

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 30 January 2021

Inside the house: one room tidy, but still a work in progress


We cracked on with sorting out the two boxes with our big hi-fi in (won in a competition many years back) today, and put them away in the 1750 coffer in the Library.  Then I was able to finally move things around and get this room more ship-shape (though more is planned to change lighting).  The big coffee table is one we are "looking after" for Gabby who has no room for it in her city flat.  Elements of this room were elsewhere in our old house - the beautifully carved modified mule chest at the end of the room used to live in the blue bedroom before, which is a shame as it is such a beautiful piece of furniture.  It has two simplistic dragons on two of the panels which tie in well with the Japanese candlesticks sat on it, and the dragon-wrapped vase in the centre.  That came from stock!  

Sorry this is a bit blurry. Keith drilled the back wall and hung these three pictures this afternoon.  The big North Wales farm scene used to be in the Morning Room in the old house, and the two Gillian McDonald prints either side were in the sitting room and top hall before.  The cushions are going to mostly have new covers when I get around to it and those blue curtains came with the house and will be changed later on.  The old quilts on the sofa catch a bit of cat hair!

The paintings of Venice used to be in the Morning Room too.  The little jade coloured foal was in stock but I fell in love with him and he is going nowhere.  The carved figure in the hearth is a Chinese Immortal and was in a couple of places in the old house, but had ended up down in mum's flat, gathering dust.  Beside him is a little wooden Buddha with a split base.  The lady who lived here before had lots of Buddha's and there is a HUGE one by the pond still, which she may come back for.  The little joint stool on the right was in our bedroom, and the Chinoiserie lamp was in our sitting room.

    The sword was in the sitting room before and will be going into the Library when we are sorted out in there (nearly there now). Then a small linen-effect uplighter cylinderical lamp (just ordered) will sit on the other joint stool to gently underlight the painting.

    I have put some more of my china out today, but some of it will come down and go into car boot boxes as I find the better stuff.  Less is going to be more in future though.

    We have just had rain today, though snow was mentioned for some parts of Wales.  I've not seen the news today but a friend further North mentioned it on the higher land above her property.  

    Keep warm and safe everyone.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you. The layout sort of "invented" itself.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks veg artist. It feels very homely and last night just felt so serene and peaceful, it was lovely.

  3. So nice that after all the mess and worry... You are home !
    Love your header.

    1. Home indeed. When I think of SOME of the places we viewed (my goodness, they kept getting WORSE!!) we have been very lucky in getting this house and it suits us really well.

      That header photo is going to take some beating for a while!

  4. Always nice after a move when you have one room at least which is cosy and comfortable isb;t it?

    1. Just the one so far Pat, but that will do for the moment. Our bedrooms aren't too bad either.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Tom. Looks even better today as the uplighter we ordered arrived, and is lighting the other painting delicately but positively.

  6. Oh how comfy cozy!! Looks like home! ~Andrea xoxo

    1. Feels like home too Andrea. We had a woodburner before, but don't miss it as the heating is really good here.

  7. Looks to be a lovely square room (though that might just be deceptive in your photos). Imagine you are happy to have some of your special pieces surrounding you in a place where you can relax. The mule chest is amazing.

    1. More or less square Mary. It used to house the carriage for the Big House next door. There's a similar sized room behind it so that may have been for another carriage. At one point it was a Dairy though.

      The mule chest is gorgeous but no longer has a lifting top (it would have originally) and has a cupboard front - again, added later (Victorian times) when it was also carved. We love it.

  8. You have been working hard, your house is becoming home.

    1. Thankyou MM. It has a lovely atmosphere and feels very tranquil, especially the living room.

  9. Everything is looking wonderful. Working hard I see.

    God bless.

    1. Working too hard Jackie - it was good to relax on our walk this afternoon.

  10. Well done - you have been working hard. The room looks lovely and so warm and cosy. Stay safe and well.

    1. Thanks RR. I wish I could wave a magic wand and have it all straight, but no . . . hard work will have to do it!

      Stay safe and well too.
