yours was the same system that passed through here earlier in the week. It made me think that maybe God is sending rainbows around the world to let us all know that everything is going to get better soon. I hope that is so. At any rate, I really enjoy following you and wish you the best on your move. The country where you live is beautiful.

  14. Hello Kathy. We often get the tail end of the US's storms so I am guessing we shared rainbows too. What a lovely idea that the rainbows are sent to let us know everything will get better soon. Like you, I do hope so.

    It is very beautiful here, but I am guessing Ohio has some beautiful scenery too.
