

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 16 January 2022

Having to dig deep for my mojo today

 I slept badly last night - awake from 3 to 6 a.m. then sleeping on till 1/4 to 10 and waking up still shattered.  I did not feel like doing ANYTHING, and this morning I largely sat around and put a few more stitches in my Widecomb x-stitch - which takes concentration and mine was walkabouts!  

Then I decided to sort out some embroidery things to sell on Ebay, as I had a reduced listing weekend and far too much unused embroidery floss (I mainly use DMC nowadays).  I've not got to the embroidery thread listings yet, but I have listed partly-worked x-stitch projects/charts as it is obvious that I have far too many things to  sew and too few years left (e.g. I probably have 30 years' worth of projects, at least!! including patchwork).  

This is staying - this Devon village needs the final bits sown (by the bridge and the side of the cream cottage) but got abandoned when I Went Wrong and lost heart with it.  A shame as it truly is the most beautiful design and really reminds me of my Devon roots.

Here is as far as I have gotten with the Widecombe picture.  I was getting confused with it so have decided to thread up several needles with the colours for one area and then sew a stitch at a time and do the rows that way.

Tam cooked tea tonight - this is a Sausage casserole with tomatoes, green lentils, sweet potatoes, leeks and courgette.  Really tasty and rib-sticking.

Here are a few of the things listed on Ebay in case anyone's interested:

This is called "Friends" - Tam said just as well I never finished it as she thinks the raggedy dolls look spooky!

Black is not easy to work on, but this little cat was coming on well when he got abandoned.  I needed a craft light but I think at the time I couldn't afford one.

This comes complete with the partly worked design on Aida.  I got as far as the centre of the quilt on grandma's lap and a bit of her clothing.

A bit of me wants to keep this and sew it (it's not too difficult a chart, big runs of the same colour) but it's time.  I am just not going to live long enough to tackle all the projects I want to do!!

Right, time for a bath now and back to some sewing.


  1. You are a braver woman that I. I know I should cut some items out of my stash, but just can't bring myself to do so as of yet. I am finding my enforced staying home is helping me to get a few things completed that I had put away at one time. As long as the pandemic rages perhaps I can get more done.

    God bless.

    1. This I can do, as I use DMC threads almost exclusively and know I will never have the time to sew everything I want to sew, so best to let others have the chance - though I will probably end up having to virtually give stuff away on Ebay. The harder part will be sorting through my patchwork fabric stash - even though I did give over half of it away (to my patchwork teacher) before we moved.

  2. All of these embroidery charts are lovely. It amazes me that anyone can do such stitching. I have no patience at all for this detailed handiwork. Honestly, I have no patience in general! Celie

  3. Tried working on black aida once -totally impossible - you did well to get the quarter of the cat done!
    Hope you get the Devon village finished as it looks lovely. Good luck with the sales.

  4. I am an Aries, and we are not renowned for patience!, but I hate to sit idle and so stitching is a delightful way to make something beautiful in my spare time. With the stitching, you start with small simple projects and work up.

  5. I had another look last week at my 'collection' of Moda quilt fabric--working at the quilt shop during those final years in Wyoming I had too much opportunity to shop the new lines as they came in. I need to work with those fine fabrics rather than fussing around with leftover bits and pieces. As you say, we aren't going to live long enough to accomplish all we intended. Some people shop for fabric with a specific project in mind--a sensible approach. I bought because I liked the colors and designs.

    1. Well, I HAVE to make my William Morris Heirloom quilt - the girls bought the (very expensive)fabrics for my birthday about 3 years back. I think you should do a couple of quilts using that Moda fabric - perhaps ones to display rather than use if you have plenty of quilts for beds and sofas. The number of fat 1/4s I've bought because they are pretty in colour and/or design! Must make something with those too . . .

  6. You will all the better for the de-clutter m'thinks Bovey, I am finding it hard doing the same for the Orc's Workshop but when an area is cleared, even just a tad, it is if I have cleared a small part of my mind...and that is really cluttered! Also nice if the de-clutter produces a few shiny pennies to spend upon ice cream and cake m'thinks ;)

  7. The Devon Village looks good enough to frame just as it is, I love the slightly unfinished aspect of it, almost as though a photo has blurred edges.
