

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 20 December 2022

All I want for Christmas . . . and Update

. . . is for Keith to feel better.  He is booked in to see the GP today, and have blood tests.  PD Nurse wants Thyroid levels checked and thinks his BP is low too.  Something needs to happen before he is bedbound. He is struggling to get around, too tired to sit and eat a meal at the table and has no energy whatsoever. I have been awake half the night, worrying.

UPDATE: It's low blood pressure, so he has a prescription for low dose steroids, which we hope will help.  Apparently one of the medications for Parkinsons can cause high or low blood pressure.  Pulse also low. Blood taken for testing his thyroid levels too.  Thank you for all your comments - I will answer them tomorrow.  Meanwhile, guess what, the blardy Microwave has just decided to melt the door when it heats things up.  Out of Warranty of course. . .  What will the 3rd electrical thing be?  

I managed to get to Carmarthen yesterday, to see our friends P &  D and drop their pressies off.  It was good to chat, and I did enjoy sitting by their wood-burner. Really miss ours.

I only managed one shop in town - TK-Maxx - and bought an extra gift each for the girls in there and some William Morris crackers.  We don't normally have crackers but with extra family here, I treated us.  I came out, intending to go to Charlies, but the traffic was queued right back in that lane, so I went back through Abergwili instead, thinking to go to Chris Thomas for our Christmas fruit and veg, but no room in their car park . . .  that's the trouble with not getting there early, as we used to be able to do when we lived 10 miles away not 50 plus.

I did, however, manage to finish stitching the 2nd tree decoration as a gift for Danny's girlfriend's little girl.  Just have to put the back on it, stuff it and blanket stitch around the edge.  I have enjoyed doing those and having checked out Just Cross Stitch mags on offer on Ebay, bought another Christmas ornaments magazine.

The kittens are still being naughty as usual.  I still haven't got the tree up - may try today.  I still have a half made wreath - using tree greenery this year -far prefer trails of ivy and wild decoration.  My heart just isn't in it.  

To add insult to injury, my new kettle died yesterday - 3 weeks after I bought it.  I have ordered a new one which I am hoping will last longer.  Someone on here kindly recommended a Dualit kettle, so that's what I've gone for.  The cheaper end of the range as some are £130!!!  


  1. I hope that Keith's medical issue can be sorted out soon. If it is his thyroid level that should hopefully by quickly addressed with the correct dosage.
    Your day sounds exhausting.

    1. The nights are equally exhausting as he's up and down for the loo, or taking pills or breathing heavily or having shouty dreams! Low blood pressure will hopefully respond to the new treatment.

  2. I have everything crossed for you and Keith. Lack of energy is my major problem too. They've checked out my thyroid, iron and vitamin B levels. Everything is fine and as it should be. They now think it's the medication. Also, Parkinson's is apparently nicknamed the lazy disease because tiredness and lack of energy is a major symptom.
    I have got countless magazines. Cross stitch. Quilting. General crafting. All from the 1980s and 90s mostly. I will be getting rid of them in the new year.Dualit. It might have been me who recommended the kettle, because I've had mine so long now, I honestly can't remember how long.

    1. The constant fatigue is so difficult for him - as they say, movement is impeded by the brain saying stop!, so it is a constant battle. We need to talk to the Parkinson's nurse about a change of one medication which has a lot of nasty side effects, low BP included. Keith has 17 of the side effects.

      I went through my craft mags before we moved but am not attracted by any new ones on the shelves, especially the x-stitch offerings. I used to like Mary Hickmott's New Stitches magazine - it had good interesting charts - not cutesey designs!

