

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 6 April 2021

And then it snowed!


A rather strange day weather wise today.  At 8.30 this morning, though we had had a frost it was feeling warm in the sun as there was no wind.  Two hours later and the wind had sprung up and an hour after that, the first hailstones made an appearance.  This afternoon we have had snow off and on, and the lawn is still white in places.

Everywhere was looking Christmassy!  Though I have a Tulip out - I shall blame that for bringing the snow in April!

Through the kitchen window - poor daffodils.  I had not covered up Podophyllum Spotty Dotty at this point and the poor plant can't have enjoyed this much.

Above and below: the view from the bathroom window - gradually the snow slowed down and blue skies appeared and Aberedw became visible again.

The replacement fencing for the sagging larch lap panels (removed yesterday) has been put up today.  Photos tomorrow.  Progress is being made on the paddock too, which is being cleared of brambles, old bonfire sites and rubble so that we can sow it with grass and wildflower mix and then plant it up in the autumn with young fruit trees.


  1. I think we are prepared for March weather to be blustery--by April we're not so amused by regression to sleet and cold temps!

    1. We have had snow at the end of March before, when we were in Carms, but this is quite late for snow. We are higher up here and further North, so I guess we just have to put up with it - a cold snap and snow was predicted. Scotland was meant to have it much worse though.

  2. Shhh, according to our long range forecast we are supposed to get some snow next week. I do hope they are incorrect.

    You are moving right along settling in nicely.

    God bless.

    1. I hope your forecast is wrong and it goes elsewhere.

      This cold weather means that indoor jobs are getting done anyway.

  3. Your headline could read, "Wild Weather in Wales Shocks Spring Seekers" or something similar! Looks like Old Man Winter wanted to give a last hurrah before letting gracious Lady Spring have her turn!

    1. It hit us worse because last week we were sat outside sunbathing in summer temperatures! Now this! Hoping it's a last fanfare of winter's trumpet and we can go properly into spring now.

  4. I think "Blackthorn Winter" has arrived. Very cold here too and snow flurries yesterday.

    1. Indeed - Blackthorn has been out a good while but holding on for this!

  5. What a surprise we all got with this winter fanfare of almost blizzard conditions and flurries of snow. I am more than ready for a little sun.

    1. I could do without it - our walk today could have been in December it was so cold and miserable. I should think there's a good few Swallows who have put the brakes on in France!

  6. Brrr. I had read that there was an arctic blast coming down to sweep over the UK and Europe. Guess it found you. Hard to take after having had some lovely weather. Think we may have had our last frost (the other day -2c). Our forecast doesn't seem to show any -0c weather in the next 10 days. Have some indoor seedlings that I am now putting out for a bit during warmer, sunnier days, but still bringing in at night. A few other hardier, outdoor seedlings are coming along in a raised bed planter on my deck. We shall see if anything comes of the various flower and veggie seeds...or if I simply have to go buy some more fully grown plants nearer the end of the month. :)

    1. I think we could have faced it better if we hadn't had that wonderful sunshine - like suddenly falling into summer! Ah well, grin and bear it. I've been "rugging up" vulnerable plants the last few nights and others under cover inside the stables and house. Hoping you don't have a cold spell because of your seedlings.

  7. Replies
    1. Pretty but not good to go out in. We had two chaps working right through it yesterday - hardy stock in these parts!
