

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 4 November 2020

A Walk to Lift the Spirits


After a week of storms, the gales and rain left us with some sunshine and Tam and I took advantage and did my favourite walk (for the views).  

We are still going through our belongings, shedding more clothing to the charity shops when they open again, and sorting through fabrics (more to go for community patchwork), and yes, still a few more books.

Looking into the distance, the river Towy has burst its banks along the floodplain of the valley.

The mountains were looking beautiful as always.  We will miss that view when we leave but hey, there are ones nearly as good where we are going.

The lane ahead, and many trees stripped of their leaves already (Ash are the last to get them and the first to lose them).

    A different view of our "Canter Field" walk, which enters along the lane heading past the white house in the centre.  That is built on what used to be the Canter Field, and the one we had our hay bales from each summer when we had the horses.  Neighbours of ours used to live in the farm you can see, but after he died, his wife moved into a bungalow and I believe their son took over the farm.

    There is still more paperwork to be dealt with from the Vendor's Solicitors, and the Agent for the house we are buying has been in touch to see what we might want left with the house, so we have inherited a garden bench, plant pots, a big Buddha head and a roomy bookcase in the house.  

    I am feeling very tired and just want to sit and read.  Tea is going to be very straightforward - home made fish and chips.  Spuds are peeled already.  Whilst Tam does the meal I will quickly mix a Manderin Orange cake so that can go in the oven when the meal has come out.

    I've nearly finished Ted Baker's Blood Water and can recommend it, moreso if you know the Purbecks in Dorset, which are very familiar to me.  When we first moved here, we hadn't intended to stay longer than to do the house up, and head back to the West Country, but then our plans went completely awry, and now it seems we are destined to see out our days in Wales.  The West Country has always been pulled beyond our grasp, one way or another.  Wales is so beautiful, so we won't complain.



  1. Take care and keep safe. I start again tomorrow with some more clearing. Got to be done. Take some time for you if you can. I did not sleep well last night OH was snoring so was the dog! I got up early and have been out. When I came back I crashed for a couple of hours which is unlike me so now feel completely disorientated. Really should do some stuff tonight not sure am going to get to it. Never give up on your dreams. Tricia xx

  2. I hope you listened to your body and had a restful day - that way you will have more energy for tomorrow. After yesterday's lovely walk, I struggled to make it just to the top of our hill today and felt best when sat down watching Mountain Men . . .

  3. What a wonderful walk. I am sure you will miss the mountains, but I am also sure that you will find more wonderful views to share.

    God bless.

    1. Well, there are big hills and mountains in the distance and plenty of views still. We are not too far a drive from the beauty of the Elan Valley which I shared on here recently.

  4. A garden bench, pots and a bookcase sound like a goodly take over--wouldn't care for the Buddha! I've always loved the views of your landscape, 'plotted and pieced'--you'll be moving in the quiet of winter with spring to look forward to.

    1. I'm ambivalent about the Buddha. He's too heavy to move! You will love the new views, I'm sure, and I am looking forward to the birdlife and plantings in my new garden.

  5. Lovely views but all that meat to the right is a bit disconcerting..

    1. I don't know why that blog photo comes up so large.

  6. Always love to see photos of your beautiful views. Glad your new place will still provide you with incredible scenery.

  7. You certainly have some beautiful views for a walk, I bet you will miss them. Glad everything is going well with the sale.

    1. We will miss our local walks and views across to Black Mountain, but there will be new walks to explore and views to capture. Hoping everything will just roll forward to completion now.
