

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 10 April 2021

Happy in Hay-on-Wye


We went to the market in Hay-on-Wye again last Thursday - it was a nice morning out and we enjoyed a stroll around the town after we had made our purchases.  Above and below: lovely new window displays in the antiques centre - the blue and yellow one was very pretty.

Down near the clock tower (below) was a beautiful illustration from artist Jackie Morris's book "The Lost Words: A Spell Book" which seeks to put back words from Nature into children's lives, words which are being lost.

I love this crowded little window above one of the shops.

Our friend Rob's shop window display.

Across the lane and up a tiny way is a new shop which will be able to throw its doors open to customers soon.

The Castle is gradually having its final titivations and there is only a little bit of scaffolding on it now.

I didn't shop in here last week, but love to see what heritage apples they have in season each autumn.

Finally, mouth watering goodies from the Patisserie stall. Mine was the lemon tart topped with white chocolate and strawberries.  The one to its right was almond and apricot, and below - this one had pistachios, cinnamon, plum and a couple of other ingredients.  All were scrummy.


  1. What a charming town, how lucky you are to be able to shop and enjoy it. Is that an open air market in front of the castle? And the antiques shop windows! So interesting. I hope you take us on many more walks here. Thank you!

    1. Hay has long been our default "place to go" on a day out - mainly for the books, but in more recent years we traded there when a tiny Fleamarket was held in the Buttermarket once a week. I have to say, when the wind blew there, you knew all about it - the Buttermarket caught every whisper of a wind, which goes to prove the butter never melted, even on the hottest summer day! We will be visiting regularly and now it is just a half hour drive away instead of an hour and a half. We have missed seeing our friends there, who have shops, so when they open again next week, should be able to go and say hello again and have a natter.

  2. Replies
    1. Simon - I would add "normal" apart from the masks, the SD queues and people with "Wear Masks" placards on sticks!!

  3. What beautiful shop windows! We have a very, very little of that type of display here and there downtown. The pastry shop creations look delectable. Words of the natural world are indeed falling out of use, because too many children no longer explore or even go outside in their own yards. Sad.

    1. Aren't they nice? I think the two gay chaps who have several rooms in the Antiques Centre may have put these displays together - they are beautifully done - but then they've had plenty of time to get matching stock together over the Lockdowns! There HAS been an upsurge of people wanting to go to the country when Lockdowns have been lifted, but unfortunately they are the sort who have no appreciation of it and strew it with litter, park inappropriately and generally trash it . . .

  4. Love all the shop windows and the cakes of course :) Hoping to go to Hay On Wye when we are at the caravan later this year.

    1. Let me know if you want to meet up when you visit Hay. It would be nice to put a face behind a mask to the name! It will be a bit livelier once the shops are open again. Market Day is Thursday so worth going on that day (if only for the Patisserie stall!)

  5. Hay on Wye is a magical place, probably because of the collection of book and antique shops, you are indeed lucky to live so close. Those cakes look delicious, my teeth ache after looking at them, anything very sugary always sets me off.

    1. It has a nice atmosphere but oh my gosh, is DEAD in the winter, when the tourists aren't about (but then, so is Builth!) It's great to be much nearer than we were. What a shame your teefs can't face anything sugary.

  6. I love the shop windows! The blue glass is wonderful, and I can't wait to hear more about the velvet fern opening! (I signed up for e-mails)

    1. I hope you have deep pockets Debby - stuff always has the Hay-extra added to the price!!

  7. Do you know, I've never been to Hay yet, and clearly I should visit :-) It looks lovely, I love the window displays - the first photo with blue cornflowers (fake?) in blue vase is lovely. Also those bakery goodies look delicious !

  8. Oh, I envy you being able to explore such wonderful surroudings in spring!
