

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 12 January 2021

Probably the last post from our old home

 Well, we're nearly there.  The Removal people come today to start packing away our goods and chattels - they will have 40 fits when they see how many boxes are books (ahem!) not to mention how many boxes have Fragile on them . . .  

    The last few days have been non-stop - yesterday was a 12 hour working day, and Monday was 14 hours.  This includes deep cleaning where possible.  Some rooms have to wait until Friday when the last of the furniture vacates the property.

    We are sad to leave, after nearly 33 years here, but also greatly relieved as the maintenance here is just too onerous financially and physically.  Keith can't climb ladders any more so any maintenance jobs have to go be paid for now, rather than done by ourselves.  Getting the gutters cleaned costs £140 and the only chap available is a bit of a waste of space - either the gutters aren't emptied properly or he manages to block the downpipe.  Hopefully when we move the Odd Job man used at the new house will be up to scratch - he comes highly recommended and has been doing work there when necessary for years.

    Heating bills are big too - we can only afford to have the heating on a couple of hours in the morning and again after our evening meal.  It is SUCH a big house (4,500 square feet).  

    Despite having lime plaster and render, there is still a damp problem in the attic, which I have had to try and disguise every winter because of being on the market.  Something we can do little about as the quality of the stone used in the top of the chimney stack got worse the higher they built (and ran out of good stuff and used porous shale instead).

    Our buyers will find there is a leak in the inglenook chimney - I assume the capping is letting water in, but we can't climb up a ladder to check and as the house had sold, and he's had his surveys done, and brings fresh money to the house, he will have to get it sorted.

    The UV filters were fixed yesterday, but the company need to come back on Monday to finish the job.  We have UV filters at the new house too (private water supply).  

    The Pandemic is a real worry, especially with moving and having lots of strangers touching all our belongings and being in the house, so we will have to be very careful and all windows and doors will be open and wipe everything down with Dettol spray. 

    Keith gets his first jab on Monday - would you believe, AFTER we have moved and it's first thing in the morning so he and Tam will have to be away by 7.30 to get to Carmarthen in time.  I will probably get mine around mid-February and I have noticed there is a Vaccination Centre in Builth so that will be a lot more convenient - 2 mile journey instead of 50 miles.

    Anyway, stay with me.  We have a temporary set up for broadband until signing up with another company so I hope I will be able to post when the dust has settled and we aren't clambering over boxes.

    Keep safe everyone.


  1. Hope all the move goes well and we'll see you on the other side

  2. U am thrilled that an end is in sight for you. Hope all goes well and that you settle very quickly into your new home.

  3. Will be thinking of you. Hope the weather stays OK and it goes without too many hitches (there are always a few!!). Looking forward to your new house posts.

  4. All the very best for the move. Exciting new chapter.

  5. Here's wishing you all the best for the move - I hope it all goes smoothly and that you are happy in your new home.

  6. I wish you well with the move. Not a time I want to go through for a while, but so much worth it when you're in and get settled. I'll keep visiting every day until you're ready, (or are able due to broadband).

  7. You too BB hope all goes well abd safe journey. Letbus know when u have landed x

  8. Good luck, hope it all goes well.

  9. Good Luck. I do hope all goes smoothly and will be thinking of you.

  10. Keeping windows open and everyone wearing masks is more important than wiping everything down with disinfectant. You really don't need to do that as the virus is spread through the air, not via surfaces.

  11. Hiding damp problems? Tsk tsk. Good luck in your new house.

  12. Good luck, and try and roll with the problems... There are always problems and you have to rise above them and not get stressed. The whole business of upping sticks and moving after being somewhere for so long is stressful enough. I downsized from a very big Georgian house two years ago where, like you, the maintenance and heating costs were high and feel such a sense of relief that I don't have 6000sq ft to take care of. The lack of space takes some getting used to but each time I curse a full cupboard I remind myself I don't have to clean and tidy all those barely-used rooms anymore... I hope it all goes well and you love, love, love your new home.

  13. Good luck with the move. What a time to be moving! I hope you will be cosy and happy in your new house.

  14. Good Luck, hope things will go smoother as feared.

  15. Best of luck with your move! It is such hard work, especially when one has lived somewhere for a long time (longer occupation = more stuff to sort through and move), but you are nearly there.

  16. Best of luck for your move. I hope all goes well for you, you've worked so so hard.
    I hope you will all be very happy in your new house as a new chapter in your life unfolds. Very best wishes J. P.

  17. Best of luck with the move! I look forward to seeing your new place once you are settled. You keep safe, too!

  18. See you on the other side. Hope all goes well.x

  19. Hope your move goes ahead ok and that you keep safe from anything relating to the virus. Enjoy your new home.

  20. Hoping all goes well with the move. Hugs.

  21. Wishing you all the very best with your move. Look forward to your new posts as and when you are able. Take great care & stay safe.

  22. Everyone - my special blogging friends - thank you so much for your kind comments. Trying not to worry about slipping bandana "masks" but doors and windows open and we have OUR good masks on so hoping that we will be fine. My anxiety levels are already high because of the move, so all the news coverage of the new variation of Covid hypes them up. Sat here with a much earned glass of wine tonight and being grateful for having such good friends. Will keep you posted. You will LOVE the new house. LOTS of fabulous walks too, right on our doorstep. Nearly there now.

  23. I am so exited for news of your move and the beginning of a new adventure for you and your family. Best Of Luck !!

  24. Safe journey and no breakage! Best of luck with moving in.

  25. Take Care and all the best in your move! Can't wait to see your first post.

  26. Good luck. I cannot wait to see you settling in to your new home.

  27. Love and best wishes for the move, BB.x

  28. hope your move goes better than expected.

  29. All the best with the move. I am very behind on reading blogs so am pleased to see this is finally happening for you.
