

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 15 November 2022

Not enjoying stress and some more kitten pics

Sorry for the gap between posts, but Keith has been quite unwell in the past week - sleeping badly, which really affects the Parkinsons, and with painful neck spasms, which left him barely able to get around some days.  He perked up when we went to the Fleamarket at Carmarthen on Sunday, on the mobility scooter, and made a couple of purchases, one of which (an antique Mandau) he may well keep.  I got some nice things too, including some German mid-century Studio pottery, which in my defence came at the right price.  I had said No More china! 

Even our Sunday treat out was stressful though as we were half an hour late leaving, and when I came to use my phone as we needed to contact friends to say we'd be late, I couldn't find my charger for it (it was down to 22%).  It always lives in the car but not now!  I will have to buy another one.

When we got there Keith wanted to see every stall thoroughly,  and chat to friends, and so I began to worry about being away from the kittens for so long. That's the trouble when your stress levels are already high.  

 Then it was trying to sort out a problem, this past two days. You will all know what it is like when you are trying to contact a company about something, and you get a robot to speak to.  If your particular problem isn't a one word option the robot knows, that's it.  In fact, when I said I want to speak to a real person, I got cut off! This is Sky, by the way.  We had a 2nd booster (Q box is it?) which never worked properly, so I cancelled the subscription and they wanted the box back.  They sent me a box and label, and I sent it back on 3rd November.  Then last week I got a text saying if I didn't send it back, I would get a fine!  You can't reply to that texted message. Of course, I can't get through to the right place, on the phone or on line.  I was going from room to room (computer in one place, ability to use mobile phone in another - it doesn't recognize the house phone).  I left it overnight, in a tizz, then today I couldn't find the proof of postage.  Goodness, I got my knickers in a real twist and went from room to room looking for it before finally finding it in Tam's bedroom on her bookcase - inches from the window I have to stand at to get a phone signal.  It doesn't help that Royal Mail are on strike, so I couldn't even check on line today to see if it had been actually delivered (forgot to do this last week).

When I gave Keith today's post, and a brown DVLC envelope which had been moved and then covered on the table after arriving last week, he said he wanted the one that came last week for taxing the car.  I searched everywhere again, getting even more stressed, only to twig that the one I gave him this morning and the one with forms in which he opened today were one and the same.  We had words, and had to go for a walk before I exploded!  

L.Whale and Alfie - "we're safe out here", and Alfie thinks as he is not actually TOUCHING the table, he is allowed to be there!!

It's been quite stressful with the kittens, keeping them contained if Big Boys loose, but then once the big boys realized they were in the new big crate, they wouldn't even come into the room and have been sleeping in the kitchen.  I have Feliway arriving tomorrow to calm big cats down - I wish they did a human form!!  Alfie did walk in this afternoon, and didn't hiss and spit for once (babies asleep in their "cage"!)

I'd best go down and rescue Keith now as I fed the kittens before coming up to finish writing this and they will be turbo-charged!


  1. So sorry it's all been so stressful but at least you seem to have enjoyed the Fleamarket, even if the absence from the kittens caused concern. Carmarthen is such a lovely town. I went to college there and was very happy. I would consider moving there as it seems to have much going for it if you're not too near the river!

    1. Carmarthen went downhill for us when it tried to emulate Swansea. They sold their souls to the devil to get Debenhams there - look where THAT got them in the end!! Good shopping centre, but it's nothing like as friendly as around here. Yes - def. don't move near the river.

  2. Oh my gosh...this sound like a good time for a strong drink. Hugs.

    1. Enough to drive me to Gin! The walk was the better option.

  3. I had a feeling all was not quite well in your household. So true that when one gets flustered looking for something or trying to sort a problem, everything else that can possibly go out of focus immediately does so. Going for a walk is one of the better responses--I always think that getting behind the wheel of the car for a brief escape might not be best! The time involved in dealing with 'robots' is maddening!
    I hope the kittens provide a pleasant distraction--we love them in spite of their mischief.

