

Jennie's recipes

Friday 14 January 2022

A wonky tree in freezing fog . . . and telly


We've had freezing fog nearly all week.  I managed these photos, looking out of the bathroom window, before the sun finally burned through and melted some of the trees.

This wonkey fir tree (Monkey Puzzle?) is quite a landmark.  It certainly stands head and shoulders above all the other trees down the valley.

I went out for a short walk up the hill.  These are holly bushes in our paddock nearest the lane, and the frost had really embellished them.  They looked like variegated Holly.

Frost had embellished the spiders' hard work too.

Low cloud above the river, though the colour of it looks to be quite grey rather than the usual white of the river mist.  I'll blame the chimney at the quarry.

Field margin with woodland, as I began to climb.  The Silver Birches are quite ethereal clad in frost.

The cold side of the hill!  Frost still hanging around at gone 2 p.m.

Looking down into town, these buildings are at the showground.  The white ones on the right, a little taller, are currently used as the vaccination centre.  They give a fabulous view of the main ring and each time I've been, I wished that the Royal Welsh Show was on!

Final photo, looking across to Aberedw. 

Each day this week I have intended to start painting the Hot Pink bedroom.  Each day I struggle to find the energy.  Tomorrow, I am telling myself.  I keep sleeping long long hours (10 or 11 each night) so I obviously need a bit more sleep right now.  Having the wooden shutters inside the bedroom windows (which help keep the room warm, as they are very large windows) keeps the light out too.  When it warms a bit I shall revert to pulling the curtains and be woken by the light.

    After my walk today I sat down with my sewing and did a bit more x-stitch as we watched I Escaped to the Country, which was a very good one today, showing the journey of two chaps who had been living and working in the East End of London (VERY different from the dark days when K's g. grandfather lived in Poplar - when he married his Yorkshire wife, she hated it there and went back to Yorkshire a.s.a.p.)  They wanted to move to Suffolk (and indeed already had a weekend cottage there).  However, 5 or more years on, they finally ended up in the most beautiful manor house in Norfolk, and ran a lucrative holiday lets business in converted outbuildings.  All done in the best possible taste and very expensively by the look of it.

    We enjoy documentaries too, and have been watching the recent new series of The Witcher, and now a new season of A Discovery of Witches is on so we are watching a new episode each evening.  We need to catch up on University Challenge, and enjoy more rewatching of The Detectorists, and another Tam said we'd enjoy, Hunderby.  Saturday afternoons are racing, so I shall settle down with my x-stitch then.


  1. The fog frost is so beautiful.

    1. Isn't it? More tomorrow I do believe as I can't see the quarryl ights again.

  2. Your weather has definitely been frostier than ours - we have had quite mild grey mornings which blossom to gentle sunshine by the afternoon. Hope it warms up for you soon x

    1. We had a couple of mild days (I gardened!) but we are in Germ Killing Weather now.

  3. Just the title alone Sue is worth the read, love the wonky tree and low cloud pictures m’dear

    1. Dahling man, I am not a Sue, but a Jennie!! Glad you like the photos.

  4. What lovely pictures of the frost. We have had fog but no frost with it and I do love to see the trees coated with frost crystals.

    That pine is very much a lovely marker.

    God bless.

    1. Glad you enjoyed them. Back to plain hard frost today and a tiny bit warmer (minus 1 instead of minus 3). There's still a snake of river fog but none right across the valley, hiding the town.

  5. Your wonky tree make me think of painter Bob Ross and his 'happy little trees'
    A Discovery of Witches is one of my favourite trilogies, but I have no desire to view the adaptation. Oddly, this is the second time in an hour I've typed that statement.

    1. Yes, there's a definite semblance I agree, with Bob Ross's trees.

      I've not read the DoW books, so able to follow the series with no problems.

  6. Love the spiderweb lace. :)

  7. We had a strange kind of fog yesterday [Friday] with the temperature hovering near the freezing mark [32 F] The sun struggled to come through a pewter colored sky--not quite making it, and a ground fog hung in all day. When we lived in Wyoming you could count on a week or more of freezing fog in January which thoroughly obliterated the landscape.
    We have been watching Escape to the Country--one in Powys near you!

  8. Sounds like the fog we've had all week. It has cleared now and is somewhat warmer.

    I wonder if the Escape to the Country was the one where they fell in love with and bought one of the houses, paying £895,000 for it - about £300,000 over what it was worth - believe me! Folk are really trying it on since Lockdown when demand for places in the country has been so strong. The agent showed them one over the Shropshire border of a similar size, saying it was dearer in Shropshire, yet this house was £650K - they didn't take that on board.

  9. I will look for Hunderby here, we have the other shows that you watch and we have enjoyed them very much. We are currently watching The Fall with Gillian Anderson as the main character.

  10. Those frosted webs look amazing!!
