

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 28 January 2021

What a palaver!

. . . a palaver over our  bed that is, to replace our beautiful Gothic bed which we had to sell back to the new owners of our old house as the headboard was just 2" too big to go up the stairs here.  Keith was all for demolishing the bit above the door frame, but was talked out of it on the grounds that even if it got through that, the next low bit of ceiling would also need to be demolished!  He did LOVE that bed . . .

   Anyway, we thought we will just get a stop gap cheap bed frame which we could put our mattress on to get us up off the floor, and then we would order a decent bed from a private eBay listing once Lockdown was over, and such things could be collected. 

    Tam ordered one, on a next day delivery basis.  It didn't turn up.  Or the next day, or the next - although it was apparently on the van and out for delivery. Then she looked up the feedback on the company and lots of people slammed the delivery company they were using.  Oh dear.  We gave it a week, with her chasing it, but after 5 days we saw a fabulous antique 17th C carved "headboard" which had been repurposed from another piece of furniture or perhaps a large Church fitting.  The price was right.  It could be delivered for a further £85 (from Somerset).  It really didn't look like we would be getting the cheap bed any time soon, so we decided to buy it and make up a new bed when we found a good bed base in a dark colourway.  Should the cheap bed turn up, it could be used short term and go into the guest bedroom when we put together the good bed.  

    So we ordered a suitable good base from another company, and took out a case against the non-delivering eBay firm.  Of course, the minute we did that, the blardy bed WAS delivered the next day, and it took two hours for Tam and I to turn it from flat pack to bed, and Keith and I got a good night's sleep last night and didn't have to roll out of the bed onto our knees (me) and then stand up, or get in the wrong place in the mattress in the dark (just a slit of light around the edge of the door) and then wriggle down the bed like a caterpillar until in the right place (Keith)!!! 

    We have a couple of weeks before the other bed base is delivered, so need to get the guest bedroom emptied by then (good progress has been made) and in the meantime the antique piece will arrive early next week.  We measured well and it will go up the stairs without a problem.

The "big house" which our new home was once the coach house for.

    Today I have worked flat out all day long, unwrapping more stuff, and putting away.  Also taking apart the linen-covered "wardrobe" Gabby had in her teens.  It has made way for the long low linen covered shelving which will mop up lots of "stuff" in the pink bedroom.

The First Celendine of the year!  This quality photograph was taken on a Scenic setting (through glass)!!!!

The photos were taken on a short walk Keith and I took this morning - along a no-through lane with lovely views.  It's lovely exploring.

    Keith got the new kitchen clock up for me, and a little brass horse-head hook that always held the teatowel in our old house.  It's one my dad bought me, so I treasure it.    Then he drilled the wall in the living room and we have 3 paintings up.  It looks lovely.  Apart from the two boxes containing the big hi-fi which we haven't decided on a home for yet.  We'll get there. . .


  1. What a relief it must be to get in a proper bed again, despite the fun and games. Your new surroundings look gorgeous - and I love the celendine. Thanks for sharing. x

    1. Very much so, at our age we are too old for sleeping on a mattress on the floor! We went a different way out in the car today and the scenery is absolutely lovely that way too.

  2. Replies
    1. Will try and get some taken over the weekend Jill. We still have boxes sat around being unpacked but it's the loss of three big cupboards we left behind which slow things down - where to put the paperwork and what have you which is slowing us down, and we want to get some more pictures up over the weekend too.

  3. Glad you are gradually getting there BB - all sounds pretty exhausting.

    1. There's a lot of organizing and arranging to do, but nearly there in the main bedrooms for the moment, and I am very glad to sit down of an evening!

  4. You are moving right along. Glad that you managed to get a bed so you could have a lovely sleep.

    God bless.

    1. Sleep much needed Jackie! We are slowly getting there. It's the finding homes for everything that slows us down.

  5. You are making great progress and managing to explore your new area as well, wonderful. Indeed, a palaver with the bed but it will all be worth it in the end.

    1. The exploring is the reward for all the hard work. We are looking forward to the new antique headboard arriving next week.

  6. Sorry to hear about the hassle with the bed :( Moving and unpacking seems as much hardwork as packing! Glad to hear you are slowly progressing and lovely to see the celandine :)

    1. Unpacking IS nearly as bad as packing for us as we have too much "stuff" still, but we are working our way through it and more boxes going up to the attic for car boot sale (and some bits for Fairs) when they happen again.

  7. Moving is so much work but you are making great progress from the sound of it! Well done!

    1. I think we've achieved more than we give ourselves credit for Ellen, but just want the Library and living room tidy and finished . . .

  8. Kudos for tackling the unpacking with such verve...and I suspect much exhaustion. Hope the bedding arrangements all work out for the best. Deliveries these days are a wild mix of prompt and very, very late over the Pond, too. Still getting Christmas cards and even a December magazine--just yesterday.

    1. Mary - I hate living surrounded by boxes and "stuff" without a home. Tired out indeed, but at least we have a decent bed now.

      Sorry your deliveries are all up the creek. We put the new slate nameplate for our house on the gate today (tied in place with zip ties) so hopefully deliveries won't go astray and we have a door bell now too, so no excuses!

  9. I'm so pleased to have stumbled across your blog! I used to follow your first blog 10 (or was it even 12) years ago and always loved it. I'm really looking forward to catching up with what you are doing. Jane xx

    1. Hi Jane and welcome back! You have arrived at an exciting time for us, as we have only been in our new house for two weeks. It's lovely round here.

  10. Yes you will get there. You've gotten so far already! I'd love to see the antique bed you bought. I love to look at furniture.

    1. It's starting to come together now, but I am going through each box very judgementally and a lot is going into Car Boot boxes up in the attic!

      The "headboard" arrives on Tuesday from the West Country . . .
