

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 8 June 2022

This is NOT a happy cat . . .


Ghengis, who after a grooming session in the sun this morning, suddenly revealed a great gash down his ribs, so he hadn't gotten away unscathed after the feral tom attacked him a couple of days ago.  Vet suitably horrified, Ghengis very stoical and treated but HATES the collar poor boy, and is going to have a very stiff neck from looking at the ceiling all the time.  All the other cats are now suitably terrified of the Space Cat in their midst!  Hope he heals soon.  P.S.  Tam found me a soft "Elizabethan" cat collar to replace this so that will arrive tomorrow.

Meanwhile, my kitchen now looks like this . . . or rather it did this morning, before the new base units were put in place.

I'll show before and after pictures when it's done.


  1. Poor Ghengis. Its an ongoing woe that in spite of always having our cats spayed/neutered and vaxxed for the usual feline diseases, along comes some feral Tom and there is damage done, vet bills, the risk of infection from the feral. There's seldom a time that we don't have strays visiting in hope of a handout and stirring up trouble.
    Re the kitchen: what can I say? Its looking rather desperate at the moment! Hang on to the thought that it will soon [!] be a lovely and workable space.

    1. I'm sure I replied earlier on but with you all the way. You do your best and then some farm moggy comes along and spoils it.

      The kitchen will soon be sorted but I can do without the stress of Ghengis on top of having no water in there tomorrow!

  2. Poor Ghengis! Hope he'll mend quickly. I do not envy you that mess, but it will be worth it, I'm sure. Love your current header

    1. The wound has closed significantly already now he's not been licking it and softening the skin. Thank heavens for credit cards is all I can say, as I've had nearly £600 worth of vet's bills recently.

      That header is too nice to change just yet . . .

  3. That will be an unhappy cat with that around his neck. I know what you are going through with a kitchen like that, I've done it a few times

    1. He is most definitely NOT impressed Billy, nor can I blame him really. Softer version arriving tomorrow.

  4. Poor Ghengis. You can make a soft donut kind of like a stuffed scrunchie [hair bow] if need be. My pug was in shock over an ill advised cone a few weeks ago. Also an infant tee shirt covering the wound might help? Amazon will bring one tomorrow. Though of course it is not safe for outdoor animals to wear clothes.
    IONA 1995 made me laugh, we always wrote messages hidden by my dad's DIY projects. You can sign your name too!

    love lizzy

    1. Ooh, a little baby-gro from the charity shop might do it. That's a brilliant idea Lizzy. G currently house-bound! Thank you. Can't wait for the soft collar to arrive. Much angry tail wagging going on here.

      Units have gone in now so too late to add my moniker and date! Will be glad when I have units I can use again - the state of my Library - you can't move for cupboard contents!

  5. Oh Ghengis, you remind me of The Patchwork Cat (charming children’s picture book illustrated by Nicola Bayley who also illustrated The Mousehole Cat). And patchwork green fields and and even a sort of patchwork kitchen too. Hope Ghengis and kitchen are all better soon. Sarah x

    1. Oh gosh, just looked at the Patchwork Cat and he's a doppleganger Sarah! Looks like the sort of book my children would have loved when small. Ghengis currently not speaking to me - took his collar off for brekkers and then put it back on. Oh, if looks could kill!

  6. Poor Ghengis, he does not look in the least impressed. I hope the softer collar works better for him.

    Looking forward to seeing the before and after photos.

    God bless.

    1. I feel SO mean, but crikey, it was a gaping hole yesterday. Looking forward to the after photos myself!!

  7. Oh dear. That's quite a tear down. Renovations are always worth it once they are done, but it's hard to keep it all in perspective when everything is ripped apart.

    1. Teefs well gritted here. You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs . . .

  8. Tigger sends fast healing messages to Genghis; he knows how horrible those collars are (Tiggers nemesis was the neighbour's son's vicious dog) .

    1. G says Tigger's sympathies welcome. Sorry to hear about vicious dog nearby. Should be muzzled.

  9. Poor Ghengis but he will soon heal. New kitchen to be looked forward to and arranging everything inside the cupboards, exciting times.....

    1. Now he can't lick it, the wound is healing well already. Struggling to get excited about the new kitchen - more thinking HOW MUCH? Delivery on tiles was 1/4 of the entire price!! It will be good to have the extra deep cupboard so I can store my breadmaker, mixer, Onepot upright in now.

  10. I have never seen a cat wearing a 'lampshade collar' before. Poor puss!! And your poor kitchen, oh well hopefully they will soon both be much better.

    1. I've owned many cats down the years (status quo was always 9 at our old home) and these were never popular when they had to be worn. Vet's should stock the soft donut type and offer it instead.

  11. Poor little Space Cat. I hope it heals quickly.

    1. Doing better and happy with the new soft collar which makes a good pillow!
