

Jennie's recipes

Friday 6 November 2020

Up in Smoke


This is our third bonfire in the past few days.  Lots of Keith's "useful bits of wood" going up in smoke, along with some collapsing chests of drawers which used to have other previously-considered-useful workshop contents.  About 8 of my big (empty) planters are now full of detritis to go to the Tip next week and I have booked our appt. already.

    I have just watched as partial rolls of left-over carpet from the house have been added to the fire, as well as a big bag of rags which had once been destined to make a rag rug.  If I decide to do that, I can always find more fabric at car boot sales, presuming we WILL safely be able to go to them again.  A bonfire is so satisfying, I have to say.  All this stuff should have gone years ago but we have been brought up to keep useful things - if you want 200 year old bits of oakto mend an antique, they just can't be bought at Jewson's!

    Now Fahly's stable which became Keith's main workshop is gradually being emptied and the collection of "stuff to go" (by man and van) is getting smaller, which is a big relief. 



Sam and Squeaker, who are great buddies, will not be coming with us to the new house.  Nor will Miffy, our mama cat.  She is feral and totally hefted to the farm and being fed here and is still nervy at times - then all over you the minute you have started stroking her.  Sam is a sweetheart BUT he is a problem here as he a bully towards our two tabby boys, and when I went into the kitchen the other evening, he was threatening Theo, having jumped up onto the white dresser, where Theo was snuggled into one corner (I had removed the china on there as he obviously felt safe there).  Sam also has it in for Ghengis, and so we are relieved that our buyers were happy to take them all on.  Our cats will be VERY happy not to have to contend with Sam at our new home.

    Today I am feeling a lot more relaxed than I was yesterday.  All sorts of things had gotten on top of me - one I can't share at the moment, but believe me it is the worst kind of worry at the present time.  By 5 p.m. my nerves were in shreds and I had to get Tam pour me a helpful Gin and Lemonade (Aldi's Spiced Plum and Clementine Gin is amazing).  I am not a spirits drinker but in recent weeks, having gotten so stressed, the occasional Gin has helped to calm me down again.  P.S.  One of the worries was Ghengis, who had become ill again and had to go back to the vet.  They took him inside and gave him a long-lasting antibiotic injection.  He's also back on the Loxicom.   Well, he had been using the litter tray, but still looked uncomfortable, and in the afternoon he was very sick (he is rarely sick).  He was sleeping a bit more but still not right.  This evening he did the most ENORMOUS wee in the hall - which is fortunately quarry tiles.  It took a whole newspaper to mop it up.  I think the waterworks are working again  now! 

    I am not in a cooking mood AT ALL at the moment, so tea will be sausages and mash.  Easy peasy.  I am starting to try and eat our way through the contents of the freezers as the Removal company we are using say that freezers must be empty . . .  NOT what I want in the run-up to Christmas and with Brexit looming on the horizon.

    Time to peel some spuds I reckon.  Have a good weekend all.


  1. Hugs BB, Gin is quite soothing. I am not really a spirits drinker either always have to have them well watered down with lemonade. Usually flavour it myself at home. Hope things sort themselves out soon. Thinking of you Tricia x

    1. The Gin just takes all my angst away! Only for desperate occasions though.

  2. Some cats never do blend in with the others--and some, like Sam--are determined to throw their weight about. I was not able to 'catch' Willow [a drop-off kitten always maligned by the other cats] when we moved from the Amish farm. The new owners were happy to care for her, and when they in turn moved on, she went with them.
    Bonfires are immensely satisfying--cathartic--although sometimes in later years I've wished I hadn't been so enthusiastic in my culling.

    1. Sam got on with everyone, but he knows his size - he is careful around Little Whale and Alfie as they are big cats, but anyone smaller . . . a situation not helped by Theo hitting him in the face when hesits one side of the cat flap, waiting for Sam to come through!

      Keith will probably mourn the loss of some of his bits of wood, but needs must. Don't want a bill from the new owner for clearing stuff . . .

  3. You have been busy! Glad you feel a bit better today but sorry you have problems and worries. It must be hard too to cope with normal life and get ready to move without the additional problems of the current pandemic.

    1. Sometimes everything just piles up and up into a pyramid. The Pandemic just makes it all worse.

  4. Thinking of you and yours - and the cats. xxx

    1. Thank you my dear. We will miss the 3 we are leaving behind, they are all sweethearts, but it will make life easier.

  5. You sure are busy cleaning out! Well done! Those 2 cats do look formidable! Their serious stares would make me think twice about trying to pet them. Good luck with your move!

    1. They have basilisk-like stares don't they? Both daft as brushes though, and love people, though Squeaker is still quite timid in his ways.

      We are hoping that there won't be any brick walls between now and moving.

  6. I think that ending one chapter and beginning a new one is always stressful. If gin helps, I may need to pick up a bottle for myself a couple years from now, when we make our move to the retirement property. Thanks for the tip!

    1. I have been in SUCH a state that I think it was a real lifeline. Not that I am recommending alcohol per se but on occasion . . .

  7. This is such a confusing and difficult time anyway without adding moving house into the mix. I am glad to hear that it is moving along ok and that drinking gin is helping with that, and why not I say?
