

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 20 September 2022

R.I.P. Theo


Sadly, Theo was found to have cancer of the liver and intestines when I took him to the vet's this afternoon and he had to be put to sleep. He died in my arms, but at least he didn't get to the stage where he was in pain.  My gut feeling said he had cancer, because of trying to tempt him with different foods.  It was still so difficult saying goodbye, but he is now running over Rainbow Bridge to catch up with the other Ynyswen cats who are already there.  Wish I could stop crying.

I am putting ideas of kittens on hold for the moment, and will phone the farm in the morning to let them know.


  1. I’m so sorry. It’s very hard to lose a furry family member; and knowing you made the right choice for Theo won’t make the grieving easier. Thinking about you x Lesley

  2. Oh I am so sorry, what a beautiful puss and how you will miss him. Allow yourself the tears, he deserves to be mourned.
    Alison in Wales x

  3. I am so, so deeply sorry to hear this. Somehow though, reading what you said earlier, I had a feeling it was going to be this way. I sent you healing light at that time, and I'm going to continue to do so this evening. He is at peace now.

  4. I am so sorry for your loss of Theo. Give yourself time to mourn before taking on a kitten. Pets are part of our family. I've had to make that hard decision with cats before, it's never easy but it is best to say goodbye before they suffer long.

  5. You--and Theo--have been on my mind all day, knowing that with the time difference the trip to the vet would already be taking place. He was a dear boy, wasn't he! As thin and scruffy as our Edward is looking he still eats with great appetite.
    I think you are wise to hold off for a bit on getting a kitten--the time will come right and the kitten/cat who is meant for you will appear.
    Sending you warmest thoughts and a virtual hug.

  6. Major hugs sweetheart. It is never easy losing them or letting him go. You have been kind and always his tiny paws will be wrapped around your heart. Much love sweetie x

  7. I'm so sorry. I was thinking of you and Theo all day. He will be forever in your heart.


  8. Oh dear - although you sensed it was coming, it's always such a sad moment. I'm sending you thoughts of peace and memories to sustain you as you grieve Theo's loss. The right time for a little ginger scallywag will be clear to you when you're feeling better. Hugs.

  9. I am so sorry for your loss, but I am glad that you were able to catch this before the real pain and suffering started. You are right to take the time to grieve a little before bringing in a new kitten, but as Morning's Minion said, you'll know when the time is right for a new kitten.

  10. Always sad when we have to lose an animal. But Theo is at rest now trotting around in his own heaven. You will have to decide whether you get another kitten now or later, or maybe there is a little feral cat waiting for you somewhere in the future.

  11. Always a difficult journey to the vets but better than seeing them suffering. Perhaps a cat will come into your life without you looking

  12. Poppy and I are sending you cuddles x

  13. I am so very sorry. Thinking of you but at least he is not suffering.

  14. So very sorry to hear the sad news. Take care.

  15. Thank you all for your kind comments. I am finding it hard to stop crying. Trying to keep busy so had a drive out to see a church this morning - but had to hurry back as I was in such a state when I left I forgot to take my asthma inhalers. I'll put some photos up tomorrow.

  16. I am so sorry to hear this. You did the loveliest thing for him and gave him a gentle exit. RIP Theo.

    I agree with Sue, wait for a cat to find you rather than rushing to get a kitten just now. There are always country cats looking for their new human.

    Take care. xx

  17. they leave such a hole, sending hugs and whiskery purrs xx

  18. It's hard to say goodbye to a small furry, they become part of the family. I cried for days when my beloved Rupert died, and it was a few years before we had another cat. A tiny stray came around the corner of the house, and that was that! Go easy on yourself.

  19. Hugs. The right cat will find you.

  20. Aww rest in peace Theo. You gave him the best life he could have had.

  21. The loss of a cat is so heartbreaking, I'm so sorry for your loss

  22. Theo will be forever in your heart. Sarah x

  23. Thank you all for your kind words. I will never forget him - he was such a character.

  24. How sad Theo died, that is a big loss.

  25. Thank you Terra. He is greatly missed.
