

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 16 January 2021

We have finally MOVED

 I can finally write that it has come to pass and we are now living in our new forever home, and the relief is tremendous.  We had worked so hard on Ynyswen down the years - we had lived therefor nearly 33 years, and it had been a huge money-pit, but we had brought it back from the brink of dereliction, restored its features and given it a future.  Yet when it came to selling,  people would come along and expect to find it in its own private estate, rather than a lovely old Welsh farmhouse that - by its definition - was next to a farm.  FINALLY the right people came and fell in love with it and they couldn't wait to get in and it is THEIR new forever home now.

    We finally got away at 2 p.m. ish, for the hour drive up to Builth.  The cats travelled pretty well apart from a few complaints, and a poo from Theo in the first 5 minutes which meant windows needed to be opened!!  They had to go up in the attic straight away, and be locked in so that everything could be unloaded - the Essentials that was.  The rest is delivered on Monday and Tuesday.  

Above and below: the view from our bedroom window that we woke up to this morning. A bit gloomy due to the weather, but you get the idea.

    The cats racketed around up there - Alfie trying to open doors which then shut with a bang!  Not conducive to a good night's sleep and so Tam and I had to open the attic door and put up with Alfie and Little Whale complaining in loud voices and taking it in turns to come on the bed.  Ah yes, the bed - we couldn't get our tall headboard up the stairs so are on the mattress on the floor.  We are going to try and remove the top batten of the door frame tomorrow in the hope that will make the difference.  We have already had to take an axe (!!! all we had to hand) to knock out a worktop in the Utility Room to make room for the fridge-freezer to go back against the wall.  When plumbing in the washing machine we had to ease the water inlet out of a pipe clip which prevented us connecting the other end.  I got it free with a large screwdriver, and managed to bend my little finger nail right back.  It is still feeling rather sore.

View from Tam's window.

    Anyway, all the boxes we had marked Kitchen, E for essential, are now unpacked and unwrapped and put away and the kitchen looks a lot more like home.  

View from the pink bedroom - hills behind the stables.


    Tam and I got a short walk in this afternoon, exploring, and have found an inviting footpath which we will walk when we have a bit more time.  We took some photos today, but the internet is bad (we have it through a hotspot via a mobile) and so I'll try and add some later.

I said there were lovely views - this is from the lane close to the house.

Right, back to bed now.  It's 5.42 a.m. and I couldn't sleep, so came downstairs to finish this post.


  1. SO nice to read from you again. We will anxious be following your adventures in the new house and its landscape. Looks beautifull allready.

    1. Hi Wendy, beautiful it is. Just the right spot.

  2. Welcome to your new home, it looks lovely.. super views, looking forward to more pictures as you settle in.

    1. Hi SueJay - photos in due course. Rooms with boxes in not terribly exciting!

  3. Well done. I am so pleased for you all. Now, sleep! Don't try to gt everything sorted at once. Take your time, and lots of photos.

    1. Thank you my dear. We are having to sort some stuff away/into place where possible as lots of boxes still to come.

  4. Wow you seem to have landed running! Great views though so we hope you can enjoy it fully before too long.

  5. Hooray - after so many years I'm so pleased for you and you have beautiful hills and views around like your previous home. Enjoy exploring and getting settled.

    1. We look forward to exploring. It has taken so long to get here and it will be nice to have FUN again.

  6. Vry best wishes for happiness in your new home.

    1. Thanks Pat. It is lovely here and we shall soon feel settled.

  7. Oh huge congratulations BB. I hope you will be VERY happy. X

    1. If we are half as happy as you are, we shall be doing OK!

  8. Congratulations! It looks wonderful and may you be very happy there. Our move has been rescheduled for end of Feb - gets worse and worse but hopefully we will be in by spring.

    1. Well, perhaps there's something good to come out of that if Covid infections are lower by then.

  9. What a lovely house I am so pleased for all of you. Congratulations on a successful move and I'm sure the cats will settle down eventually. Will you have to butter their paws?

