

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 8 April 2021

Cat Flap Deliveries and progress in the garden/paddock


Little Whale on the Primrose bank in the garden.

    Since we fitted a cat-flap here, it has shown itself to be the perfect place for post deemed too big to go through the letterbox.  It happens regularly but always makes me smile!

Here is the progress being made front of house. The old tired sagging larch lap panels taken down and replaced by these much stronger planks.  The bit behind the gate is the border between us and the cottage next door, replacing a very thick Leylandii hedge which our neighbour wanted to replace.  It has given us both more room, as has skimming up the little stretch of lawn we had that side. I shall now be able to put some plants in pots this side of the new fence. Photo below of it before and the view across the valley beyond, beautiful with all those trees.

    Today we had sunshine first thing, but couldn't get out as early as we had hoped as the quarry chippings which had been ordered, were delivered first thing, rather than later in the day, so we had to wait until some of the heap were spread out and we could drive out.  

This is the paddock partly cleared and ready to be landscaped.

The flatter bit up by the boundary, where we can put up the polytunnel and make vegetable beds - good soil in this area.

There were two enormous Leylandii hedges here which I knew I could not cope with keeping trimmed - 7 feet high by 4 feet thick. They took up a LOT of room.  We checked for birds' nests (none) and they were removed.  It has opened the garden up no end.  The post and sheep wire fence was also removed at the same time, and the gate, as this area used to be where a small pony was kept. No more horses for me (no room here anyway).

I will put the Magnolia towards the back, and also the Witch-hazel which Keith bought me for my birthday.  Lots of room for Perennials too.  

    Here's a hint to where we went today . . .



  1. Big changes in your yard! It is going to be wonderful. What a cute name for your kitty. We have a "cat flap," too. One day a starving cat invited himself in. He is now almost 25 pounds and very sweet! He grew huge, from a tiny skin and bones bit of fur!

    1. It will all look lovely when planted up and established. LW's real name is Jarvis, but no-one ever calls him that (we are distant cousins to the singer Jarvis Cocker). Glad you gave that poor starving kitty a home - he has obviously fitted in well!

  2. Amazing how quickly you are getting things done in your new home

    1. It was a stroke of luck that our neighbour was having some work done and we thought we would ask and see if we could get the paddock cleared - very worthwhile.

  3. Wow, you are really doing well at getting things done. It is going to be fabulous.

    God bless.

    1. It looks so much better now - the sagging fence had to go and those big bushes were doing nothing apart from causing work.

  4. Wow, you really are making it home. It is so impressive how quickly you are getting things done. Yummy! those cakes look delicious.

    1. For once, it was lovely to watch someone else doing the work! It has always been ourselves in the past but Keith can't do much these days, sadly, and those hedges were beyond Tam and I too.

      I will put the recipe up for the Muffins later.
