

Jennie's recipes

Friday 19 November 2021

Sod's Law at work!


I was so looking forward to being able to have a lie-in this morning, as all the week I have been setting the alarm because of workmen coming in.  Well, on Tuesday and Wednesday that was a complete and utter waste of time as the Plumber didn't show up, or answer my phone calls. It would appear he's Not Good on communication.  On Thursday I left a curt, Please phone me and let me know when you will be here again" message, put the phone down, and he arrived 2 minutes later.  Now he lets me know exactly what is planned and when, and yesterday we had the chippie here all day, cutting up sheets of plasterboard and boarding in the bathroom where needed.  He was a lovely young man, and used to live just up the road so knew all the local gossip! We had hoped the bath would have been fitted before the weekend, but the carpentry took longer than expected, even though B didn't even stop for lunch.  We were impressed by him and have taken his card and talked about him doing the kitchen fitting in February or so next year.  The Plumber is doing overtime on Sunday afternoon and coming to fit the bath in then.  The tiler arrives on Monday, so it's all happening here.  Can't move upstairs though as there is a bath in our top hallway, so woe betide us if we want anything from the airing cupboard at the moment.

        Where was I? Oh yes, lie-ins.  Would you believe I slept right through the night, and didn't wake until 5.45.  This is unheard of - certainly since we have moved here. Anyway, shortly after that I was aware of a plaintive meowing outside our bedroom door.  It was Alfie, he of the strong paws, who had managed to open the staircase door and come up to remind me that a little breakfast wouldn't go amiss. (The door has warped and you can't shut it on the catch any more.)  I would replace it.  Keith says don't bother.  So of course, I came downstairs and here I am, with an early cup of tea.

        We had a letter from the Consultant yesterday, with the results of Keith's scan.  It gives a reason for his balance problems so now he needs to see the GP and sort out some treatment. It was not, as Keith kept saying, the lingering effects of the Steroids per se.  Sadly his mobility is not set to greatly improve. Now I can apply for the Blue Badge etc.


Yesterday I baked a Spicy Dorset Apple Cake to take up to the farmers up the lane (3 brothers) after one of them cut our hedge for us last week.  So I shall stroll up there after breakfast.

        There was more "fighting" with the awkward bits of x-stitch yesterday, some unpicking and resetting of stitches with Lord of the Rings on the telly in the background, to partially hide all the banging upstairs.  At least we will have a little break before it is kitchen time, but we need to get a plan drawn up and a couple of quotes in.  Chippie not at all sure on the merits of Ikea kitchens - and let's face it, what you save in buying them as a flat pack you then pay out in handfuls for whoever's installing it to put it together.  Probably better to buy them already put together!

        I'm just looking at bath "caddy's"- you know that thing you put across the bath for soap and shampoo and they all seem to have a fitting for a glass of (red) wine! Or a Tablet propped up and/or a mobile phone, and petals in the bath!  Hah!  I don't know about you but I like my wine in front of the tv, not in the bath, which I look upon as the place you get washed!  I must be getting old:)


  1. Always good to have a reason for health issues, better than wondering.

    I never have a bath - shower is so much quicker but definitely both are just for washing! Like a bed is for sleeping.

    1. Well, not sure we are quite at the bottom of the health issues, but at least we know a bit more now.

      I've always been a bath person. Showers just don't do it for me. The only time I jumped in with great alacrity - and it was a COLD SHOWER - was at Pony Club Camp one year. It was 90 in the shade (and not much of that up at Salisbury Racecourse). We were staying on site in the bunk beds used by travelling grooms, and there were BED BUGS. Oh my goodness, my legs were bitten to death and the cold shower (after hours instructing in rubber riding boots) was SO welcome. No hot water, hence the cold. First shock of it hitting was the worst! 3 showers a day too . . .

  2. My humans are the showering kind, so if you ever dunked F in a bath she'd be out again nearly as quickly as I would (moderately less clawing) lingering only long enough to wash and then looking for a shower to rinse the bath water off. Holders for glasses of wine or anything electronic-and-not-intended-for-use-underwater would be pointless in our ablutions room.

    1. Totally agree with you Tigger, about extraneous things in bathrooms. Some people have Waterproof TV's for their bathrooms. Erm, WHY?

  3. I am so pleased you have had Keith's scan results and he can get some treatment but sorry mobility unlikely to improve.

    Obviously I have no idea in depth about Keith's problems but a few years ago OH had problems with balance and went to GP For some unknown reason she sent him to see a Heart Specialist as his pulse was low - wasted months on that waiting for appts etc and everything heart wise fine and she referred him to Ear Specialist. Apparently there are "crystals" in the ear and they had become dislodged hence the balance issue. A few manoeuvres and whole problem rectified. If GP had referred o right consultant first time would have been fixed a lot quicker!

    1. Thanks RR. I think the balance probs in K's case are due to what they found in the X-ray but perhaps worth getting his ears checked too . . .Glad that's all it was with your husband.

  4. Good to see bathroom action!
    Sad to hear about Keith's problem, but knowledge is a positive.
    Apple Cake...I am jealous of your hedgers!! Barter is good

    1. The hedgers were most appreciative - they certainly didn't expect that - hah - they were at war with the last incumbant here, who kept deliberately blocking the farm track!

      It will be bliss to have the bathroom all done.

  5. In 'my youth' I tried the 'take a drink to the bath' thing - nope - not for me either!
    Please can you share your apple cake - I used to regularly make one, a Devonshire recipe I'd been given by a farmer's wife and sadly have since lost the recipe. I have tried various versions on line and am yet to find one as lovely.

    1. Hi kj, yes, I'll put up several apple recipes which I use regularly. The farmers this morning got my Spiced Dorset Apple Cake which is definitely in the category of one of your "five a day" as it has 1 lb of apples in it.

  6. I really do not like baths at all. The idea of a good long soak sounds so glorious...but once I get in the tub, I get bored. And hot. And just what do people do while they're sitting in a warm bath. I like my showers.

    1. My hip is out and the number of times I've wanted a good soak in a hot bath to ease it this past month . . . Normally I just get in and wash - if sore I'd stay a bit longer, but I am not one to linger.

  7. 5:45am.... the perfect time of day to wake up! That is unless you haven't had enough sleep... which is usually the case for me too. UGH! Have a bite of that apple cake for me, as I'm a diabetic & don't eat such things anymore. But I do love seeing pictures of goodies like that and hearing about how delicious they are. ~Andrea xoxoxo

    1. What a shame you are diabetic. I hope it's easily controlled and sorry to tempt you with the sound of the cake!

      I used to be able to easily get up 3.30 a.m. and drive us to Malvern. It would be an ask now so just as well we get an extra hour and half in bed! (We live an hour and a half nearer).

  8. Glad that you finally have some answers on Keith's balance problems.

    The cake sounds very interesting.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks Jackie. Hoping that the bloodthinner treatment I read about will be prescribed and help.