    1. Glad you like it Thelma. The cats will settle much better when we aren't having removal bods in the house - they were happy over the weekend with no-one about.

  10. Congratulations. I am so pleased for you and I hope you will be very happy in your new home. The views look lovely and the house itself is wonderful.

    1. Thanks RR. You have shared a lot of this journey. I hope if you decide to move, it will all go smoothly until you are in the house of your dreams, without no annoying near neighbours.

  11. Congratulations, I am thrilled that you have finally moved and that all went well. What a beautiful home you have and such amazing views. I hope you settle and get everything sorted quickly.

    1. Thankyou MM. We look forward to being able to have family and friends here again in the not too distant future.

  12. What a lovely place to live. You will be very happy.

    1. Thank you Tom. It feels like home already. Relieved AND Happy : )

  13. its beautiful Jennie, and worth the waiting for! I know it was hard for you, but the worst is over, and now you can enjoy settling in xxx

  14. Thank you all for your kind comments. Feeling pretty shattered after being so stressed for the weeks prior to the move, and sleeping badly the last week or so and especially the last two nights. We have found some curtains we packed but have no curtain hooks to hand so that will have to wait.

    Waiting in for our first grocery order here to be delivered - hope he can find us!

  15. A good move..worth the wait!

  16. Have many happy memories of the Builth area from childhood holidays at a farm nearby (Llanynis) & in later years visiting the showground for the Smallholders Spring Festival. Once my knee is fixed & I am properly mobile - preferably no longer needed a stick, and the all clear has sounded, I hope to get back there.

    1. I see you know the area already. I used to go to the Smallholders Spring show too. Hope your knee is sorted soon. Then we can meet up.

    2. Finally had an ultrasound guided injection in in yesterday - vertically, through the middle, behind the kneecap! Have to take things steady while the joint settles down & adjusts to being less inflamed, but Howard says I clearly had a more restful night less fidgeting & moaning in pain. Now have to restart physio exercises to strengthen & stabilise the leg, get my balance back & become used to longer bouts of exercise again. If can begin to be up & about more independently in 6 weeks or so, it will be the perfect time for assisting with early potato planting & outdoor seed sowing. This weekend I'm hoping Howard can get a couple of propagators I bought set up in the lounge, so I can get stuff like peppers & aubergines started, plus begin chitting the seed potatoes that arrived at the end of last week.
      I long to be able to get back to Herefordshire & over the border. In the time since I was last there, I've found so much more on my family tree that I want to touch base with by visiting the places, much via one ancestor from a long died-out branch of the mighty Scudamore family.

  17. Oh my, that is a stunning house. So charming. I love the countryside and the views. You are very lucky even though it has been a lot of hard work and endurance to get there. So worth it, I'd say!!! Can you post some inside pictures at some point??

    1. Glad you like it tahoegirl. We bought it from desperation too, but it just so happened to be the right house for us. There will be inside pictures when the rooms aren't just piles of boxes!!

  18. Wow! Your views are fabulous! Best wishes for many, many happy years in your new home!

    1. No chance to see any today, as removal chaps here, but there will be photos in due course.

  19. Wonderful! So pleased that you made the move safely. Hope the rest of your items make it there safe and sound. Looking forward to more photos of your lovely surroundings.

    1. Hi Mary, things are gradually unfolding, but difficult to stay out of the rooms they are putting things in (wary of possible Covid drops in the air - but judging by the way these lads work - 3 HUGELY heavy boxes of books at once - if they were ill, they wouldn't be able to do that.)

  20. I'm sure you will be happy in your lovely forever home.

    1. Thank you Poppy. It's a great relief to be here.

  21. Oh, welcome home, welcome home! I love your yard/garden.

    1. I can't wait to see what plantings there are. Flowering weeping prunus for starters (that had a label on), a few roses, herbs, shrubs.

