

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 15 December 2022

Quite the stupidest idea!

         I had an email from Yodel today.  Delivery of parcels locally was delayed, so instead customers could collect their parcels from The Groe, down in the town.  I got down there to find about 15 people ahead of me. They had been waiting half an hour and not one parcel had been allocated yet.  It was a huge pantechnicon full of parcels, and due to their ineptitude, there was a huge delay in trying to locate any particular ones.  I waited half an hour (2 parcels handed out, to the same person) before leaving, by which time my legs were frozen from the knees downwards, and even now, 2 1/2 hours on, I have had to put a hotty botty in its woollen jacket across my feet and ankles to restore them to normal temperature.  So I am still waiting on two parcels that Yodel have - don't know when those will be delivered.  They said they needed proof of identity, but apparently not.  You just needed a name and a post code!

        Tam is still testing positive, and still no idea of when heating may be restored.  As it's Friday tomorrow, she may end up going the entire weekend without any. Victoria - thank you SO much for your helpful advice.  Tam has told me because she had touched the heating controls, trying to get it to work, she couldn't risk anyone coming there and perhaps passing Covid on to a vulnerable customer they might visit next . . . Which is all very well, but what about HER health?  

        Tomorrow the babies have their 2nd innoculation and I am dreading them reacting badly to it again as they did the first time.  Poor little souls, they were clearly running temperatures and panting rather than breathing.  I hope this 2nd jab doesn't hit them so hard as their body recognizes it.

        It was minus 10 here last night.  We had the heating on low overnight for fear of  the kittens becoming chilled or the pipes freezing.  We will do the same tonight - it's already minus 4 and set to be minus 6 or 7 (or more).  I will be so glad when it warms up and have a week of rain next week.  Totally fed up with the freezing temps now and worried about folk who have to choose between heating and eating.  This truly couldn't have been a worse spell of weather when bills are so astronomical and set to be worse next month.

The PD nurse phoned today and we had a chat and she's going to suggest some normal health tests with the GP, so I need to book in blood tests in the morning for next week sometime.  She suggested his fatigue could be due to low Thyroid levels as he's on the lowest possible dose of Thyroid treatment possible.  He also needs to drink more.  Yup - wish me luck with that one!  When he did suddenly drink lots in very short order the other night, he was better the next day, but when I try to insist he increases what he drinks I get told he can't do that as he chokes . . .

Well, keep warm everyone.  I had better sort out an evening meal now.  Fish tonight (mine will be in Kedgeree).


  1. What an uncomfortable waste of time for you! On a very cold night last week I let the dogs sleep with us. Not the best idea but they were thrilled. I wouldn't reccomend it with kittens, you wouldn't get a wink of sleep. At least I could nod off between fending off loving face licks.

    1. Oh gosh, I think we would have kittens Down The Bed, killing toes! Many years ago (over 40) when I lived in a house with one radiator and an open fire, our two dogs slept on the end of the bed as "bedwarmers".

  2. According to our Centers for Disease Control, cleaning a surface with disinfectant approved for Covid virus should remove transmission risk. If Tam can disinfect what she touched, hopefully the repairs can be made soon. I do hope a simple adjustment of Keith's thyroid meds is what's needed for him to feel better. And hopefully there will be no adverse effects of the vaccines on the babies. Oh my, that's a lot of health concerns for you to carry.

    1. Thanks Celie, I'll tell her that. Tam always puts other people first. I am hoping we can get to the bottom of what is causing Keith's fatigue, but really simply drinking more would make a difference and he's got every excuse WHY he can't do that!

      Dreading the trip to the vet's this morning and the after-effects. The worries do hang heavily, I must confess.

  3. What a palaver with Yodel. Mind, it's similar here with what used to be Hermes. They are encouraging me to travel 20 miles one way to my nearest parcel pickup points rather than have the Courier deliver when he's in the village anyway. And this is in the name of saving the environment?!
    Hope Tam is able to sort it out soon, you must be so worried {hug}

    1. Couriers - well, we all know some are worse than others! Crazy suggesting you travel a 40 mile round trip to pick up a parcel esp. when they are delivering locally anyway. We we grew up, we just "went shopping in town".. .

  4. We have reasonably good package delivery here from UPS and/or Fedex for larger items. Smaller ones [usually ordered via ebay or Amazon] appear in our post box at the head of the lane. It sounds like you are dealing with a real 'winner'--not!
    I'm hoping the baby cats will be less affected by the 2nd round of injections--you are doing the right thing by them, but it is hard to see them feeling limp and poorly even for a day.

