

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 10 December 2022

Busy baking

This morning's sunrise - red sky in the morning, shepherd's warning . . .

I am glad to say we have only had a couple of short snow-showers, and it as warmed up enough to melt the frost on trees and hedgerows and  on the front path.  Let's hope it continues to thaw.  I haven't been out today - just up the garden a couple of times to top up the bird-feeders.

Straight after breakfast I made a big pan of soup.  Onion; mixed veg from a stew pack and frozen; a portion of ratatouille from the freezer; red lentils; half a tin of baked beans and a tin of Taco beans for flavour.  It made for a tasty hearty soup, and I have lunch for the week I think!

Then I set to baking and made Choc-Chip Applesauce Cookies, from a Canadian apple recipe cookbook sent by a penpal back in 1985.  I have referred to it regularly down the years and had to have it rebound eventually, as the cover had had it (spiral gone).

Though I had gone off the boil by the time the 3rd tray of cookies came out of the oven, I wanted to make use of the hot oven, so quickly knocked up my Manderin Orange Cake - just fancied it today.   Keith and I had a piece mid-afternoon, still warm, and although the manderins had sunk to the bottom, it still tasted great.

    Then I gave myself a couple of hours off and watched a nature programme filmed in Germany and read a few chapters of A Fenland Smallholding by Pam Ferrers, which I bought after reading about it on Farms on My Bookshelf (see sidebar).  The babies were sleeping - Lulu on the top of the sofa, and Pippi under a quilt on my lap.  She was like a little hot water bottle.  Alfie and Ghengis were beside me and L. Whale on a chair in the kitchen.  He isn't limping quite so much today, I'm glad to say.

Keith and I had intended to go to the Fleamarket on Carmarthen Showground tomorrow, but it sounds like the roads will be shocking tomorrow (very icy after the bit of rain we had this afternoon), and we know from experience just how cold it will be in the farm shed the indoor stalls are in from when we used to stand at this Fair in the past.  Warmer outdoors than in . . .

Tomorrow I shall venture up to the attic and find some more Christmas stuff I think.  Keep warm everyone.  Please send some healing thoughts to Tam, who has come down with Covid (that'll teach her to go on holiday - Copenhagen, so flights were involved).  As mum, I am of course in worry mode though she doesn't sound too bad this evening, her fever broke this afternoon.



  1. I think I have a small cook book using apple sauce to replace fat. I think you were wise not to venture out to the Fair! Healing thoughts to Tam!

    1. The Fair is today and we have had snow in the night (there will be ice beneath it as it had rained). Applesauce can replace eggs too.

    2. forgot to say, your bakes look amazing. Snow here, but thawing fast.

  2. You certainly had a busy morning! I can't cook like that til afternoon, lol. The baking looks delish, esp the mandarin cake.

    Your skies are so beautiful!

    Poor Tam, that would spoil one's holiday. Friends here esp their small children are showing up again w Covid too. When will this end---I guess never? My doctor told me to get a fifth vaccination, I squealed and great big NO, but prob will.

    1. I'm a morning person Lizzy. The Manderin cake is rather tasty . . .

      The skies were gorgeous and foretold the weather!

      She had her holiday OK, it was on the plane home I assume that she picked up the Covid bug. We won't have another vaccination - it knocked Keith for 6 this time (Moderna one).

  3. It looks like it is time to hunker down for the Winter. Here it is about 55 deg F with a lovely gentle much needed rain. All the horses have their blankets on. Wishing Tam a speedy recovery. Hubby and I were fine in a week and a half. We are un vaccinated also and did not wear masks except when absolutely necessary.

    1. Definitely time to pull the curtains early and pile up the books! Thanks for the get well wishes for Tam. She was v. bad in the morning yesterday, slept for 3 hours and her fever broke. She managed the meal her boyfriend brought round and enjoyed it. I wear a mask in crowded places. Don't want to catch it and infect Keith.

