

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 17 November 2020

Getting paid for something - there's a novelty!


A photo from one of the happy carefree days last year (July 2019) - the view from the Botanic Gardens across to Paxton's Tower.

Today we took several antique items which were from stock and would not travel well to our new home.  Difficult shapes and/or easily broken.  Some dealer friends of ours bought several pieces off us and so now we don't have to travel with a large rigged wooden ship on someone's knee, or a wooden "cradle" for a Victorian scythe, or a French coopered toddler's feed/play chair on wheels.  See below - the  rake item in the middle is the Scythe Cradle and to its right is the little child's coopered chair.  It's designed so that they can't get out (!) and can have a meal on that tray or toys on it.  A sweet thing.

The Dairy Bowl and the Bushel (in the front) have been sold with the house (on a separate listing)so will add charm to a corner.

    After selling those items, we drove back across country - and boy, the weather was FOUL, constant drizzle and low cloud surrounded us, with light levels which put a very early end to the day.  Last week we had seen (and Tam and I had fallen for) a hanging copper Arts & Crafts lamp (with glass panels).  It was just what we wanted to go in the kitchen or hallway at our new home - so we bought it as a little indulgence.  I'm hoping we haven't tempted fate by buying it.  

    It was almost dark before 4 p.m. when I was outside picking up windfall apples to cook up.  This is a "sofa job" whilst watching Antiques Roadtrip.  I put all the (10 or so) big apples in the wok, and have a pan of cold water by my feet, and peel and chop the apples whilst relaxing and watching one of our favourite programmes.

    Tomorrow I want to sort all the lamps and shades that are going (I even know where they are!) and put them in the big oak coffer down in the Dairy flat for safe keeping on the removal journey.  There are some we bought years ago in boxes labelled "Lamp for new house".  

    I am feeling far more tired than I should be, so I think it will be an early night tonight.


  1. Replies
    1. I have to say, I do feel guilty if I am not sorting through things! One does occasionally need an afternoon off though . . .

  2. You are doing brilliantly. Not far to the finish line. Some lovely pieces to let go. The new lamp sounds really lovely. Sometimes you have to have indulgences. The Autosol has worked brilliantly on my two copper kettles after I took the thick off with Bar Keepers. Thank you for the tip, I shall certainly keep this in from now on in. Don't forget to try and do something that pleases you as well. Take care Tricia x

    1. We are in a bit of a black hole regarding WHERE we have reached in the race for the finish line. We will contact the Solicitor this week and see when contracts might be exchanged. As I have packed away all my craft things, the only things I can do which give me pleasure are occasionally baking a cake (and I'm not really in the mood for that right now) or reading.

  3. You are doing so well. Pretty soon everything will be set and you will be moved.

    God bless.

    1. I do hope so Jackie. It seems to have been going on for so long now (since mid-September).

  4. O my goodness, I see so many treasures. I'd sure stop and buy if you had a garage sale. Is that a surfboard, tho? And...which is a daisy bowl, I looked and looked? Is the measure in the front what you call a bushel? With the big spool?

    You work so hard! Enjoy your evening ''rest''' with busy hands on the apples.


    gone to the beach....

    1. This is a corner of our stand at the Botanic Gardens Antiques Fair, when we are in the big Glass Dome, either freezing (winter) or fainting with heat (summer). I like to think I have a good eye for interesting and unusual things. The Dairy Bowl is the larger of the two on the floor at the front, and the bushel is the one inside it, full of various bits and bobs - a big cotton bobbin from a Victorian cotton mill, a sycamore rolling pin, a pair of quick-release Edwardian stirrups, a pair of Carmarthenshire clogs . . . To the left, leaning against the coffee table, is a hand-painted goat yoke (half wanted to keep this but it sold quickly). The little child's chair I still have, in our hall. Not sure which you think is a surfboard?

    2. The white vertical thing behind the little red chair and purple flowers? Looks like an old long board and leash....What a great antiques sale that must be/ have been. You did have treasures on offer. I'd snap up the two containers [bushel/ dairy], the spool, the rolling pin, the white grantiteware canister..and more, I know.


    3. That's one of the supports for the Dome and the dark brown thing in front of it is a Victorian flail for getting the grain from the wheat or barley. You have your coastal eye in anyway! I was wondering which bit you were looking at : ) I would be glad to have you as a customer - you like the same things that I do!

  5. I think that you have every right to be tired! I've wondered if your transactions and moving house will be accomplished before the new year.

    1. I do hope so. This has gone on long enough! We just want to be done and dusted and in our new home. Before Christmas. We shall see.

  6. Moving is so exhausting - and yesterday - 5 days before we were due to complete - our buyer pulled the plug causing the whole chain to collapse - ill health, apparently - am in no mood to be sympathetic at the moment - that will come eventually. We had found our dream house, literally, and will more than likely lose it. Not in a good place. I wonder if the law will ever change.

    1. Oh Julia - how truly AWFUL. Hoping and praying you can find another buyer quickly and still proceed with your dream house. I am not counting my chickens here and lay awake in the depths of the night far too regularly, worrying that something will go wrong to stop us moving. Please keep in touch and let us know if the Phoenix rose from the ashes.

    2. Thank-you! 2 viewings tomorrow - as 90% of our stuff was packed away we have just sat down (22.45 hrs) after reassembling beds (5 bedrooms!) and "dressing" the house. Exhausted! The people from whom we were buying have kindly agreed to keep it off the market ubtil next week so here's hoping! Will keep you informed of the shenanigans! Fingers crossed for you - what a stressful thing house moving is.

    3. Oh gosh, that's heartening (the viewings). Putting beds back together and dressing the house again totally exhausting. PRAYING that you get another buyer straight away and can carry on purchasing the house of your dreams. Please DO keep me (us) informed. I'm gunning for you.

  7. So glad things seem to be going well, you are certainly very well organised. Take care.

  8. I am not surprised you are tired. Your days sound exhausting. Take care and thank you for the lovely photos :)

    1. We had the afternoon off today (Thursday) and at this rate, I may need to unpack something to stitch from my craft box!

  9. I do hope all goes according to plan - it is always a stressful time before Covid, which makes it even worse. Thanks for your good wishes - I am on the road to recovery.

    1. Thank you Pat. SO GOOD to see you posting again, and on the mend. No handstands just yet though!

      Covid has slowed things down, without a doubt, but I shall just have to turn a negative into a positive and think we have more times to sort through things here and don't have to push ourselves so hard.

  10. So glad you were able to sell on some of your stuff, small steps add up to a lot and it would seem that you are slowly getting there. I do hope you get a date soon.
