

Jennie's recipes

Friday 11 November 2022

Friday roundup and of course some kitten photos too.

 I can't remember who was asking, but the header photo was one I took last Friday on the way to pick up the kittens.  It's of the Towy Valley near Carmarthen, where there are meanders of river and flooding by Dryslwyn Castle.  Here's another, of the castle ruins.

Not a great deal happening this week, apart from kitten cuddling.  My breathing hasn't been good (I think it's from having the carpets cleaned - there was an ammonia smell for several days when I came down in the morning.)  I sprayed the carpets with 50/50 water and white vinegar to neutralize it and had my air purifier on in both rooms. I am better today - kittens were brought upstairs and their crate put in Tam's bedroom.  

Before the kittens arrived, I finally got to finish sewing the rose x-stitch I bought when I visited Mottisfont with my best friend Tricia a few months before she died.  That would be 6 years ago now.  I will get it framed and on the wall with my other stitched pieces.  

I have been baking cakes today - one for friends, and one for visitors.  Lemon Drizzle and Dorset Apple Cake respectively.  Busy last week making jars of jellies: 

This was so high in pectin it was setting in the pan as I was ladling it out!

Both jellies almost free - just the cost of sugar and a quick heating.  Apples from friend Pam, Blackberries picked locally, and Crabapples from Tam.

I heard loud cat yowling outside this morning, and got out there in time to see L. Whale and young black and white tom from the farm up the hill, having a stand-off.  I tried to break it up by shouting and running towards them but L. Whale decided he wanted this young whippersnapper off his property and leapt into action.  Oh goodness, he was twice (or three) times the size of the young tom and there was fluff going everywhere.  The young cat ran off, with L. Whale in hot pursuit.  I don't think we'll see him again in a while.

Meanwhile, the two little horrors have started climbing up the blanket over the crate and found where their food lives and were trying to get into the open sachet.  They have terrific appetites, and would have a dozen meals a day, let alone the four they are getting.

I have renamed Scallywag.  Called her Lulu instead (after the 1920s song which talks about don't bring anyone "wild and woolly"!)  "You can bring Pearl, she's a darn nice girl, but don't bring Lulu".

Note the long-suffering Ghengis in the background.  He doesn't mind them at all, even when they bite his tail!  He just pulls a put-upon face.

After each other's tails.

Some Zzzzzzzzzzzzs with G. Uncle Ghengis.

Do you want a close up?


I am still having to be very careful that they aren't in the same room as either of the big boys, who really don't like them and due to their size, are quite capable of harming them if they wish.  I don't think L. Whale would - he has been running away until yesterday, but now he hisses nastily.  His brother, Alfie, is probably one to watch more as he is a prolific catcher of baby rabbits and the kittens are baby rabbit size.  He also hisses and spits.  Hoping it will all calm down soon but for the moment, my nerves are plucked ragged!  I didn't expect this reaction.

A nice week with family here - Gabby yesterday, who was enchanted by the new additions, and Tam arrives tomorrow to stay over.   Next weekend it's Danny and his girlfriend and her little girl.  We are meeting them for the first time.

Right, this won't do.  Have a lovely weekend.


  1. I love the one of Lulu peering out from under the blanket!

  2. That's Pippi - the golden one is Lulu.

  3. You will be entertained by kittens for the entire winter LOL

    1. Too true - just wait till we bring the Christmas tree home!

  4. What sweet little kittens. I can see they could be a handful though. Genghis seems to get along alright with them.

    Keep right on enjoying the time with your family.

    God bless.

    1. Ghengis gives big sighs as if to say "must I put up with these upstarts?" but he is very tolerant.

      Family are special, especially in my 30s I thought I would never have children.

  5. Oh how gorgeous. I remember the song about "Don't bring Lulu"; that is a blast from the past. Your cross stitch looks lovely, and a beautiful memory attached to it. Glad you got to some jelly making and some cake making. If the boys are a little tetchy with the newcomers, sprinkle their rears with talcum powder so that they all smell the same, and then have short introductory periods under supervision. This is what I have always done, and whilst it does not remove all the hissy fitting, it does calm things down compared to just leaving them. Have to do this several times, until they tolerate each other. Was told by our Vet years ago to do this. Do it with dogs too. You do not need much. Take care they are beautiful can see why they are smittenxx

    1. I haven't got any talcum powder but I'm using a little bit of towelling I'm rubbing overthe kittens, around their mouths and cheeks, to get their scent on it and then letting the boys sniff that. Tam is here this weekend so will be able to help with "walk by" introductions. I may get some Feliway to take the edge off their angst.