  4. I worry about my kids flying many people fighting all manner of viruses. My best thoughts for Tam. A good baking day is good for the soul. Off to Google Mandarin orange cakes.

    1. All that recycled air. Thanks for the best wishes for Tam. Will keep you posted. The Mandarin Orange cake recipe is my own. I'll put it up later.

  5. The cookies and cake look delicious and those kittens - they must be bringing you a lot of fun and games!
    Alison in Wales x

    1. The kittens bring much joy and laughter. Seeing them leap two feet into the air to pounce on
      each other is hilarious!

  6. Best wishes to Tam at least the variant viruses seem to be less worse than at the beginning. Good idea to stay at home. I have just received a call from my son, he wants to change the M&S jumpers I sent for Xmas. I just knew it would happen!
    Surrounded by cats a pleasant cure for worry.

    1. Tam was feeling better yesterday -at least she has the strength to open the door now. I think you give your son an M&S voucher next year, to buy his own!

      It's good to be surrounded by cats.

  7. Very wise not to go to the Carmarthen fair. Further west, we've had bad 24-hr frosts and black ice this morning. Lots of accidents, and I know what you mean about that shed being cold even when you are walking around.

    1. Our friends phoned in the evening to say so few traders turned up they were given 3 pitches to stretch out over! Few buyers too and my friend (who is tiny) couldn't feel her hands to count out change, despite bringing a hot water bottle which they had topped up whilst there. I am glad we didn't go.

  8. That Mandarin Orange cake looks delicious, I hope Tam is feeling better now. Nice to see the little puss cats so peaceful for once.

    1. I'll try and put the recipe up later. Tam not as bad, thank heavens.

  9. Lots of beautiful baking and eating. Hope Tam gets well soon. Those kittens are gorgeous its good to see the rest of the family accepting them too. Take care and keep safe and warmxx

    1. The kittens bring us such joy. Now that my friend comes round regularly, I like to have biscuits or cake to offer her. Keep warm.

  10. Going off the boil, I know it well. Before I moved to Canada with my Canadian husband a friend sent me a Canadian cookbook and the measuring cups. I still use the book 40yrs later. Does the U.K. now have readily available measuring cups? Poor Tam, so hard to weigh up the risks of travel. I hope her symptoms remain mild.

    1. I have bought measuring cups, two different sorts, so recipes no problem, and when I have measured in cups I weigh it, so put that amount on the recipe for future use. Tam wasn't expecting to catch Covid on the plane - didn't bother with a mask. That's just the place I WOULD expect to catch it and would have worn mine!!

  11. I am praying that Tam has a very mild case.

    Your cake and cookies look wonderful.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you Jackie. She certainly sounded a bit brighter yesterday. Cookies and cake going down well .

  12. Your mandarin cake resembles my pineapple upside-down cake--made one on Friday, and yes, best eaten while still warm, preferably with a dab of whipped cream.
    In looking at Pippi I notice the 'third eyelid' is visible--had she just woken up?
    How lovely that the cat tribe is settling into agreeable companionship, the hissing and fluffing phase worked through.
    The air in planes is always dreadful--stuffy and full of who knows what! Hopefully Tam will be feeling better well before Christmas.

    1. Hah - it's meant to have the fruit evenly distributed though it. I normally buy tins of broken mandarins (cheaper) and these weren't and I didn't break them up so they sank. Still tasted just as good though. Pineapple upside-down cake was one of the first things I learned to bake which was edible!

      Pippi in mid-sleep and then I moved the quilt to take her photo, hence her bleary-eyed look. 3rd eyelid as you surmised, just due to sleep.

      L. Whale now a lot more accepting and will stay in the same room as the babies. Progress.

      I wouldn't want to fly these days - not without a good mask anyway. Tam should be ok for Christmas. Let's just hope we are not snowed in! She's the other side of the mountains, and the other two are a good journey away. Danny and his partner and little one will arrive on the train from Swansea. Gabby has to drive from Cardiff.
