

Jennie's recipes

Monday 2 May 2022

Running on empty

 The Fair is all done and dusted (bar the unpacking).  It was a busy weekend although Sunday was quieter - perhaps because it was raining some people were put off.  Bargain Hunt were there too - Kate Bliss and the Blue Team shopping opposite us in the Back Sheds.

We set up at the Fair on the Friday, arriving around lunchtime and having a look round before setting out our wares.  Early-entry buyers come in and of course other dealers come round, hoping for a bargain, but we made no sales.  Keith had a good wander round, both in the bargain-basement wheelchair we had bought from the 2nd hand shop in town from sheer desperation as I wanted him to be able to go to the Fair too, but also a little bit on foot.  He overdid it, but managed, just about.  It was so good to see friends again and generally have a nosey about to see what other folk were selling, and the prices they had on things! This was a 26,000 steps day.

The top table on my stand.  Some big chunks of this attracted buyers.

Saturday was a killer.  No doubt about that, as it was a 12 1/2 hour day and we had to be there, ready to stand with our stock when the doors were unlocked at 7 a.m.  and until they shut at 6.30 p.m.  In the evening, never had the idea of a take-away Indian Meal been so appealing!  22,000 steps clocked up.

    Keith came along again but really overdid things trying to force himself to walk further - this did not work well and he has learned a lesson!  The fitness scheme that worked when he was 40 does not have the same outcome now . . .  He enjoyed himself though - bucked him up no end.

More "stuff" from pre-Covid times when I had my little business and  we did fairs regularly. There are a few bits less now, but I still have boxes and boxes here! 

We had plenty of floor space too.

Chairs used to be our stock in trade.  There are 3 fewer now.

I was intrigued by this ?Mongolian? saddle base on a rocking horse. At first I thought it was a McLellan (American) saddle but no, on closer inspection it wasn't.

Our nearest neighbours, where the Bargain Hunt team were filmed.  Really friendly folk.

A beautifully hand-quilted Welsh quilt.  Probably Carmarthenshire but I'm too tired to even go and get a quilt book (upstairs) to check the patterns.

These have a good look - brand new too.

Sorry, the flash didn't go off.  Gorgeous carved pieces here on a stall belonging to a friend of ours who bought the wonderful Charles I carvings from us.  He will put proper spikes in to take candles.

A good selection of paintings on another stall.

It was a very worthwhile weekend.  Another 22,000 steps clocked up yesterday.  I shan't be doing much today after the un packing is done.

So, Monday morning now and I am tired out before I even start!  I have to unpack the van now, on my own, as Tam is moving into her lovely flat with a sea view in Aberystwyth.  We hope she will be very happy there.

Enjoy the Bank Holiday folks.


  1. Hope you can have a good rest after you've unpacked. It sounds totally exhausting.
    Good to see Bargain Hunt without them being socially distanced - They seem to have been filming standing miles apart for ages - it looked very odd when the expert didn't even get close enough to look at the item the competitors had picked up.

    1. I've been asleep on the sofa (fell asleep watching an old Bargain Hunt!) after just removing a few things from the car. Everything feels twice as heavy when you are tired. Yes, they are filming at close quarters again now.

  2. Builth is a nice town too by the glimpse of it I had when driving through.

    1. It was busy this weekend, with so many visitors to the Fairground. It is a very pleasant little town, and suits us.

  3. You are very busy for folk who said they were retiring!
    I love Aberystwyth, nearly went to work there once until I worked out that I would have been significantly worse off!! One of my best friends from school went to Uni there, loved it so much that she has never left.

    1. Oh gosh, we are both regretting the weekend's "excesses" today. A one day fair is one thing but because of the setting up on the Friday, a weekend one is a bit long . Ah well.

      Aberystwyth is great, as long as you don't mind seagulls!

  4. Sounds like a good week. I hope Keith has recovered now, sometimes pushing yourself works and sometimes it really doesn't.

    1. He's still struggling with energy levels. Mind you, so am I!

  5. Oh my gosh, what a great weekend. I can understand why you're tired though. If I was there, I'd have been very interested in the little lantern. And the stack of (?)towels.

  6. It looks like in your former life before moving you were purveyor of second had goods. As they say one mans junk is another mans treasure. Not my scene I'm afraid. I have watched Bargen hunt and can only say they get ripped off because most of the time they make a loss and the dealer like Kate is no better. Your stand look good with some interesting pieces on it ( is that you pictured in the silver dish taking the photo The chairs will upcycle nicely. I wonder if the person who keeps the chapel opposite St Marys in Builth was there to add more to the pile which I can only consider looks like Steptoes Yard. Might add Wilfred Bramble looked like that in real life, he used to own the swan at Streatley and I spotted him there with bunch of hangers on around him. Hope you managed to recover from the weekend it looks like it was hard work
    PS Don't take offence of how I see things

    1. Haha - one man's meat is another's poison Billy! You are more practical and obviously like more modern style. On Bargain Hunt they really get led astray by the Experts at times, or NOT talked out of buying utter C.r.a.p.! Yes, that is a VERY weary me in the mirror. Not my best side either! The old boy with the chapel of rubbish in Builth must be related to Steptoe. My goodness, haven't seen such junk in many a long year.

      Thank you for the compliment about some of my stock. :) In the past this is what wee did regularly, Keith with militaria and me with studio ceramics, nice glass, things which took my eye etc. Some of the things I had on offer at the weekend are from the house here - just not enough room. The (old fashioned) stick back Windsor chairs found new homes with delighted owners. One went to a dealer friend as it had a slightly loose leg and so he will glue it and have it at the next Fair he does.

  7. What a busy weekend - no wonder you are exhausted. Looks an interesting fayre though. Hope Keith recovers quickly.

    1. Unpacked now, but a busy day tomorrow with Professional Visitors here morning and afternoon.
