

Jennie's recipes

Monday 12 December 2022

So nearly home . . .

 Just about 30 yds from the gate in fact, and then the ice got the better of me - I got a wheel in an icy dip in our track and that was it, we woz going nowhere!  The journey into Llandod for groceries was fine - our lane navigable, main road fine too, though I kept to a sensible speed just in case.  Freezing fog all day had not helped our track though and as I turned into it, the car decided it would like to go sideways. I reversed, turned in higher above the obviously slippy bit, and made a little progress, some of it sideways, but hey, it was forwards too. Then the wheel got into the frozen puddle dip and that was it.  I went and got a shovel and started putting grit from the nearby bin down in front of the wheels and along the track.  I saw our next door neighbour was at home (not window cleaning weather!) and asked him if he could help and between us we got the car going and into the yard.  The first thing I had to do then was to phone the Dentists' and tell them we would not be coming along to our 2.30  appt, as even if we got out, no way were we going to get back in again and I couldn't  risk Keith falling on the ice if he had to get out to walk.

The view yesterday across to the Quarry.

It would seem we have this weather for the week. It was - 5 last night, and as I type this is already -3.  The cats have insisted that this is the weather to be indoors and who can blame them.  When they go out for ablutions though, I have to keep checking the cat flap as it got stuck a few days ago and they haven't worked out that it is functioning again, and so just sit there, waiting to be let in. Since the babies have been sleeping on the kitchen chairs during the day, the Big Boys seem to have accepted them more, as they are more used to their scent I suppose. 

Hoar frost has covered all the trees and hedges with a silver sculpture.

As you can see, cold weather doesn't stop play with the girls!

With not a great deal to do this afternoon, I cleaned the top oven and grill pan, hung up the washing and then settled down to re-read Phil Rickman's The Fabric of Sin again.  Love his books.


  1. You are such a brave and hardy soul! I now stay home at the hint of ice.
    Doctors and dentists here have a new thing where they charge 50.oo$ for last minute cancellations. I went last week to the rheumatologist, bec I didn't have an extra fifty dollars to spare, w my horrible sinus infection! Sometimes one just must cancel tho. [good news was this MD is very nice and tho not his specialty Rxed an antibiotic which cleared things right up.]

    How is your Tam?

    1. Well, we are with an NHS dentist, and they're sharing our weather so they understood. Glad you got your sinus infection sorted out. I have had horses in the past, which means you go out to care for them whatever the weather. I don't care to drive if it's icy, but the roads were OK - just our stretch of the bridleway to the house which had gotten compacted with farm traffic using it.

  2. Beautiful to look at, not so much fun to travel in!
    Lovely watching kittens play.

    1. The older I get, the more I agree with that statement gz! Who needs tv with kittens hurtling round?! That said, several more episodes of The Witcher watched yesterday.

  3. Cycle commuting in this is not fun at all! Just stay warm and safe!

    1. Oh gosh Simon, absolutely horrid. I would rather walk. Now I'm stocked up again, we can snuggle up indoors.

  4. If there is one thing I really dislike it is icy roads. I don't blame you at all for not going out a second time.

    We are going to be getting a Colorado low over the next 4 days which could mean lots of snow. They are forecasting up to 30 cm or more for my area. I won't be going anywhere for the next while, that's for sure.

    God bless.

    1. It's the black ice - it lurks in plain sight and you don't know of it until too late.

      A Colorado low sounds pretty mean. We struggle with just a few inches (literally, 4" and we grind to a halt as Councils are never prepared in the Southern half of the country). A foot of snow here and no-one (apart from farmers) would be going anywhere! Stay safe and warm.

  5. I do hate ice. Waling and driving on it is treacherous. Good thing your neighbor was there to help. It sounds like good weather to curl up with a good book. I am not familiar with that author. I'll look him up.

    1. Hi Celie. Not enjoying this weather. Sat here with a blanket over my shoulders and a quilt over my lap waiting for the house to warm up - central heating went on early today as I was down at 6.30 a.m. Phil Rickman writes books set along the Welsh Marches. They are a bit spooky, involve a murder or two, and his heroine, Merrily, who is a Vicar and carries out exorcisms for Herefordshire. Don't think The Omen here - they are just a bit spooky, nothing hide under the bedclothes bad! As I know the area well, I can see his settings in my minds' eye.

  6. It is the same temp here at night as in your day.

    1. You'll be wishing for spring then Marlane, as we are!

  7. Boy your weather sounds awful. Glad you got unstuck.

  8. Oh believe me, we've had a lot worse. The farmer told me when The Beast from the East hit in 2018 I think it was, it was - 17 here! Bad in Carms too, which is where we were then.

  9. So pleased to hear you finally got the car back on the drive. It has been so cold icy and frosty. I hope Tam is feeling a little better now.

    1. I drove down the town for a newspaper and a prescription today, oh and to pick up the empty bins. Except I couldn't open the boot of the car as it was frozen solid! Tam claims to befeeling better.

  10. You did well to go out and get back, or nearly back, home without incident. It's always better to be safe than sorry in this icy weather.

    1. So near yet so far. I want to go to Hay tomorrow. It's going to be minus 7 tonight . . . so we'll have to see.

  11. I hope you're OK today and not too shaken by the events recorded here. I always find it affects me the day after. At least you've got the car back on the drive. How is Tam doing now?

    1. I'm fine, just worried about Tam in a cold house when she's already poorly. It never rains but it pours.
