

Jennie's recipes

Friday 10 June 2022



He says he looks a right plonker in it, but he can cope with this.  The kitten size (small) was just right for him.  It's up to 7lbs.  He is a small cat with a tiny head.

Not too much detail - it's closing nicely now and the other two small bites out of sight have closed right up.  Ghengis is much happier with this collar and so am I!

The kitchen is progressing - units all in now bar the sink one. That's saved for Monday.  Worktops on and shelving in.  I ordered the tiles last night but very nearly didn't when I found out that delivery was just short of £100!  They came within a cat's whisker of losing the order. Keith said not to spoil the ship for a ha'p'orth of tar but I shall NOT be recommending the company to anyone now.

    Many of the new roses are blooming - The Lady of Shallot shakes her orange petals and glows on the bank.  Gardening is sporadic - every day seems to have rain along at some point - it was like April showers all day yesterday.  I can't push my luck with the pollen either - though the stronger antihistamines have been a game-changer.

    Meanwhile I have lost my creative side - I had intended to write, and learn water colour painting, and sew more when we got here, but that's all gone to pot with caring for K.  It upsets me that the beautiful little descriptions I used to write down in my commonplace book have totally disappeared from my mind - they just don't happen any more.  I can write in a statement of fact fashion and that's all. The times they are a-changing.

    I may go in search of a church today.  We will see.

Outside the front door Lili Marlene puts on a show.


  1. Yes, even in the rain! My roses and garden are loving all this rain. Things will settle down BB and your creativity will return I’m sure. You have been so busy and have a lot on your shoulders. I hope you find an interesting church to soothe your soul. We’re off to Frenchman’s Creek next week (I’ll be driving and have planned three good stops for coffee, lunch and afternoon tea) and I am looking forward to having a break from house and garden and watching the Helford ebb and flow. Love to you and your gorgeous cats. Sarah x

    1. Thinking of going to Moccas church which is set in beautiful parkland.

      Oooh, Frenchman's Creek - one of my favourite romantic novels (and films). Safe journey and enjoy. We have rellies in Looe, but it's too far for us to go and see them these days.

  2. Reminds me of Grumpy cat with that doughnut around his neck. Nice rose and I'm glad you are getting on with the kitchen. I just decorated out hall and kitchen, it's taken ten years to finish the hall after the extension we had

  3. Indeed - just like! He was SO cross with the perspex one and was staring at the ceiling until he got neck ache, poor chap. In the old house, we lived in an evolving restoration project for over 16 years, so I know some plans don't happen overnight! Nice to have a break from the builder being here today. Didn't have to set the alarm for starters.

  4. Oh that's much better, not that he thinks so of course. Oh the indignity, first an injury, then a lampshade and now a doughnut ... it's a good job he loves you.

    The wound looks lovely and clean though so he's obviously responding well to treatment, cat fights cause massive problems some times with infection etc.

    1. The vet did a good job of cleaning the wounds, and now it's drying up, it's closing up. He has had a long-lasting antibiotic jab and is on Loxicam for pain/inflammation control. He is speaking to me but not quite forgiven me yet!

      There are doggy ones too Sue, in case you ever need one. Such a clever idea. Made by ANWA - I got mine from Amazon but I imagine they are stocked in pet stores etc.

    2. A doggy one might work for Mavis, but Pugs have no necks so it would be off in a jiffy :-)

    3. Pugs,. I must admit, would present a Challenge! It would need to come with a little body-harness to keep it in place!!

  5. When we first moved to Wales there was so much stuff I was going to do but life has a habit of getting in the way sometimes. Roses are something that I'm just getting into, love the pic of yours.
    Hope Genghis gets well soon
    Alison in Wales

    1. Remember - you can never have too many roses Alison! My life at the moment seems to be on hold, whilst I do what I can for Keith. That's as it should be.

      Ghengis seems to be healing well and doesn't mind the donut.

  6. Now that looks much more comfortable..if still an affront to a cat's dignity!!

    1. You're right on the dignity front! Ghengis not that impressed but says it makes a good pillow.

  7. Well, that's a more fetching look, and probably more comfy too for poor Genghis. That's a beast of a gash! yes, delivery charges on the up now, but will they ever come back down again?

    1. I think such collars should be the norm and the hard plastic ones banned. Cats and dogs alike unite in hating them. That delivery charge made me CROSS. Nearly went to Tiles Are Us . . .

  8. Ghengis happier and healing is good news. [He looks so much like Willis!] I like the term 'plonker'--I may file that one!
    You mentioned the dearth of creative writing--that seems to have gone missing in my life the past year or two--I still 'notice' things but that life-long habit of mentally recording descriptive phrases is lacking. Maybe a case of losing what isn't constantly used? Physical exhaustion [as in my gardening] draining creative brain power? Perhaps I need to accept it as the new normal!

    1. I think he is WIllis' doppleganger! He also supervises work in the garden. "Plonker"is a well known expression but was used a lot in "Only Fools and Horses." I am relieved I am not the only one to find that creative writing has gone missing. There are so many other distractions, Keith the main one of course. Let's hope it returns for both of us.

  9. So glad that Ghengis is happier and that two of the bite marks have closed. The other one that we can see, must have been quite deep.

    Love the rose picture. Such a pretty colour.

    God bless.

    1. Skin-deep Jackie, but where he licked it, the wound widened considerably. It's closing up nicely now.

      I will put some more rose photos up this coming week.

  10. He is beautiful - what a lovely ringed tail. Love your red rose, I remember commenting when you bought it last year. I have one and it is also looking splendid at the moment. I also have a beautiful red velvety one called Ingrid Bergman which I can recommend. Best wishes to your husband.
    Wendy (Wales)

    1. Hi Wendy. Yes, it's a lovely rose and I remember you saying about it. They will all be out soon. The two new ones Tam gave me for my birthday are just putting out their first flowers too.

      Thank you for the best wishes for Keith.

  11. Nice collar Genghis, but orange? Really? Don't they do cat coloured ones like a matching ensemble? There's a business opening for you: "Genghis cat collars - fashion accessories that compliment your furs". Paw smacks Mr T

    1. I know Tigger, orange is so . . . yesterday! G has clearly missed a design trick here . . .

  12. Oh my, Genghis looks like he got his head stuck in his Frisbee toy. But much more comfortable. What an awful wound tho. And he is so tiny, no match for a big mean tomcat.

    Your views over the hills, so green! Lovely.