  6. Your new kittens are really delightful.

  7. The name change to 'Lulu' seems to indicate that gender has been affirmed [?] I do hope hissing and huffing from the 'bigs' settles down. Bringing in kittens as opposed to full grown cats seems to be more acceptable to the felines in residence, once they can get over themselves. I've found that little spats continue, rather like humans having an off day!
    I can see the kittens are getting their legs under them--nothing will be safe.

    1. Well, I "think" so!! I can always change it to Louis. I can tolerate the spats as long as they don't attack. The kittens can now leap onto the sofa, which saves my legs a bit! Like toddlers - once they have discovered cupboards nothing is safe!

  8. My mother used to sing that song! So both are female?

    1. It's very familiar to me too (Sing Something Simple on a Saturday night on the radio.) I "think" they both are, but don't quote me! Only a vet will tell for sure - it's a long time since I had to gender kittens.

  9. Such lovely photos, I especially like the one of Ghengis, alert and ears cocked while Pippi dreams up her next adventure. You will need to find a cupboard for their food. When will you allow them out to explore? Lovely too to have the family visiting. Our Tom is spending as much time out and about as at home and cooking for us all a couple of times a week which is working well. Have fun BB. Sarah x

    1. Well, originally totally feral Ghengis (hobbies: rape and pillage and FOOD) is now an absolute bagpuss of a cat! Very long suffering, but actually has been trying to play with them today.

      Good to have your son cooking for you. Mine are all combining to do the Christmas food this year, and I will do the baking. Suits me fine. We had a lovely day out today, but I reckon are going to sleep VERY well tonight. Kittens are currently climbing up and then jumping off their blanket-covered home. I feel they deserved some extra me-time and exercise as we were out for a good bit today.

  10. Sorry to hear about the asthma problems. The kittens look exceedingly cute! Enjoy your weekend and family visits :)

    1. Getting better now I'm glad to say. The kittens are huge time wasters, and my daughters had to drag themselves away reluctantly! It's been lovely having the girls here. Dan next weekend.

  11. Thank you so much for today's ear worm! LOL.
    I wonder how the jelly will be, given that it was setting as you were pouring it. You might have to cut it with a knife and serve it in slices. Do let us know.

    1. I aim to please!! I think the jelly will slice nicely! I made it as gifts. Would be nice to accompany cold meats at Christmas.

  12. That header photograph is amazing. I do miss our big views in Wales, in fact I think that's what I miss the most.
    When we got Archie as a kitten, Toby my big ex-feral boy hated him on first sight and there was much hissing and spitting and then ignoring ... until the day when Archie ventured outside for the first time into our little yard and a great big tom cat attacked him. Toby appeared as if by magic from behind the bushes and rushed to the defence of his little brother. Peace was restored after that incident and they became great friends.

    1. Hmm - the BEST view spot was already taken by a professional looking photographer - the sort with a lens a yard long! I had to make do with holes in the hedge further along, but they came out well I think! My friend is loaning me another (bigger) puppy crate for the kittens, so they can be in the living room and the Big Bad Boys can get to know them .

  13. That header photo of your landscape is magnificent... to be near castle ruins! Here in New England we do have the good fortune to live among some very old homes (1600, 1700's our's is an 1835) but that doesn't compare to what you have across the pond! Some day I hope to get over there for a visit to all of that history. The kittens! Oh so precious! We had a cat years ago named Alex who was a siamese tabby cross who looked just like your cream colored one there. I love jam! A good friend of mine makes a great batch each fall and I hoard those jars. Yours looks divine! I have only attempted raspberry jam and blueberry lime from our orchard garden and they came out good! Lavender Nectarine is another great combination I found at a farm market a few years back but have not tried to make it myself.

    1. That was a view across the Towy Valley in Carmarthenshire, about 5 miles from where we used to live. A lot of history in that valley, and a chain of command with 4 castles (Carmarthen, Dryslywn, Dinefwr and Carreg Cennen). Hope you get to visit the UK one day - SO much to see - you'll have your mind blown away.

      Your Alex sounded a lovely cat. These two have ants in their pants and I can't rest at night until I have bought them up to bed!

      I got given a sackful of jam jars from a friend this last weekend. Should keep me stocked up for a bit. Try microwave jam (recipes bound to be on T'Internet) - that's very straightforward and quick.
