

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 18 November 2021

When Robins appear, loved ones are near

 This is my best friend Tricia Rennie, who passed away on this day in 2016.  She was 64, taken by Cancer.  She was about 16 in this photo of her on her New Forest pony Nikki.

I have thought of her all day long,  and tears would spring to my eyes. As the years go by I just miss her more and more.  There are memories only we shared, things only she would know.  The number of times I have got up to go to the phone down these years, to ask her something obscure, only to realize she was beyond a phonecall.

We had to go to Hereford today, to look for lino for both the bathrooms, and to check out sinks.  When we got back I got the lino out, but had left the driver's door open to get my bag out. When I came back out there was a Robin in the car!  I know they are nosey creatures and he probably thought this was new territory for him, but . . . how strange, and today of all days. Friends and I were talking about this only last week when one of them had a Robin checking out an extension she was having built.  She said there was an old saying: "When Robins appear, loved ones are near" and she liked to think it was her dad (in Robin form) checking out what she was having done.  Then another of our group said, how strange, this week the postman handed me a parcel with bird-poo on, apologising and saying, when he got back to his vehicle a Robin flew out - leaving a little "present".  Today it was my turn.  Are you familiar with this saying?

  Here is the poem this saying may have come from:


Do Robins appear when loved ones are near?
It's amazing, don't you know?
He visits in the place of a loved one
That's sadly had to go
He comes to show they miss you
Just as you do them
And they too long for that day
That you shall meet again
They're by your side forevermore
And that will remain so
So they send a little Robin
As a way to let you know

(Author unknown)

You will be relieved to know that the plumber and his mate turned up today, and you would never guess they hadn't been here since Monday and he had ignored  my phone calls! I was not in a good place in my head yesterday.  It's just so frustrating.  Yet they are very good workmen and today they've had cupboards emptied, floorboards up, old plasterboard down and banging mightily etc.  Tomorrow the chippie is here to box in piping, and on Monday the tiling begins.  I made sure I knew the programme of events before they left today!  So, it's all gradually coming together.  I refuse to have a shower in that other awful en-suite one though so just washing in the little sink instead!  Tomorrow night the bath will be in and as long as we don't splash, we can have a bath.  Oh that will be BLISS!

Anyway, I did joined-up driving in Hereford today and linked the one bit I knew with the other bit I knew and came out on the roundabout I knew, and sailed out on the Brecon road, so it is gradually falling together.  I had one of those "good driving" days, and even parallel parked in town, with a bus behind me, and did it perfectly without becoming flustered.  The scenery and the trees were so beautiful and again I wish I had a dash cam so I could share the colours with you, and the light on a hillside of the Black Mountains, with cloud descending their crests and a drift of woodsmoke crossing the trees towards them.  Beautiful.


  1. There are some lovely colours around this year and well done on your parallel parking (a skill I somehow missed learning despite passing my driving test).
    I know what you mean about missing people more too.

    1. I'm sure you do only too well Sue. When someone has been part of your life (like Col was) it's like losing your right arm.

      I have MADE myself do more and more parallel parking, but the trouble here on our High Street is is is SO busy, and you don't get time to get yourself sorted out! I get frazzled easily.

  2. Hi BB, if you do not want to share my comment, I completely understand and what a lovely photo and lovely memories. I knew the saying but had not appreciated that it came from a poem. My Nan always used to have Robins with her whenever she went down the garden which was frequent. They used to nest in the hedge. Perhaps it was Tricia today just checking in trying to give you comfort. Just because she is physically not here and you cannot put your arms around her does not mean that she is not keeping an eye on you.

