

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 23 November 2022

A Stressful Morning


Here are the babies, sleeping off the trauma of their first vaccinations.  Oh poor little ones, I knew it was for the best, but they encountered pain and fear for the first time, and I was immediately taken back to my last visit to the vet's, when I had to make the decision to have Theo pts then and there, and had to deal with that experience with him, as we waited - and waited - for the initial anaethstetic to work, and it never did, although they left us for 20 minutes.  I tried not to cry as it all came back.  Pippi seemed to cope with it better than Lulu, who really shut down when she went back into the carrier.  I popped them into their new snuggle-bed and they have slept several hours.  Pippi has just come out to see what has happened to the catering arrangements . . .  I will be so glad when they are their normal bouncy warp-speed selves again.  An appetite will do for now though! Ghengis has appointed himself as Chief Comfort Cat and is sat at my left elbow, hoping that food is going to be dished out all round and not just to babies!

We have had some foggy days recently, and rainy ones, and sunshine breaking through and then river mist moving up.  Here is one of the latte afternoons, looking across to the Quarry - you'll have to take my word it is there.

The door to nowhere is showing some of the pretty autumn leaves at the moment.

Although the Copper Beach at the end of the front triangle paddock has lost all its leaves in the past month, the two ordinary beeches in the garden are only just changing colour and dropping leaves.

Upstairs views across the woodland.

Across the orchard paddock.  The sun was bringing a beautiful soft gleaming light through the trees yesterday, highlighting the hillside beyond.

A rather blurry picture looking through the half-landing window.  You get the general idea.

I have wrapped all the presents I have bought so far -did half of them this morning.  I've ordered a couple more, and ordered a new kettle.  Despite paying over £40 for the last one it only lasted not quite 16 mths.  I have asked Keith for jeans and a new bra for Christmas (things I need) but am a little stuck on what to get him as I know the kids have most options already cornered! I think I may buy him a few months of Audible membership, to see if it suits him, as I know he finds it hard to sit and read for any length of time as it hurts his neck. That and some Mead (which he loves and helps him get to sleep at the moment) and dark chocolate-covered ginger.

I have decided to make a Christmas cake this year - something I've not done since my mum died.  Only she and I would eat it and Keith would force a sliver down (fattening!), but this year we have an extended family get-together and it seems apt.  Must get some Glace Cherries.

I have been listening to Radio 4's dramatisation "The Witch Farm" - Heol Fanog, near Brecon.  It is quite gripping.  I've caught up as far as I can get (one episode to go) so have been listening to another production by the same chap, Danny Robins, "Uncanny".  Now I no longer live in a haunted house, I can cope with this!  Anyone else been following them.  Uncanny is from the summer, and I'm on my first taster of it.  More episodes to come.  


  1. Oh how I feel for you reference your recent trip to the vets - I've been through similar recently myself and as I know it can take a long time to get used to the pain of losing a beloved pet.
    I'm glad you have the sweet kitties to help distract you. Nice also to be getting in the Christmas mood, we have a 'full house' this year - challenging but lovely.
    Alison in Wales x

  2. I'd never been on my own to have a cat pts before. Keith always came along and if I couldn't cope, I would leave the room and he would be there for me. With Theo, I had hoped against hope that they could do something, but when they found the cancer, there was only one decision. It was the fact that Theo's last moments were those of fear - it broke my heart, no-one wants that for a pet. It was so noisy, with slamming doors, and voices and he fought the anaethstetic.

    I am so glad to have Pippi and Lulu to take my mind off it, but today wasn't good and they are still sleeping off the affects on the sofa.

    A full house here at Christmas is going to be so special. I hope yours is such fun too.

    1. I had exactly the same with my Archie - he fought the pre med which made everything even worse - so sorry you have this sadness. Here's to a lovely Christmas x
      Alison x

    2. Oh Alison, I'm so sorry. I know exactly how traumatic that is. I am glad to say that the kittens are helping me deal with it now.

  3. Poor fur babies and poor you. I know all about the trauma of going back to a place. Only for me it was sitting in the same hospital waiting room with mum that had sat with dad just weeks earlier. I haven't made a Christmas cake in years. Now I don't bother. I make my festive bara brith and it does me just fine. With all the tweaks, maybe it's no longer a bara brith, but I enjoy it. My last kettle was a Dualit. I'm trying to work out now how long I've had it. I know I paid about £50 for it, but it's lasted me at least 12 years.

    1. Oh how awful for you both. Life is a bitch at times. I think I will make my cake this morning. Just need to check out a recipe I like the sound of. One of the ladies at our quilting group used to bring in Bara Brith, bless her. She won prizes with it and it took some beating! Just looked up the Dualit - gone up in price now, but I will certainly check it out Next Time (I bought a quick replacement, one recommended by Good Housekeeping - Swan brand.)