    1. Ah, we are on the same wavelength. Hoping today will be better but trying to identify squirrels on trees and then blardy CUPCAKES to get through to track my parcel with the Royal Mail is another irritant this morning. I know I've done it right, but the Robot won't believe me!

      Kittens are very distracting and visibly growing too. Just looked up about their jabs (our other cats just arrived and stayed unjabbed) and they are due the first ones next week. I find it hard to bear the thought of them being jabbed and off-colour for a couple of days. I am very protective of them.

    2. I have for years had at least the initial round of vax for our cats; the feline leukemia one is, I think, the most important. The reaction has usually been a rather quiet somewhat lethargic 24 hours after the vet visit.

  4. Replies
    1. When they are good, but when they are bad theyare wicked!!

  5. Oh dear, you have had a stressful time. Glad you both enjoyed the flea market. Those kittens look to be a handful. But so very cute.

    God bless.

    1. Yes, I could do without it right now, but hey, today is another day, and there is even sunshine.

      Kittens ARE a handful. Oh my goodness, yesterday they discovered the curtains . . .

  6. Someday those dear little kittens will calm down. The big boys will, at the very least, realise they are here to stay and decide to tolerate them. I have a weakness for old china. Currently adding art deco orange and black patterns to my stash. They say playing with your china collection reduces stress, or maybe it was me that said it but it is as good an excuse as any.

    1. The big boys did venture into the living room once I had put the little darlings into their upstairs apartment for the night (only time I can totally relax).

      I will confess, I bought the china for my January stand at the next Antiques Fair. Though there is the most beautiful rectangular dish with blue flowers on that may stay put.

  7. So sorry Keith's been unwell. Of course that is stressful, plus the worry over the package return and the kittens. They are cute, though. I hope the rest of this week goes much better.

    1. It's such a strain to see him like this (shades of things to come of course). I am going to wait until I get a demand for money from Sky and then phone Sales and get them to transfer me!

  8. So sorry to hear that Keith has not been well. Sorry too about all the problems you have been having. We had similar problem with BT insisting we hadn't sent a box back when we had! I hope the rest of the week is better for you.

    1. K's brighter now. We can do without all the problems piling up together. I would get charged £110 for the box I returned, so you can see why I'm worried. I can prove I sent it, but not to THEM.

  9. Oh those kittens, I can see they are into everything. So much to explore and places to hide in your cosy homely home, no wonder you mislay things. Sorry to hear about Keith, do you think some slow breathing (as Michael Mosley suggests on his “do one thing” series) may help. It sounds as if you are both holding onto a lot of stress and deep slow breathing accompanied by gentle movement with the breath could help. I had minor surgery to my face last Friday and I’ve been deeply and slowly breathing (in through the nose and out through the mouth and letting the breath reverberate which is good for the vocal chords) which has soothed the prickliness and tightness as the wound heals. Stitches out tomorrow, but it’s starting to look ok and feels almost normal today. Such a trauma and shock to my system though! Sarah x

    1. Oh my goodness - they are like they're plugged into the mains! I've never seen anything like it! Homely home indeed - we have smart areas, but the sofa's not one of them . . . Keith has given up trying the Tai Chi because he said it "doesn't work" - well, it might if he did it more regularly but he's always too tired, it would seem. I despair. I have chased up the Physio and found he's left because he was based in the Midlands and journey times too arduous. They are coming to see Keith on Monday, and told us we've been in a queue for speech therapy since mid-August. Will try and help him from here with the breathing - thanks for the tips and glad that they are helping you too. I hope you are healing well now following your minor surgery. I imagine it was a bit of a shock to the system.

  10. Oh gosh so much stress, poor you. I would be sitting near the Feliway plug thingy just in case it does have some impact on human stress, if you sip wine constantly while you sit there, you never know ....

    Baby animals are very time consuming aren't they, I keep getting tempted either for another rescue dog or a kitten, so reading your post has been very timely in removing temptation, at least for now!

  11. Ups and downs sadly is what life is all about. Those kittens are definitely upping and downing with a lovely zest for life. Glad Keith enjoyed his outing, as for redressing mistakes made by companies it's hell on earth.
