

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 20 February 2022

I wish it would stop raining

UPDATE: Storm Franklin has arrived and we had very heavy rain all day, but especially this afternoon.  The Wye is close to its highest levels since 2020 - currently on 4.729 metres above normal and rising (has 5.05 to beat).  Don't think we'll be going far again tomorrow.  Various roads have been hit by flooding across Powys and that's BEFORE this storm has arrived in earnest.  Hoping you are all safe, wherever you live in the UK (and I hope you're not at the mercy of the weather if you are elsewhere in the world).

Well, another very wet and somewhat windy day.  It hasn't stopped raining since daylight.  I diligently did the ironing, whilst listening to the Archers Omnibus (for a change).  For most of my life I never missed an episode, then it lost its way in the first Lockdown and I have missed much of what has happened since.  I'm still waiting for Pip and Rex to realize that they are a match made in heaven . . .

Since that I have been photographing and listing things on Ebay, craft items and there will be some more books I can bear to part with.  Gosh, everything takes SO long and 3 times I lost an entire posting just because when I got to changing it from auction to buy it now, everything I'd written and all photos disappeared.  Frustrating to say the least.  You have to check other postings, where they were listed and sold prices, descriptions for headings etc so you can try and match with an earlier posting which saves some typing out of details in the erm, details. I must persevere though, as I have SO MUCH to pass on and would you believe I have found yet MORE curtains and vintage Laura Ashley fabric, which I will put photos of on here later in the week before I post them.

I am trying to pluck up courage to get soaked to the skin topping up the bird feeders and emptying the litter tray.  Both have to be done.

Tam is working flat out to tidy her belongings and sort out what she can't do without when she moves out in a week's time.  She SO NEARLY finished decorating her bedroom - then ran out of paper.  There were some long "bits" but none really matched.  The last tiny bit is behind a cupboard and I'm afraid my take on it would have been - match as best you can - it's not going to show until the house is sold and we're pushing up daisies!  But she needs about a 2"strip down the last bit of the big wall too, which has meant another roll of wallpaper . . . Photos tomorrow. It's looking lovely.

Meanwhile some more photos from yesterday's walk. If you look very closely on the hilltop, you can see a trig point, which appears to be on top of a barrow. (To the far right of photo).  Must have a walk up that way this summer.

Spring isn't far  away now - the first Dog's Mercury is putting in an appearance along the hedgerows.

The old boys knew a thing about siting a house - always chose a spot on the middle of a hill, so you didn't flood and had shelter from the worst of the gales.  This old farmhouse is a steady uphill climb from our house.

D, if you are able to read this (and I have a feeling that on Exmoor - unless you are at the top of a hill you won't!), I hope you found that the power has returned to your holiday cottage and you aren't spending the week in a dark, cold place with only a camping stove to cook by and candles to light you.  NOT good walking weather either!!!  I hope that the river wasn't up too much either . . .


  1. I admire anyone with the tenacity to sell on Ebay. I could open a shop with my stuff, but just can't work it out. I wish the winds would stop!

    1. Needs must RP. I don't mind doing it when people are nice, but sometimes you get some real bitches of buyers who want to take you to the cleaners and give you a breakdown at the same time.

  2. Lovely hills and mountains!

    I used to do eBay a lot. When posts would go lost due to [I blamed] eBay glitches, I would copy and paste my written info onto a Word doc, then use and discard. Also you can reuse the copy, as I am sure you know, just tweak the descriptions. I sold better on eBay but etsy is a good source too and they take a smaller cut than eBay. No auctions just listings.

    Sorry if this is stuff you well know, and no need to post this comment to your blog.

    1. I'll leave your comment on Lizzy, in case anyone else would benefit. I don't normally have any problem with Ebay listings - thought I'd hit a hot key to start with but now know it won't retain knowledge if you alter anything lower down, so I shall have to alter all that before listing.

    2. I would love to see your fabrics, even if too far to have anything shiped. Might you post a link?

    3. I will post some pictures this week Lizzy. Brain going in circles at the moment after lack of sleep due to stormy nights!

  3. I hope the Wye doesn't get much higher. sounds scary.

    Good for you listing things to sell.

    God bless.

    1. It got to nearly its highest level ever (since they started recording it anyway). It was worse in the 90s I think, when it flooded the garage we use, and you'd think that would have been safe.

  4. I agree with RP! eBay is beyond me. I just give it all to charity shops, and hope they make some good money or someone else gets a good deal! You really do love in a lovely area! Celie

    1. I gave a truckfull to charity shops before we moved, from sheer necessity. Now I need to try and get some money back on the more valuable things.

  5. There has been a fair bit of rain recently 🙄 I agree - time for it to stop!! No Dog's Mercury round here but certainly snowdrops and crocus making an appearance thank goodness!

    1. Fed up with the rain, that's for certain, and the gales. This Franklin was the worst by a country mile.

  6. Yes, the river is high here too and the canal, the fields are all puddling up as they are completely saturated now and there's talk of lots of trees blocking back roads. A good day to stay in I think.

    I don't think I would be buying a new roll of wallpaper just for the sake of a little bit of patching, but if you need it done properly or it would play on your mind it really is best to do it. When you know you know!!

    I haven't sold on eBay for years, I honestly don't think I could be bothered with all that faffing about now. Fingers crossed that you get some good sales ... and can make it out to the post office as well.

    1. Hope your water levels have dropped now. I think it was mayhem for anyone trying to drive anywhere this morning as so many roads shut across Wales.

      I would have bodged it too, especially as any bodging wouldn't be discovered behind the bookcase until we had left this house in one way or another!

      I have SO much stuff to rehome and need to try and get some money in my bank account, hence the Ebay faffing!

      Made it out to the PO, I'm glad to say, though I had to park right up by the church.

  7. eBay can be a pain.. sometimes I think I have lost it all, but I go for the go back a page and it is still there! Time consuming, but get the description spot on and there is no excuse for comeback.
    I hope your rain has stopped..ours did about breakfast time, but our yellow wind warning carries on until 1pm.

    1. It's finally quietened down here and I went down to Builth with my parcels. Big pools of water in places still an you could see the water had gone right up the Barclays Bank carpark and across the war memorial at the edge of the Groe. Let's hope this rumour of Storm Gladys stays a rumour!

      Glad to hear it's calmed down where you are too.

  8. I really love the view you have.

    1. We are very fortunate - beautiful views everywhere.
