

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 20 September 2022

The Queen's Funeral et al

 Well, yesterday like many people we watched the Queen's funeral, in all its pomp and pageantry, with hundreds of thousands of people lining the route.  It must have been so exhausting for all those taking part - my husband says slow marching is very tiring and those eight young men carrying her coffin must have been glad to put it down, so respectfully, for the final time.  What beautiful flowers on top, laced with Rosemary for remembrance and Myrtle for longevity.  Her children looked composed and to be honest, relieved that they had got to this stage of the proceedings as it must have been incredibly exhausting for them, Charles especially.  Camilla looked haggard.  It was a lovely touch to have her favourite Fell pony Emma, and her two Corgis, to meet her coffin at Windsor.

I went for a walk in the Groe afterwards, to clear my head. Here is the bridge over the Wye which marks where Breconshire (our side) meets the border of Radnorshire.

        I've just been trying to get through to the Vet's to book an appointment for Theo.  Earliest I could get was 4.15 this afternoon, so I have another day of agonizing over his fate.  He had been holding his own until we went out two afternoons in a row so he missed a couple of his mini meals and then he was difficult to persuade to eat at all.  Then yesterday he had about 8 very small meals, but today has turned his nose up at the first offering, and just had some of the 2nd.  I am going to try him with some chicken scraps again.  It's not looking good though.

        I'm going to see the kittens on Wednesday, but there isn't a solid ginger, just a ginger and white and that one had mucky eyes and is on a/b's and eyedrops.  Perhaps it's an idea I should let drop. 


  1. I spent the entire day yesterday watching the funeral. Every time I thought I was recomposing myself, something else would come along to make me start sobbing again. If it wasn't the pony or the corgis, it was the face of someone in the crowds. If it wasn't a close up of one of the Royals, it was a lone piper piping. And so it went on. My greatest admiration goes out to everyone involved, especially the bearers, and especially to King Charles and Princess Anne. For at their age, to have done what they have done over the past 12 days is incredible. Apparently they continue with official mourning for another week. There will be no official engagements during this time, so much needed rest and time for them to grieve in private.
    I hope all goes well for Theo and the vets today. What a great pity about the kittens, but after what you've said, perhaps you're right. It's an idea you should let drop. It sounds like you'd be getting another problem.

    1. I think emotions get bottled up, and then something like the Queen's funeral unleashes them. With me it's Theo. Keeping my composure will be hard.

      Tam works with someone who takes in kittens for rehoming, so I think I will put my name down with her if I decide against the farm kitten.

  2. I'm so sorry to hear that Theo just isn't rallying, they do know when they want to stop eating don't they and sometimes temptation just doesn't work. I'll be thinking about you at 4.15. xx

    1. He tried, but today he's mainly sleeping. Dreading this.

  3. I am so sorry about Theo. Perhaps he will rally? Is he elderly or just unwell. We had marmalade ["ginger"?] feral cats here for awhile. They were beautiful and distinctive as a family bec they had six white toes always, all of them. Very wild, barely would come for food, forbidden here anyway, but I tried. I guess the capture/ neuter system worked as they did disappear in time.
    lizzy x

  4. I am sorry to hear about Theo. Thinking of you at the vets.
