

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 21 December 2022

Good things come to those who wait . . .


Two tired little girls in the kitchen (they'd bagsied my chair). Gosh, that word has just taken me back 60 years! "I bagsy that"!!

Keith has now had his 2nd half a steroid tablet and they must be helping a bit as when I got back from The Big Shop, he was collecting the post from the front hall. He hasn't done that all the time we've been here!  His speech is clearer too and he doesn't look quite so wobbly.  Let's hope they do the trick. I  was hoping to hear from the PD nurse today, regarding Keith's medication and changing it but the GP perhaps hasn't been in touch with her, so I shall phone tomorrow and hope to hear from her after Christmas.

The Big Shop was mostly done in Lidl and covered 90% of what I had on my lists.  Then I went and spent slightly more in Tesco as I decided to get the replacement microwave from there.  I got a Breville one which was on offer.  The alternative was to go home via Rhayader and spend 3 times the amount on one there which might not in the long run be much better.  Only time will tell.

Sorry the light is so poor in these photos.  The finished decoration for D's girlfriend's daughter.  The felt on the back is a similar colour pink to the blanket stitch.

Here is the Just Cross-Stitch Christmas magazine I bought from Ebay.  Some lovely designs in it and I've begun on one already. The posties did me proud - this was posted 2nd class on Monday.

 I decided, on a whim, as I walked back from Boots with yet another prescription for Keith, to pop in the Red Cross charity shop (the other two were shut).  On the shelf were two Eva Rosenstand bags, and about 2 metres of linen fabric.  Total price £5.  Well, as you can see, I reckon they had my name on! 

In the  plastic case on the side, are a pair of small "sewing spectacles" at more or less my strength! Oh bless her, I think the lady these came from no longer has any need of them.  It looks like the previous owner didn't get very far with her stitching - perhaps it was  a strain on her eyes, bless her.

Sorry it's such a gloomy photo, but the kit is the birds bell pull on the left. These retail at about £75! I've looked at Eva Rosenstand designs down the years but was only able to afford a spectacle case design which I had a Christmas present about 30 years ago.  I first found out about this company about 40 years ago, when I visited a lady in Bridport, who had a lot of time on her hands and a hubby who was well paid and often away from home. She was working on this very design I think - I remember it was a wild birds bell-pull anyway. Good things come to those who wait - isn't that the saying?

My new kettle also came today and pours beautifully and isn't too loud when it is heating the water.  The microwave also works - we had leftovers from last night for tonight's meal, so a night off from cooking.

Tomorrow I intend to do some baking, and a deep clean in a few rooms!  I think I need to tidy boxes away too, as these "kitten toys" are all over the place!


  1. It's a relief when scripts get sorted..but such a pain when different bits of the NHS don't coordinate!!
    We told everyone, we thought that we would be on the other side of the globe for a while...only to have a clinic nurse phone at 2am, for us...and ask why he wasn't there!!!

    1. I agree, the joined-up thinking is a bit lacking in the NHS. Not ideal having that 2 a.m. phone call! I'll leave a message for the PD Nurse today but won't hold my breath about hearing back - it's sometimes a week before she replies, and that's without Christmas in the way!

  2. Lovely that you found some unexpected treats and good news about Keith
    Alison in Wales x

  3. A good pourer and silent when heating the water are on my wish list too when choosing a new kettle. The cross stitch certainly had your name on it - it looks very intricate. Now my Christmas making and baking is finished I am back to my Elizabeth Bradley Leaves & Berries canvas work embroidery which is a slow burner and will eventually be used to recover a walnut stool which I bought from a junk shop in the early 80s and my mum stitched a cover for the drop-in seat of yellow roses on a duck egg blue background. I will be sad to see this replaced but after 40 years it is starting to look a bit sad. Last Christmas I stitched on 32 count blue/grey linen a free downloaded pattern from “While Iris Naps” - a great name for a needlework designer . Last year’s was “All is Calm” and I enjoyed doing it so much I think I should do another for this year. Just checked the website and yes she has a new design for this year - “All is Bright” - but it is £6.50 to download this chart which I will do as I have just enough linen and plenty of silks and they will make a pair of tiny cushions which I will finish with velvet and stuff with sheep’s wool. That will make three different projects to keep me busy over Christmas including my knitting. I have an unplanned shift in the bookshop today but that is fine as it fits in with collecting a pile of reserved books from the library and buying the Christmas cheese from the Hungry Guest. It’s a bit damp and drizzly today so not sure about a morning walk, but yesterday we did our good six mile walk and felt great for it. We saw signs of spring and gave the four boy merino lambs who live in the field opposite us a good scratch. We also checked out the flock of South Downs (very coarse wool), Ryelands and Leicester Longwools which are kept by a friend. The Hereford cows have been moved on but the open access land that we walk across has the retired dairy cows grazing. It is so good to be outside. Have a great day BB - forget the madness of Christmas shopping and have a walk with a pair of secateurs to collect some greenery. Sarah x

  4. I would confirm from my experience there appears to be a real lack of communication in the nhs :( Glad Keith feels a little better. Love the purchases. We recently bought a new cheap kettle and its rubbish - water goes everywhere when you pour so I suspect we shall have to buy yet another one. They don't make things like they used to!

  5. Relieved to hear that Keith is responding well to his new tablet. I wish they'd get me sorted out. I am in constant pain these days. Constant. Anyway, seems you scored a deal at your local charity shop. Indeed. We have two here in our tiny village. I won't go into one because it's so small and pokey lacking in ventilation which I just don't trust it in these post Covid days, Not that we are post Covid by a long way. I do miss going in though for a good rummage.

  6. I love when I find treasure at the thrift store...and I very often do! You have good projects to keep your hands busy over the winter. Good news about Keith! Merry Christmas to you both and your furry hoodlums as well.

  7. Some brilliant buys from the charity shop, I've really missed going to charity shops this year ... but I keep thinking of all the money I've saved by not doing so. Glad that Keith is a bit better after his steroids, they really do work miracles don't they.

  8. I am glad Keith is doing better. Great finds at the thrift.

  9. I hope things continue to look up.