  4. I feel for you , having had many such experiences. I feel as if I have PSTD or what ever it is called from it. But I try not to let it stay with me. As with other stuff that has happened. Hopefully that will be it as far as shots for your fur babies.

    1. That's it exactly Marlane, just like PTSD as those final moments haunt you again and again. I am just so glad I never had to have a horse pts - especially Fahly. That would have broken me utterly. Babies were poorly after their shots - poor Pippi's breathing was SO fast and frightening, but they pulled through ok.

  5. Poor little mites. I do hope they are whizzing around soon.

    When we had to put our cat Shaina to sleep. I just couldn't do it so Harvey did. We bought her home and buried her under the cherry trees. I still miss her so very much.

    God bless.

    1. They were off colour for about 12 hours and it was scary to see how fast Pippi was breathing, poor little mite. Back to whizzing mood now.

      Sorry that you couldn't cope when Shaina was pts. As Marlane said, you almost get PTSD from the experience, especially as you have made the decision. If they are run over, it is far easier to cope with. Still painful, but unavoidable. Have you got another cat to keep you company?

  6. I'm sorry the vet visit was so stressful and upsetting to you and the little kitties. I remember choices made that were best for the pet, but gut wrenching for me. The kittens do look quite peaceful in their bed,secure and safe now.

    1. They love that bed - it really is a snuggly one. It is never easy to let a pet go but better a day too early than a day too late.

  7. Ours usually feel a bit lethargic for about 24 hours, then they bounce back. Being stuffed into a carrier and trundled off to the vet is a scary thing for pets--and often traumatic for their humans as well.

    1. They won't be so willing to go in the carrier next time! It's a 2 part jab and they are due back in a month . . .

  8. Dear BB, hope the kittens are up and running again this morning. Audible is an excellent idea, our son gave my husband a subscription to Spotify for his birthday and of course I benefit too. For now I am borrowing from son a blue tooth wireless speaker that magically connects to the phone so the sound is excellent too. Much better than listening through earphones on the phone. I made my mincemeat yesterday, I no longer bother with any suet and am now convinced it isn’t actually necessary. I love the process of making pastry with flour and butter by hand, rolling out and filling with homemade mincemeat - one of my slowing down Advent rituals. I gave up making Christmas cake many years ago in favour of Dundee cake, which everyone seems to like a lot more. I also seem to have replaced making a Swiss roll Yule log, which the children loved, with a tray of raspberry and pistachio chocolate brownies. I picked the last of the autumn raspberries the other day and stashed them in the freezer for this purpose. Jeans and a bra sounds a bit prosaic, although I cannot talk as I am needing a new phone, My iPhone 5 from 2012 (my one and only mobile phone) has given me sterling service but on son’s recommendation we have ordered through Apple a secondhand/reconditioned IPhone 14. Son says that nowadays there is no need ever to buy new tech - I’m not sure if that is a good or bad thing. Did you know that Black Beauty was first published on this date in 1877 - and on Radio 3 they are now playing “Galloping Home”. One of my favourite books and I still have my mother’s childhood copy from the 1930s. Have a lovely day BB. Sarah x

    1. I need to google audible and Spotify although I am happy with my phone ear plugs with cable.

    2. Yes, back to normal. I am sat here typing this with a thick quilt around my legs which have been shredded afresh this morning by kittens using my legs as a climbing frame! There is a lingering odour of TCP as I walk around!

      I'm listening to a Joy Ellis murder/mystery on the Cloud Player on the computer (Audible) - called Their Lost Daughters, and really good. As my friend Thelma has pointed out, there are only so many hours in a day and although we might want to, it takes a while to sit and read a book.

      Prosaic choices yes, but I have asked for several books from the kids and I have to make sure Keith doesn't get one of them to buy me something I don't want/need if I don't ask for a particular something!

      I thought of Black Beauty the other day as there was a Rev. Sewell and his daughter associated with a little church I visited. It was one of my favourite childhood books too, but - poor Ginger . . .

      I've been looking at Dundee cake recipes, but not sure which way I shall jump yet.

  9. Please tell some stories of your haunted house! I’m intrigued!
    Weather here is up and down. The days it’s not too windy, it’s been lovely fir riding the horses outside
    ( as opposed to inside which my horse HATES!)

    1. I'll have to do a special post, as it went on for nearly half my life, whilst we were there. I imagine the wind got up your horse's tail a bit and made for a lively ride.

  10. It broke my heart when I had Lucy released into the Universe, I can't use the other term. But it was very quick and she went peacefully. The vet was brilliant as well. Those two kitties will be up and about soon enough, tearing up the place, so have fun.

    1. I know it must have hit you so hard, being that she was such a link with Paul and happy memories too.

      The kitties were indeed up and about, causing havoc and mayhem, the next day. In fact, they perked up at 9 p.m. that night.
