

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 30 November 2021

At least we have a fitted bathroom . . .

The plumber and his apprentice were here for over 12 hours yesterday and didn't finish until 9 p.m.  There are still a couple of little bits to do, but we have a working bathroom again.  The tiles (under the uber bright light) look much paler than they actually are.  I should have taken a photo in daylight. At least we can have a bath tonight - I am SO looking forward to that and I think my sore hips will appreciate a hot soak too.


The new sink and vanity cupboard beneath. This is more like the colour of the tiles.  Now I have to finish stripping bits of wallpaper over and get the new off-white wallpaper up.

Now, drawing back a bit.  Here is the Real Deal - no lino (it has been bought) but now I am trying to find a local handyman to come and fit it.  If we can't, Tam and I will have to somehow make a template and do it ourselves.  I need to go and paint the skirting boards first though, and paper the bottom half of the walls round the room.

In the guest bedroom we have our new smaller sink.  We will have to get Paul the carpenter to come and box the pipes in.  On Friday the Plumber's coming with a different waste pipe so the sink can be used.  Meanwhile I will have to take the ancient painted-over wallpaper off and am currently looking at some replacement wallpaper.  Hah - and I thought this was the one room I could just leave "as was"!

Yesterday, as you can imagine, was a bit hectic with the plumbers here so late, cats hiding (Alfie was the worst) and another trip to the Chiro in Carmarthen.  I was hoping for a magic trick and Keith's balance problems cured.  Sadly, that was not the case and although now we know what isn't causing his balance problems, the most likely diagnosis (after talking with P) is not a good one.  Back to the GP, since she clearly thinks Keith is "just old" whereas friends keep asking what is wrong with him.  We need to see a Neurologist.

Here's an out of focus photo from a walk up the hill the other day. Somehow I set the Scenery setting on portrait.


  1. Beautiful tiles - love them.

    Your last photo may have been on a wrong setting but it makes it look like a painting

    1. Glad no-one is going YUK! That photo has a nice soft look, I'll give it that.

  2. Lovely tiles...and the bliss of a bath!!

    1. Aren't they? The 4 hr quote plumber asked "WHO chose those then?" as if older people have to go with beige or white!

      The bath WAS bliss. Then I ruined it all by bending over my x-stich and I'm aching again.

  3. I love the tiles you have chosen in the bathroom.

  4. Replies
    1. Hi Simon. You should have seen the one it replaced!

  5. I am so glad that you have got a beautiful and functioning bathroom !!

  6. Beautiful tiles and I like the out of focus photo.

    1. We sent off for samples and deliberated long and hard before choosing.

  7. Ohhhh my those tiles are gorgeous. Yea on having a bathtub once again.

    God bless.

    1. Glad you like them too. My sore hips appreciated a soak in hot water.

  8. Love your "new" bathroom and the tiny adorable sink in the guest room. Both Landscape photos are wonderful.

  9. Keith hates the sink because a) it's modern and b) he says it's too small to wash your hands in!

  10. Think we all love the tiles, deep rich colour. And you had a hot bath as well!

    1. The room was pale and wan without that splash of colour (wan actually being a Welsh word meaning "weak", as in pont wan . . . weak bridge.)

  11. Just catching up here after a wee break, I am guessing you may have moved? I do hope so. I love those tiles, wonderful. Hope you enjoyed that bath x

  12. I loove that blue tile. And the wallpaper. And the story about WWII artillery. It's fun to catch up!
