

Jennie's recipes

Monday 7 November 2022

St Mary's Church, Fownhope


Fownhope is on the far side of Hereford.  Some years ago we viewed a nice cottage on the edge of the village, with lovely views of orchards, but the layout wasn't right and the approach was steeply down a garden and no external storage.  

        The church here has a central Norman tower with a shingled broach spire, and one Norman N window.

This font dates from 1670, and there is a later one which I overlooked completely.

This wonderful mid 12th C tympanum used to be over the door outside, but was brought in and unfortunately placed beneath a window, where the lighting made clear photography difficult.

It is dedicated to the Virgin, who sits with one hand up (take my word for it!) Can I just say at this point that words are going to be brief as I have not one, but two kittens draped around my neck!!

The draperies have close parallels with those used by the Herefordshire School of Sculpture (which is why I wanted to see this).  I will add some more details later when I am not a kitten playground :)

It would seem that the Lechmeres were the local family with a lot of influence in the parish, as you can tell from the monuments.

Gilded bosses high in the roof.

Only fragments of early stained glass remain.

This tickled me.  It appears to have been the parish chest (and an early one at that) which was tidied away up in the Belfry at the time of the Civil War.  335 years later it was brought back down again!  I'd like to have been a fly on the wall when that idea was first mooted!

I hope you can read all these.  All I can say is, I bet it came down a darn sight easier than it went up!!

Isn't this lovely?  Such a lot of work went into this.

Joanna Lechmere's incised slab, 1692.  A most unusual combination of letterings and drawings.  I've not seen anything like this elsewhere.

Out in the churchyard, this very  unusual tomb.  Backlater with more words and kitten photos - currently have Pip crawling right round my neck using her claws for balance! TCP is the new eau-de-cologne here!


  1. I like the church porch.
    All such skillful work

  2. Wow that is a beautiful church to visit. So many details to see. That font has the looks of one I am posting on Sunday, you might want to check it out. I might struggle with the tympanum and the window overhead. You could try standing back further and zooming in at least that is what I might have done had I been there. I think I read about the oak chest before. Great post

  3. A super church BB. You won't be surprised to know its another on my list to visit! I need somehow to visit more Herefordshire churches and not just half a dozen a year! So much of interest to see especially the typmpanum. Looks fascinating. The kittens seem to be having fun!!!!!
