

Jennie's recipes

Monday 21 November 2022

Tuckered out!


They have had a full-on weekend and here they are yesterday evening, absolutely bushed!  Mind you, I felt a bit the same too as this virus or whatever it is keeping me feeling low, bounced back with knobs on the moment I had a drink at the weekend.  I spent an hour one night shivering and with teefs chattering and had to turn the bed heater back on to thaw out.  No appetite whatsoever - but I bet I don't weigh any less!!

Take THAT Pippi!

Afternoons are spent nursing kittens, so I get to watch Escape to the Country and The Repair shop with absolute peace and quiet.

D'ya wanna closeup?

Well, we had a lovely time meeting our son's girlfriend and her little girl for the first time and got on like a house on fire.  She has her own business specialising in holistic therapies and gave Keith's neck a much-needed massage which gave him instant relief.  She's going to do another one on Christmas day as they are here for Christmas (that should be lovely).  Her little girl is nearly 3 and was so good when told to be very gentle with the kittens.  (They have a cat at home). The trains were up the creek because of a collapsed embankment so they came up from Swansea on the train but I offered to drive them back as it's no fun with pushchairs and little ones on long distance buses, so took them back to Carmarthen.  They are setting up home together in February and saving for a house.  Lots to look forward to.

The Big Boys were horrified at strangers in the house (they forget Danny as he's not here very often) and a CHILD?!  They hid outside until the weather was too nasty and last evening I mislaid all three of them.  They had gone upstairs:

L. Whale had been on Danny's vacated bed but wanted tummy rubs.

Alfie, after being found on our bed, appreciating the electric blanket warmth!

But I couldn't find Ghengis anywhere.  I even went to the back door and called him though it was nasty out and very unlikely he wouldn't come in.  I finally found him - talk about needles and haystacks!

This is an enormous floor cushion that Tam's partner has loaned us for Christmas seating arrangements.  Ghengis thought it was Especially for Stripey Cats!!

So, apart from feeling unwell, a really lovely weekend.  It is miserable outside today.  I can vouch for this as I've been doing my outside jobs and was jolly glad to get indoors again.  The birds are very hungry now and feeders need topping up morning and evening.

Update on moi: I am hoping I have turned a corner as I have actually eaten and enjoyed a meal tonight (Kedgeree) and it tasted as it should do.   We shall see now. I have scarcely eaten all week and Sunday's portion of the veggie pizza I made was about 3 inches square, with a tiny bit of salad and I had to force that down.  Breakfast today half a slice of toast. Lunch a mug of Cupasoup.  Then I felt a bit peckish so had a slice of Wenslydale cheese and a tomato.  Let's hope I can keep my appetite under control now.  I've not even fancied chocolate!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend.


  1. I had to smile at mislaying 3 cats!
    Some lovely cat photos there

  2. It sounds like a lovely weekend, and I hope you littlest visitor tired the kittens out a bit and gave you and Keith a little respite from their full-on antics.

  3. I absolutely adore your kittens. No room in my tiny home for more kitties,as I have two adult cats now, so I will just love on yours if that is o.k.with you.

    1. I am glad I can provide vicarious kitten enjoyment for you Ana - all the fun without the punctured legs!

  4. Sounds perfect - except for what is ailing you. I prescribe more rest and relaxation with the kittens. Loving watching them grow through your photos. I found the recipe for A W-T’s venison casserole on your blog from 2017 I think! And I made a poultice from leaves of comfrey, yarrow and plantain for my skin. I crushed the leaves in a pestle and mortar, poured over a cup of boiling water into which I soaked squares of muslin which I applied to my skin a couple of times a day over the weekend. I have also been drying rose petals and will infuse these in some of the sweet almond oil to make rose oil. Sarah x

    1. I am resting up today Sarah. Awake 3 hrs again last night but then slept in till 8.45 - unheard of! The Physio has been (a new one) and was very positive with Keith, which was a relief. She's back in a week with some strengthening exercises. Glad you found the AW-T recipe. It's a keeper! Glad that the herb poultice helped healing your skin. Your rose petals and almond oil reminded me of my Rose "Perfume" when I was a kid - let's face it, rose petals and water only ever result in smelly water not perfume!! I'm sure your recipe works :)

    2. Haha, my daughter was a potion maker and used to hide the resulting messes under her bed. You can imagine the pong! My technique is to only make up very small batches, about a teaspoon of rose oil at a time, and use it within a few days, any drops leftover are added to my bath. Dewch ymlaen Cymru!