    My mum was always worried about my psychic work. Her grandmother was a very special lady, who had gifts (probably where my cousin and I get it from). However her gifts frightened my mum to death (although she loved her grandmother dearly) so when I went the same way. Ooh dear shall we say. Mother was not happy. A few days after she passed, I went to an open demonstration with a medium who I did not know. I got a message through from my mum saying that she was okay and that she now understood and everything had turned full circle for her and I received the confirmation from her that I had so sought in life that she was okay with it. What are the chances of that happening. No one in the group knew this particular medium well. So I do believe in unusual events. You are sympatico as I have said before. You see and feel far more than you give yourself credit for. Does not mean that you want to advertise them, but just to reassure you that everything is okay, you are not losing it, how can anything that be done in love ever hurt you. Besides the inner voice when you learn to listen to it will never lead you astray. You cannot get away from that voice.

    It is always the phone calls that gets to me too as well as the firsts of this and the firsts of that. Even though I nursed mum through her last days (brother left me to it), because I nursed her and because I feel, I did not grieve her fully or my father. I had to take care of my brother and the rest of the family. However then again it maybe because I regularly feel them near me, or hear them calling me so they are not completely lost.

    Tricia knew your secrets, you knew hers and was a warts and all friend. Just because she is no longer physically here does not mean that the love does not go on. In fact it is the love that always goes on as it is the purest form of energy that there is and the purest form of intention. Nothing higher - loads below it though.

    Even though I did not know her, Tricia would want to be remembered, she would want your love, but the greatest compliment you could give to her is live your life for you and for her.

    BB I do not want to intrude but I cannot have you being unhappy either. I understand that there is no timeline on mourning, it is different for each of us. If you ever want to chat let me know I might drive you bonkers but I sense that sometimes you need to get things off your chest in confidence otherwise things get heavy on your shoulders. Once you have had a special friend, it is difficult especially when the bond was tight and so long lived.

    Inbetween times, take one day at a time some days will be good and some will be bad and sometimes you will have days where Robin's come to call.

    Take care petal.

    Hugs (Pattypan) aka Tricia


    1. Tricia - another special person with that name - thank you so much for this. I have shared it with the friends who come to my blog and hopefully understand are what you call sympatico. Things I can't explain, but are a glimpse into a different world. Thank you for writing this tonight - it means a lot.

  3. I have never heard that saying before. Now every time I see a Robin I am going to think that it's my daughter come for a little visit with me.

    God bless.

    1. Oh Jackie, bless you my dear - I am so sorry that your daughter is no longer with you. I hope that little Robin saying brings youcomfort.

  4. In NZ we have a little bird we call fantail (piwakawaka) which in Māori mythology, is a messenger, bringing death or news of death from the gods to the people. They are delightful little birds(slightly smaller than a robin) that my mother daily welcomed indoors despite the message they carry, because they would flit about the place snipping up flies and spiders, and every year teaching the next brood to do the same. She even put a special cover on the coffee table because it was under the branched lounge light fitting where they would rest (and poop) and survey the room for insects. There is something comforting about the trust exhibited by fantails, and robins, in the way they will follow us about for the insects we disturb.

    1. I love the sound of the Fantails - so friendly and attracted to people and homes. I wonder if the Robin in our car found the spider by the windscreen?!

  5. There are simply some things we can never why you and Keith just last week were talking about an former neighbour only to find out later that he had died that very day. And now a robin...reminding you of the irreplaceable love of a friend. Gentle connections.

    1. Indeed Mary - more than coincidence that's for sure. Gentle connections and so comforting.

  6. I truly believe Tricia came to visit you today, as that is very odd behavior for a robin. She came to tell you that she misses you too! *gentle hug* ~Andrea xoxoxo

    1. Thank you Andrea - I think it was a sign she's keeping in touch.

  7. Robins are good creatures, though very territorial. And yes I believe that somehow we are haunted by past companions. Though it is also a truth that we carry them inside our hearts. So take heeding of your little robin and bless his coming.

    1. Yes, the ones we loved and lost are of course with us all the time in our hearts. It was good to see the little Robin up close.

  8. Of course we hold those we loved and lost in our hearts - at the moment I scarce dare look at photos of my dad or Trish as I am on the verge of tears all the time. Stress I expect.

    The little Robin was very welcome.
