

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 3 May 2022

A walk beside the Wye


This pleasant spot used to be Erwood Station, on the old Mid-Wales line which ran from Brecon to Llanidloes. This diesel engine dates from 1939, and there are also three carriages which form the Craft Centre premises.  The station house is still there too.  Radnorshire Wildlife Trust have a display there too, as this area is a small nature reserve.

A few Bluebells were in bloom in places, but it wasn't overwhelmed with them.

First Speckled Wood of the season.

Looking up towards Twyn-y-Garth.

A glimpse of the River Wye.

The path led along beside the river and when the nearby A470 had a gap in the traffic, the river's song was very soothing.

Waiting for the Physio's visit.  I think he will be shocked at how K has deteriorated.  The thyroid treatment has had no effect whatsoever (but it is so low it is little more than a placebo).

Sorry for the lack of words - I was awake for 5 hours in the night and my brain isn't really in residence.

Still only two Swallows (and they are either both female or both male as not mating). The 3 House Martins are nesting on the empty house across the lane I think.


  1. I learnt something last year regarding swallows - the male has long tail feathers and the female shorter ones - and as soon as I learnt that - all I can see now are the different tail lengths - it delights me now I know!

    1. Well, perhaps these are both males then kj. I just wish some more would turn up. Dozens left here last year (lots of nests down in the stables in the field below) - I can't believe these are the only two to return.

    2. We've not seen any at home - usually have a smallish party twittering around in a joyous tumble but nothing this year, seen them elsewhere but not in the numbers we used to ☹️

  2. I like the Wye way. Good luck with K visit. I am hopeful that something can be done to make things better for him. My best thoughts to you both.

    1. I found another 5 or so walks from that spot, going up into the hills more, or in the opposite direction along the river. The Physio bought him a "stroller" aid to try - 4 wheels and a seat. K managed well with it so one should be delivered shortly. Thank you for your kind thoughts.

  3. So sorry to hear about your husband.
    What a beautiful place to walk

    1. Well, he now has his MRI scan date so just 10 days to wait. This will be for his back (brain done in November). It is lovely along there and you can still see the river as you drive along it. Soon the understorey of bushier trees will get fully leafed and hide it.

  4. We always liked that as a "pit stop" on a north to south Wales journey Nice to know it is still going...a lovely spot

    1. It certainly is a lovely place. We didn't know of it until moving here, as never had occasion to go along that road (the A40 for us!!)

  5. Oh, just noticed the swallows at the end..the males arrive first

    1. I am now waiting for them to land on the phone line again so I can see how long their tail feathers are - as they are bound to be males! Seeing them on the wing cheers me up no end.

  6. I recognise that train pass it every time I am at Fforest Fields, go to and going back home. Have a read of this blog, you can see the train how I first saw it

  7. Link didn't work Billy. Sorry. Not surprised you recognized the engine though.

    1. Try cutting and pasting the link in the search bar

    2. I did Billy - says the page doesn't exist!

  8. TinkTravelsOn3 May 2022 at 18:13

    Just love the Wye valley - a favourite area. Hope you have recovered from the fair!

    1. I love the valleys of the Wye and the Usk - perhaps the Usk a little better actually. We tried to move there, but no luck. It used to take us3 days to get over a one day Fair, pre-Covid. Now older and more worn out and I am still recovering from the weekend!

  9. I am sure there used to be a nice cafe at Erwood - is it still there I wonder?

  10. If there was, we didn't get to try it out as the Gallery was shut!
