

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 1 December 2021

Before and after-ish

I'm not sure if the money spent at the Chiropractor recently was wasted as at the Tip yesterday I had to carry water-sodden bits of ancient kitchen cupboard (removed to facilitate the fitting of the new cooker) up steps to put in the container marked wood.  Heaving two pieces up to chuck in the bin upset my back somewhat! A young man that worked there watched me, then offered to help a (younger) woman with two - light - bits of electrical has-beens.  Hmmm. Anyway, there's a bit more room in the stables now, so that's something.

Two "before" photos of the bathroom.  The little mirror will go off to the Charity shop this week (it was £3 at a car boot sale, and we've had good use of it.  As you can see the original tiles were a bit . . underwhelming :)  And that BATH.  I scrubbed it and scrubbed it, but to no avail.  I got a little bit off one end, but it was so pitted that the staining was beyond help.

There were two hefty planks of wood set into the (cracked) plaster behind the toilet - these being to support the weight of the heavy (but still good)  ceramic cistern.  Now that area  has been properly plastered over and I painted it at the weekend.

Below: this is more like the colours of the tiles, but they still look deeper when not behind the camera.

New wallpaper  There I was, calmly ordering two bog-standard toilet roll holders this morning from Dunelm, when I thought I would check out wallpaper.  I wanted some yellowish print for the Hot Pink Bedroom.  Then I saw this and LOVE it.  I had a rush of blood to the head and ordered a roll to put in the little entrance bit to the bathroom.  Imagine the end of a corridor (basically what size the bathroom is!) with a dividing wall and doorway into the main bathroom. It will go there, so not in the main bathroom or close to the tiles - would be a bit busy I think. I think I'm allowed a bit of fun in my old age. :)

One of the bird-feeder thieves, this time up a tree across our track.  Of course, as always, power cables in the way of a clear picture! I've just realised though, he looks just like a musical note!

Another soft-focus picture of the little bit of snow Arwen left in its wake.

Today I intend to paint and paper.  Watch this space.


  1. Love the wallpaper, should look fabulous.

    1. Thank you. I've got a LOT of wallpapering to do!

  2. Excellent choices in decor! Agree with Sue, the last photo looks like a painting.

    Hope you can get Keith in to see a neurologist. Don't think too much of the GP's response. :(

    1. No, at the time I was relieved with what the GP said, but have had a long hard think since and will be making an appt. tomorrow.

      Glad you like the choices too (though Tam is NOT enamoured of the jungle wallpaper . . .

  3. Love the tiles and the wallpaper!

    1. The room faces east so has good light in the morning then gets gloomier, so a combination of light and colourful seemed a good combination. Can't wait to get the neutral wallpaper up.

  4. Love the tiles, not so sure about the wallpzper but we love the spirit that loves things like that. We painted our smallest room pea-green, and our tenants promptly painted everything magnolia as soon as they moved in.

    1. There was a lot of Magnolia here too. NOT a colour I would ever choose., Pea Green is a very Georgian colour. I am looking forward to seeing the wallpaper.

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you Parsnip. With the scenery here it's hard to take a bad one.

  6. We have had squirrels visiting our bird feeder as well. They actually rip apart the feeder to get at the seeds. Grrr.

    Love the wall paper.

    God bless.

    1. They did that to the cheap one for nuts. Now we have one like a rugby ball of heavy mesh and that's them kept out.

  7. Those new tiles are super - they remind me of the sea. So pleased the new bathroom is finally coming together. Love the squirrel photo :)

    1. In the Med perhaps - not off Aberystwyth!! (our nearest sea now).

      The squirrel's a cheeky chappy and goes up this tree a lot.

  8. The tiles look stunning and I love the wallpaper though I cannot for the life of me picture a place for it in our little Victorian end terrace.
    I know what you mean about the council tips, the climb to the top of the containers can be such a strain, especially with heavy loads. Fortunately, the ones at Wrexham are set below the unloading road level making life for this old fart a lot less strenuous.
    As for the squirrel, I am afraid as much I love nature I still cannot shake the habit of calling the grey variety 'Tree Rats'. But then again they, being heavy and less nimble than Squirrel Nutkin, they are now being cited as one of the reasons that the Pine Martin is making a slow comeback.

    1. Thank you. My eldest daughter has FORBIDDEN me to put that paper in the main bathroom!! Oooh, I am so tempted to put it behind the mirror . . .

      I was going to ask the young man to help me, but there is a stubborn streak in me which said you CAN do it. Well, I did, but ouch!

      Tree rats indeed. I would far rather have Red Squirrels. A Pine Martin has long been on my wish list of wildlife to see. Think it's a case of "you'll be lucky".