  3. Oh dear BB, I really do feel for you and Keith. It’s too horrid. I’ve just made a big pan of celeriac and apple soup for lunch today and subsequent days so that will whizzing when it’s cooled down, a dozen mince pies and the Dundee cake. There’s a load of washing in the machine so that will need hauling out and draping in due course. I also have a poorly son. But the sun is shining and as soon as I’ve had 10 mins sitting down with a cup of tea we will be out for our constitutional. To be honest I cannot wait for Christmas Day to be over. Our fancy Cuisinart kettle gave up the other day, it was repaired by the manufacturer four and a half years ago just within its three year warranty period. Currently using my mum and dad’s Russel Hobbs kettle which must be at least 20 years old but works perfectly. Right I am being summoned so time to change into my muddy walking conditions outerwear and enjoy the sunshine. Chin up BB and enjoy your family. Love Sarah x

    1. It's been hard watching Keith steadily going downhill and to deal with a slightly evasive PD nurse who when to her on the phone, won't let you get a word in edgeways, when she finally answers your message. This time I wrote to her - had to wait a week for a reply, but things are in motion now.

      Hope your son is better soon. A friend has a poorly sister 50 miles away and both her daughters down with a nasty cold, which she promptly caught too!

      So far this year, I have had to buy a new toaster, kettle and now it will be a microwave. With £1,000 in car repairs, it's been an expensive winter!

      Hoping to get some walks in over Christmas.

    2. I know how much you enjoy walking BB so hopefully you and Tam can get out everyday when she arrives for the holidays. It was the loveliest day here yesterday and we had an afternoon walk too. I decided to go to the fruit and veg farm shop to stock up with local produce for Christmas which is nearby the RSPB reserve at Pulborough Brooks. It was absolutely beautiful there and the golden light falling across the wetlands was magical. Son has brought home the worst London cold which I am hoping doesn’t get passed on. He has plans to go to Brecon on the 27th for trekking and camping with a couple of friends. He loves walking as I’m sure you’ve gathered. I remember the freedom I felt when I bought a basic Karrimor backpack for him aged 4 months - suddenly we could go anywhere and at two years he was happily walking two miles and by the age of six we were up to six mile walks. Nowadays he has no problem with walking 40km in a day! Having him here is definitely good for S and me. Hopefuly K will feel similarly energised when the family descend. I would ensure K is in the thick of everything, interacting with and getting energy from the young ones. I know I keep saying this but please try not to worry - honestly worry achieves nothing and is such a waste of your energy too. Sarah x

  4. I am so sorry to hear the despair in your voice over Keith. Medical help will help I am sure, so you must all enjoy Christmas this year as a family, which includes all the cats of course. Pretty cross stitch present for the little one. Let Keith rest as well, if he wants to stay in bed away from the family let him, don't let him over tire himself. Hugs.

    1. It's so hard dealing with it alone Thelma. Something you know all about too. Hoping we have got it sorted now. Keith was more cheerful yesterday anyway, just to have gotten a diagnosis.

      I will be glad when the tree is up - I have spent £30 on one and it's been in a bucket in the yard for a fortnight! The things we depend on our menfolk for!

      Keith will doubtless fall asleep in his chair of an afternoon, as he normally has a nap.

  5. Oh, I can tell you I'd be messaging the manufacturer to complain mightily about that kettle! I love hearing arout your little stinkers. My little stinker is taken to hiding in plain sight. We can now see him, but he doesn't want to come out. We keep him fed and cozy and wait. William sits and talks to him every night. I speak kindly to him every time that I go in the kitchen, and leave him a little treat.

    1. I'm just returning it and never buying Swan again, though I shall leave a negative comment on the site.

      Glad that your wee pussum is in plain sight now and getting used to people. He'll come round. What colour is he btw? I have ginger in my mind . . .

    2. He is a cinnamon cat. You guessed right. He's back hiding again. But he's eating. I got him a little toy. William talks to him. My husband feeds him little treat niblets.

    3. Perhaps you mentioned it, but I can see him in my mind's eye. Glad he's eating and starting to settle. Talking to him - nonsense usually - helps too. Perhaps give him an old jumper of yours in his bed, so he gets used to your scent? Feliway diffusers help too.

  6. I'm so sorry to hear that Keith is really struggling at the moment, hopefully once they get his medication properly sorted out things may improve a bit. My Gran had Parkinson's and I know that it took quite a while for them to get her dosage on a lot of things just right. Once they did she was a lot perkier.