  22. So glad you have now made it. Good luck for the future now. It looks beautiful there.

    1. You will have to give Carmarthenshire our love Kathy. It's a beautiful county and we lived there half my lifetime, but now in what was Brecknockshire, so happy with that too.

  23. Very best wishes for much happiness in your new home

  24. Best wishes for much happiness in your new, home

  25. May your new home be filled with light and love x

    1. Thank you Beacee - the lady who lived here had statues of Buddha around the place - there is a gigantic one in the garden she hopes to come back for later. We have a little Buddha lamp so are carrying on her tradition. It does feel very peaceful and calm here.

  26. It's beautiful! May you settle in well and be happy.

    lizzy gone to the beach....

    1. Glad you like it Lizzy. I just looked up (am in the living room) and thought where the HELL AM I?!!! We love it here already though.

  27. Beautiful home and surroundings! You and your family worked so hard and now you can take it easy. How far is the grocery store? Wishing you the best in your forever home.

    1. There is a small town 2 miles away which will supply most of our needs. We won't know ourselves - shopping involved a 20 mile round trip before.

  28. I am sure you are shattered with the cumulative stress of it all, it takes time to forget that horrible helpless feeling when you are waiting for things to happen and it's all in other people's hands,- but now hurray you've done it, you've moved and a new adventure can finally begin.May you all be very happy in your new home. J. P.

    1. Absolutely shattered - I am clocking up between 20,000 and 25,000 steps each day - the last 5,000 today were going up and downstairs with boxes of books to unpack! I've lost 3 lbs in the last week so this is obviously what I need to continue doing : )

  29. So glad to hear you are finally moved and safely installed in your lovely new home. Hope it meets all your expectations and that you love both the house and the area as much as you did your previous home. Have been thinking of you through all the difficult times of the past few years.

    1. Thank you Sarah, it has been a real challenge at times, and strange that it took a Pandemic to send the right people along.

  30. What beautiful views. I am so glad that you are in your new forever home.

    God bless.

    1. Us too Jackie. Just the thought of never having to move again is a huge relief.

  31. The new house looks amazing !!

    1. Glad you like it Marlane. Not too far from your old stamping ground either.

    2. Glad that you like it Marlane. Not too far from your old stamping ground either.

  32. Many congratulations on your move. The house looks really lovely and the views wonderful. So pleased it has finally happened for you.

    1. Thank you Serenata. We feel so relieved to be here at last.

  33. Congratulations on the move. The house looks good and solid and I love the big windows. Now comes the fun the fun stuff of getting sorted. When we arrived here every room was a building site and the bags of bedding we had left on our last visit were full of water. None of the doors would shut because of the damp so our cat had, and still has, access to our bed at night for the first time in his life. Cosy except when he decides to wake us up by butting our noses or standing on our heads. Remember, it just gets better.

    1. Hi Ruta - our last house was, ahem, a doer-upper - we didn't dare apply for a Council renovation grant for 8 years in case they condemned it! This is a lot more manageable.

  34. Congratulations. Looks wonderful. Great pong by the blue out building. Hope you will be very happy there.

  35. WOW! What a wonderful array of comments you have all left for me. It is better than we thought, size wise, but we will need to spend a little more than anticipated to give it the TLC it needs. There are two very threadbare carpets for starters, and it needs a new kitchen and bathroom (both again worn out and elderly). Plus it needs rewiring. Then we will be able to redecorate more to our tastes - magnolia walls and mushroom paint not our style. We like a bit of colour - not overwhelming, but to lift a room.

    hart - had to grin at the "great pong" rather than great pond!! No great pongs round here now we no longer live next to a farm. That could smell a bit cow-y in hot weather when the detritis outside the gate turned to dust.

  36. P.S. Lovely to hear from friends old and new. Like a big HUG!!

  37. Hi Gardener and welcome. I hope you will enjoy our exploring of the new countryside and follow the photos of work on our new house and what is growing in the garden (and going to be planted too!) From one Jen to another xx

  38. Well done and good luck in your new home. Bev