  5. Cats can be 'funny' about visitors. Several of ours adore Howard and appear if they hear his voice. Mostly when anyone comes in you'd never know there was a cat in residence. We will have a house full on Thanksgiving [Thursday] and I suspect most of the cats will either be in the downstairs rooms or under my bed.
    Children who are allowed to 'maul' pets do not go over well with me. How lovely that Emma's little girl is being taught gentleness.

    1. Ours hardly ever see any. They are used to Tam's Jon now, so that's good. But like yours, Stranger Danger has them heading for the hills! We will have to let them go in our room I reckon, or else up in the attic, where they feel safe, and have the kittens in our bedroom, so they won't get underfoot.

      I do not allow mauling of pets, and it was refreshing to see Iarna was so gentle with the kits.

  6. I am sorry you were not well for such a special family visit. Do you do home tests for Covid when you get a virus like this? Hope you feel better soon. love, lizzy

  7. I think it is a sort of gastro-enteritis virus as no sore throat, coughing, runny nose, headache etc. I have the home tests here which I will turn to should anything else develop. It was improving until I had wine . . . Lesson to me, so I gave 9/10 of the bottle opened away to my friend Pam today. Temptation removed!

  8. The kittens are gorgeous, such mischievous faces. Sadly we are unable to have cats, mainly because of Tolly our border terrier, but also because John is allergic to them. When they rub against him he develops urticaria. Needless to say when we visit friends owned by cats they always seem to make a beeline for him 😊

    1. What a shame that you can't have cats. They do seem to know when people don't want them near as well, and make a beeline!!

  9. That is so great that your new family members turned out to be awesome. Wishing you back to full health and energy soon. PS hubby and I follow a keto diet and are in the best health we have ever been in going into old age. I think I have mentioned it before. It is a no carb diet. Lots of fat and is the opposite of what we have been led to believe.

    1. I am instantly a surrogate granny! How about that?! I am still "off" but have lost 4 lbs in 5 days. No carbs. No FOOD! I need to continue the weight loss and certainly cut the carbs right back.

    2. Yes you will be amazed as we have by the no carbs. I am a step granny many times over with hubby Doug's family LOL Wishing you the best with you and your husbands health.. Carbless helps.

    3. I am starting to come out of the poorlyness now, but still no great appetite, and no snacking at all - in fact, not much in the main meal department either as I am still forcing myself to eat. I will look at the Keto diet and see if it would suit me.

  10. Glad to hear the cats escaped unscathed with the little visitor. Hope you feel better soonest.

    1. She was so good, bless her, though she was armed with Keith's shoe horn at one stage and insisted the babies needed brushing! (It has a scratching end too). So we had to hide that.

  11. My goodness the cats all seem to have found places to nap. So glad that you had a lovely time with the family and the massage worked wonders.

    God bless.

    1. All over the show - save us from those little Oiks they said!

  12. I have a kitten. I blame you, really. You and your kitten pictures!

    1. Oh Debby! I won't say sorry because I am sure you are delighted!! I expect photos on your blog :)

  13. Sorry to hear you haven't been well. Hope you continue to feel better. So glad you had a good weekend with Danny and his partner. Cute kitten photos :)

  14. I have felt a bit more like eating today, but not chocolate (good). Enjoyed the 2nd half of the Kedgeree and even had chips at lunchtime - oven ones, as they are fairly innocuous tastewise. Let's hope I am on the mend.

    Kittens continue Very Cute.