    1. Well, we had to do something before he was bedbound - he has been struggling round as if he was a sloth, bless him. When it works, the body is a miracle of engineering, but when it goes wrong . . . Hoping they will get Keith's medication right soon. You cheered me up saying when they got your gran's right she was a lot perkier.

  7. So sorry to hear about the ongoing trials with medications, I hope they can get it right so he has more energy.
    Definitely something wrong with a kettle only lasting 3 weeks

    1. I only bought this kettle as it had a good write-up from Good Housekeeping or something similar. Chinese crap obviously - although is ANYTHING made in our country these days? I would happily pay a bit more for things that were.

      It's been a bit of an ordeal recently, with Keith. I get up every morning and the weight of the world immediately settles on my shoulders.

  8. Hoping for better days ahead for you and Keith. More energy for Keith, a longer lasting kettle for you...and a lot less worry.

    1. Thankyou. I can shed a little of the worry load when the kids get here.

  9. Oh the ups and downs of medical treatment and sometimes it seems more downs than ups. Does the little girl know how to cross stitch. It would be a nice activity for you both. I pray tomorrow you will be able to tell us Keith has perked up.

    1. It seems to me to be just a guessing game. Our "instant grand daughter" is only 3, but I will teach her when she's a little bit older!

  10. Thinking of you all - last year Christmas was a right off for me as my mum was so ill, this year she's no longer with us and I'm learning to live with that. Sometimes it can feel easier to give yourself permission not to celebrate, it can be so hard to force jollity that just isn't there can't it?
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Sorry to hear this is the first Christmas without your mum - you will miss her I'm sure. I will be happier when we have a house-full, but right now, I'd happily just do without Christmas!

  11. I do hope that Keith feels better soon. I can just imagine how worrying this is for the two of you.

    Love the stitched ornaments.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks Jackie - hoping things change for the better now. Kitten therapy is helping.

  12. It looks like you are heading to a better energy level for Keith ... You know what will happen when you have a tree up LOL

    1. I do hope so Marlane. Life currently without-tree so stress levels lower as result!!

  13. Sorry to hear of your appliance problems - our microwave died a few months ago, but it had given us nearly 24 years service so couldn't complain too much. As for kettles, we've been using a Tesco basic one for over 10 years now with no problems!

    1. Hi Will, Nothing lasts these days - apart, apparently, from a Tesco basic kettle :)

  14. I hope Keith's medical problems can be settled easily with meds. I wish you both well during the holidays. Your embroidery is lovely, the little girl will love it.

    1. Thanks Celie. I've been enjoying the x-stitch. Quickly completed too.

  15. Hugs for you. I hope this diagnosis and medicine is the answer for Keith. More hugs.

    1. Thanks Marjorie. We could do with some peace of mind.

  16. So sorry to hear about Keith - and I hope the new medications will soon make him feel a bit better. The embroidery is so beautiful. Take care and sending you a hug.

    1. We're hoping he will perk up in time for Christmas. Glad you like the embroidery and many thanks for the hug.

  17. Sorry to hear about Keith and hope the new medications will help. I have been following along but we’ve been a bit busy recently so not commented. Since August our solar panels have failed (big bill), the boiler has failed (another big bill), the fridge worked but reported errors the whole time and now, finally, this last week the shower pump and bathroom fan have packed up. Oh and our kettle failed too. Plumbers, electricians can’t be had as they are all too busy - it’s so frustrating and just another problem for hubby to worry over. At last we got to see our Parkinson’s nurse instead of filling in questionnaires and hubby is booked in for all sorts of visits for checkups. He seems quite stable and perky. One visit has been cancelled twice because of staff illness so we will see how long it all takes.

    1. Hi SueJay, gosh, you've had an expensive year of things! Just about everything that could break has done so - that's not good.

      Sorry that it puts a strain on you and your hubby (bound to) but hope that the Parkinson's nurse will start pulling strings now and his checkups help his treatment. Glad he is not feeling too bad at the moment. Have a lovely Christmas - always hoping the cooker isn't the next thing to give up the ghost!
