

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 5 November 2022

I am now a climbing frame!


Please let us out of jail!  The little black and white one is a girl, the runt of the litter.  She has a Voice and has been called Pipsqueak.  (Full title Pippi Longstockings, as she has completely white legs).  The obviously half-Siamese one is currently called Scallywag (named by Keith).  I think it may be a boy, but lots of "bum-fluff" precludes a definitive gender ID.  Either way, they are SO much fun, but I seem to have become a climbing frame and they scoot up my legs - esp. Scally, and so I fear for my nice living room curtains!  I shall have to try and get the linings outwards when they're not pulled.  I think the Christmas tree will need to be very well secured this year or hung upside down from the ceiling!

I'm WICKED!!  Mum has passed on her bib and white paws.

Playing, not sleeping!  When they are out they are hurtling up and down, either the carpet or my legs, dangling from apron strings, and playfighting.  I had forgotten how kittens did the "I'm BIG" on tippytoes, with arched backs, flagpole tails and head on one side :)

You can just make out the slight tabby markings in the coat.  When the 3 obviously half-Siamese ones were tiny they were all cream with darker cream stripes.

I think you are going to soon tire of kitten photos!  I keep trying to get one of them fighting, but they move so quickly.

The 3 old boys are not impressed. Only Ghengis has met them when they are loose, and he clearly thinks, I'm too old for all this tomfoolery!  Alfie spat and hissed at them, and L. Whale ran away and won't eat in the same room now . . .  The crate is just a temporary affair, but I am very glad to Tam's partner for loaning it to me.

Enjoy your weekend.


  1. oh how cute :) I must admit I am not really a cat person but those kittens are just adorable they really are :)

    1. They are just so cute! Causing mayhem now of course.

  2. Gorgeous, potty training of course, but hours of endless amusement as they play. Bet the three older cats don't like having their noses put out of joint.

    1. They're already litter-trained, so no probs there. The older cats haven't seen a kitten since they were kittens, so a bit shocked at something smelling of cat but miniscule!

  3. I will never tire of kitten or cat photos! They are beautiful and I have complete kitten envy - lucky you!

    1. Hello Victoria. There will be plenty of photos to come.

  4. Oh they are lovely. Much fun ahead. BB when I had my kittens and introduced them I put a squirt of talcum powder on their rears just to make them all smell the same. Does not stop the hissy wizzies completely but it helps quite a bit until they get used to each other over a few days. Kittens are so much fun. They are gorgeous x

    1. I don't think it's how they smell, it's how small they are and how unpredictable! And those sharp claws and teefs :)

  5. I'm laughing at the mental picture of L. Whale running from the kittens! It will be interesting to see how Scally's coat pattern develops. Elmo has definite [orange] tabby stripes on his front legs and tail with faint stripes through the body, and of course, blue eyes. He has no voice other than a feeble 'peep.' I'm guessing that little Pip will have a most winning personality.

    1. He is daft. I am sure there will be plenty of growing kitten photos with coat patterns. Looking closely, there are tabby markings on face too. Voices do seem to vary from cat to cat and then some are chatty and some aren't. Theo was chatty and had an adorable chirrup.

  6. I love little kittens, I, too, had half Siamese siblings. Natasha looked just like your Pipsqueak, sans the white paws, and Vladmir was a tiger mix. Natasha died in 2018 and Vladimir died last
    year at 18 years old. I have since acquired two new cats, but every cat I have owned holds a place in my heart. I will love seeing your kitties grow up on my laptop screen.

    1. Hello and welcome Ana. I know you will enjoy seeing these too terrorising the household! Sorry you lost your two half Siamese but sounds like they made a good age. None are ever forgotten and always cherished in memory.

  7. Oh gosh, they are adorable. You will have your hands full for quite a while. Funnily enough only my girl cats ever climbed the curtains and the wall, the boys, even when tiny were always so much less trouble. Have fun!!

    1. Our girl cats (Lucky, and daughters Fluff and Lucy, were all bossy. Ban wasn't but imperious instead!) Hope my curtains aren't shredded . . .

  8. They are gorgeous. Darling little bundles of fluff and mischief! Sadly, your beautiful curtains and maybe your sofa and cushions and the odd blanket or two will be the price you have to pay for such bundles of love.

    1. I will have to pin an old blanket over the curtains I think. Hooligans.

  9. They are sweethearts, I’m so glad you chose them both.

    1. Thanks Julel, they seem to accept me as a surrogate mum already.

  10. Really gorgeous kitties
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Thanks Alison. I am so glad I decided to get them.

  11. It sounds as if you and Keith are going to get many laughs from them! Good luck with the Christmas tree. And the kitchen curtains.

    1. Plenty of laughs and NO work done! It was the (expensive!) living room curtains which are the worry so may put some old ones up for the time being.

  12. They are so lovely and great you took a pair. A friend of mine always adopts two siblings when she needs new cats. Our cats are whatever showed up on the farm and much loved.

    1. I couldn't bear the thought of a sad solitary kitten missing its mum. These don't seem to notice she's gone, fortunately. Our cats at Ynyswen were whatever showed up too.

  13. Ahh, they are so sweet - Pipsqueak and Scallywag are going to give a lot of fun to all of us I think! Sarah x

    1. Both girls we think, on closer inspection. But they are what they are, love them anyway.

  14. Cats adopt you not you adopting them least that is how I have seen a few cats, one which just turned up and lived at my mums. My cat on the other hand use to love staying next door but came home to see if I was OK. Kittens are fun but can be hard work. I emailed Doves far who have taken over Wessex Mill and they told me they would continue milling the Wessex flour and you will be able to get it on line and from shops

    1. It was always strays turning up at our old home. Mostly wild as hawks, but they all came round in the end. I'm glad you emailed Doves and we now know we can get the Wessex flours still. Phew.

  15. It would take a lot for me to tire of kitten photos.

  16. Adorable! Wish I could cuddle them although they seem too busy to cuddle at present.

    1. I have to wait until they are tired out and then they snuggle up against or on me. Oh gosh, I love them so much.
