

Jennie's recipes

Friday 3 December 2021

Caught out!


Our plumber said he would come back today and finish off two little jobs.  I set the alarm and got up early this morning - when really I just wanted to sleep on as I had been up for an hour and a half in the night - as I wasn't sure which part of the day he would be coming.  Once it got dark, I gave up on seeing him and - you ladies will understand this - took my bra off.  Oh, bliss!  (Sorry any male readers, you have to be female to understand why this is such a relief!)  Ten minutes later there was a knock on the door . . . of course.  I opened the door and said come in, and then fled upstairs to make myself decent again :)  Anyway, I can now report that we now have a working sink in the guest bedroom and a new set of taps in the Utility (they work too!)  What a relief.  However, we still have a pile of ex-bathroom in the yard, and it will be next week before he can get back to take that to the Tip.

The GSW has now discovered he can use the seed feeder, but he's not been brave enough to try the big nut feeder yet (though I think he could fit his head through OK).  We have dozens of Blue and Great Tits at the feeders each day, and Nuthatches and a thieving Jay who pecks seven bells out of the fat balls!  They give me such pleasure.

Meanwhile, I have just dashed into Keith, as I heard him what I thought was coughing and coughing, but no, he was laughing fit to bust about a certain news item involving WWII anti-tank shell which a man had "fallen onto" in his garage . . . as you do! - and had to go to A&E to have it, ahem, removed from his anatomy.  The Bomb Squad were also called!! One of the presenters was laughing till he cried and Keith wasn't far behind!

We will have a quiet weekend as T and her boyfriend are in a gorgeous AirBnB cottage in Pembs.  Envy ...  Keith and I are planning a holiday ourselves, perhaps a couple of days on Anglesey (I've only travelled across it on a Field Trip to Ireland) and a couple of days around Portmeirion. It wouldn't be until the spring, but would give us something to look forward to.


  1. Well he did say he'd be there..!! Nice to have the job finished anyway...I am sure you will have a smile over that. Now the other matter got the Pirate chuckling too!! Some people don't think consequences do they 😄

  2. He did indeed. I managed to do a "scoop and run" with folded arms . . . Deary me - the Other Matter had us in stitches. Fell on it indeed! I think it was the Bomb Disposal Squad which really tickled us!

  3. When my mom reached a ''certain age'' and my dad had passed on [not there to criticize] she said her bra wearing days were over and she no longer wore a bra. I offered her the stretchy camisoles that have an inner shelf or panel, just elastic, very soft but stretchy] so that she'd look a bit more put together. She adored clothes and was very chic, so I was surprised when she refused the cami too. I'm sure you could find some on UK Amazon or at your version of a big box store.

    1. Thanks Lizzy. For everyday use I need my underwire bra (not being the flat-chested sort!) but thanks for the link. I don't blame your mum for going without :)

    2. I have up underwire for sport bras.

  4. All we seem to be getting at our feeder is sparrows. I think we had a flicker one day, but they were gone so fast I am not too sure.

    I have had too many unexpected visitors and needed to dash off too often so now I stay uncomfortable until bedtime.

    God bless.

    1. We are fortunate and have a good selection of birds. The Greenfinches seem to have gone on their holidays at the moment though. We have more Blackbirds about but know that some come over from N. Europe - they are normally stouter than our local ones.

      We don't normally have visitors. He caught me on the hop!

  5. Glad to hear that the plumber had finished his job. :)

  6. John knows what you are talking about. He's always picking himself up by the straps.

  7. Braless high jinx and strange objects requiring the bomb squad removed, from a persons nether regions, your blog does bring a smile to this grumpy Welshman I must say.
    There is so much pleasure to be had from just sitting and watching various birds on the feeders and hopefully if I ever get around to finishing my garden off I will encourage even more than the sparrows, solitary blackbird and the rarely seen wren to our little plot.

    1. I aim to please, John! I have to have something to make me smile on these gloomy winter days. Countdown to the Shortest Day now - then things will feel positive.

      Hoping you can attract a more motley crew of birds to the feeders, but I agree, they bring such pleasure, whatever they are.

  8. Having something - and somewhere - to look forward too is almost essential to me; I find I need that focus and inspiration, otherwise I get rather down.

    1. As an Aries, I'm with you on that. We all need something to look forward to and not having had a proper holiday in about 20 years (just the odd night away), a little break will not go amiss.

  9. If you think you were laughing, imagine the bomb squad trying not to laugh when disposing of the object... 🤣

    Totally get removing your own 'armour' once the sun went down. A sigh that can be heard round the world from many of us. I've done the folded arms technique myself once or twice when surprised by an unexpected arrival.

  10. Folded arms - absolutely!!! I shall definitely think of it a armour :)

    The Bomb Squad must think they have truly seen it all now!

  11. Good to hear plumbing work complete! Must admit I can't remember when I last wore a bra although more likely to put one in the summer if I go out in a t-shirt!! Can't stand the things or tights which is why I live in trousers :)

    You would love Anglesey I am sure so I hope you can take a break. It took our breath away and we shall certainly return.

    1. Sadly I need some good scaffolding! I haven't worn tights for years and like you live in trousers.

      I will have a look at AirBnB's on Anglesey tomorrow.
