

Jennie's recipes

Monday 21 February 2022

'twas wild and woolley here

 Hoping you are all ok.  I was tracking the rise and rise of the River Wye yesterday, wondering if it was going to beat the highest level of 5.05 m above normal, achieved in February 2020.  It got very close (4.922m) and flooded the bottom part of the town.  Co-op at Llanelwedd is shut (water across the forecourt) and the garage opposite also had flood water around its tanks.  Shan't be buying fuel there for a while, in case it's full of water.  The river came across the War Memorial in the Groe, and flooded Barclays Bank car park and started heading up the hill towards Eco Chic.  Lots and lots of roads closed across Wales today including the major ones in and out of Builth, due to flooding and fallen trees.  We certainly knew Franklin had been visiting - it was much worse than Eunice and Dudley.

We had our own personal lake forming in the yard!

When I went into town late this morning to post some Ebay parcels, I couldn't get closer than the very top of the main road through  and ended up parking by the church. On the way back, I popped in to see if there was anything in the porch there.  I found this, which reads:  

Jane ye daughter of John Will Esq, wife to Marmeduke Lloyd Esq deceased ye 26th February 1696 aged 76.  

She's entrd into Glory free from Strife, Courtious Mother and a carefull wife, Five pious Children Did survive her here To imitate her Till they shall appeare Since entred in to Glory One of five God Grant long life To them that do survive.

You may remember we came across another memorial mentioning Marmaduke Lloyd at Disserth Church recently:  

Another Lloyd here - this is John Lloyd of Towy (we lived near the Towy Valley in Carms).  I will tell his story tomorrow.


  1. I still appear to be in Kansas, it was a hoolie good and proper, for sure, and yes, Franklin really outdid Dudley and Eunice. Hope everyone is safe with no damage!

  2. Haha! I have slept so badly recently my poor brain isn't in residence! We certainly made the acquaintance of Franklin good and proper.

    Still have our polytunnel and roof tiles, which is a relief.

  3. I thought I recognised that place. Never realised the coop got flooded down there. Looks like you will have to go to LLandindod for fuel. You might find I have visited a lot of the churches around Builth, I'm having to go out further to visit now.

    1. Hello Billy. Defo. Llandod for fuel. Get groceries there anyway. I will follow your blog now. We only moved here from Carms a year ago, so lots for us to explore round here yet.

  4. Thankfully Franklin didn't really get over here to Suffolk at all and the wind soon dried up the heavy rain just leaving everywhere a bit soggy but no floods.
    Hope there isn't another storm heading your way for a few days

    1. Glad to help out by getting it first Sue!! I am hoping that that was the last storm for a bit too.

  5. What a lovely tombstone inscription Jane got. Hope the waters are receding.

    1. I think she was much loved. Still some standing water on the lanes but the river is mostly back within its banks again now.