    1. We have "cat flap" deliveries for the smaller items. Our Evri (Hermes) deliveries are normally ok but I still haven't forgotten the shower glass they took saying they would return to sender, and it was nothing to do with them. (Keith dealt with it, and didn't know there were different couriers).

      Dreading today . . .

  5. Replies
    1. A chap I was stood next to in the queue said he'd HAD a Yodel delivery that morning, so they obviously couldn't be bothered unloading this truck.

  6. Men can be exceedingly contrary sometimes, can't they? I had to lose patience with mine altogether before he'd begin to heed medical advice.

    I hope that Tam has an electric blanket to cozy up in.

    1. Oh he has a PhD in Contrariness Debby!

      Tam has been in bed keeping warm since last Friday! Thank goodness she has a very good electric blanket.

  7. I have been leaving comments, but I don't see them. Are they in your spam, or am I doing something wrong, suddenly?

    1. I put up all the comments Debby - perhaps I just haven't answered them? Will go back to the previous post and check for you. I remember you saying Houdini had come up from the cellar.

  8. LOL "Good Luck" in getting your hubby to drink more.

    1. And thank you for taking the time to reply to each of us personally when you can.

    2. I feel rude not to answer comments. I love hearing from friends.

  9. I know I’m old-fashioned but if it cannot be bought in my village shop, local farm shops, Petworth, Pulborough or occasional trips to Chichester I just don’t bother. We have been enjoying our earth as hard as iron walks, yes it has been very cold but we wrap up in lots of layers and I’ve even persuaded my hat-hating husband to wear a cap on his head. Keep nagging K to drink more. Our day is punctuated with glasses of water and cups of tea - we’re on our second cup of tea and we’ve both had two drinks of water. Two litres of plain tap water should be every adult’s minimum target. It sounds a lot but it is only eight small glasses of water a day - that is not going to make anyone choke! And we keep moving - our house has never been so cobweb and dust free as nothing warms you up like a spot of housework. Wishing you and the kittens well today for their injections and that Tam recovers quickly and gets her heating mended. A cold house when you’re unwell is the worst thing ever. Sarah x

    1. The shops in town and Llandod are somewhat parochial. I ask the kids what they want these days and buy online. I had wanted to go Christmas shopping in Hereford, but life got in the way. Keith hasn't been feeling his best and I don't like to leave him. He has spells where he really barely drinks much at all - he doesn't seem to have any urge to drink/get thirsty. If I nag, I get told it makes him retch to try and drink much. One week he went 3 days on the same pint of water in his stein, with a cup of tea first thing and some water at night.

      Tam still positive, but has the heating sorted now - it happened to someone else in the house and so the Landlady looked up what might have caused the problem and it was the condensation pipe icing up and pressure dropping. Tam was able to mend it herself. Saw my friend Pam today and she'd had the same thing at her house.

      Kittens fine today - didn't enjoy their visit but no nasty reaction this time.

  10. I hear negative reports about Yodel all the time but have to say our Yodel delivery ma is very good but so sorry you had a wasted trip.
    Sorry too to hear about Tam and lack of heating - hope she is feeling better soon and can get it fixed.
    Good luck with the kitten innoculations.

    1. I think the Yodel folk didn't have joined up thinking when it came to handing out the parcels - in fact, no forethought AT ALL! We don't normally have a problem with them.

      Tam's still feeling under the weather, but has heating again.

      Kittens currently up to no good in the guest bedroom (under the bed!)

  11. Hope the kitties do bettter at the vets this time x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Thank you Alison, they didn't enjoy it (me neither) but havebounced back this time, after an afternoon sleep.

  12. Well hopefully the Post Office will get a good parcel service up and running, we just collect parcels delivered by them from the post office. Amazon driver is always in a rush but does deliver to the people next door. The other delivery people keep you informed of delivery times. But don't ask me about parcels coming to the door, I have gone on strike!
    I do hope Keith gets better in drinking water. It is that barrier that sick people put up when you try to do the right thing - persevere Jennie and let him delight in those two rascals, though presumably they will be under the weather today.

    1. It can be a proper shemozzle with parcels. The ones who deliver regularly are reliable and will leave in the stable if no-one in, or if small, post through the cat flap.

      I have just tried persuading K to drink more but he is - as always - drinking plenty. He slept badly again last night (short of 3 hours sleep) so is really tired.

      The kittens are still making us chuckle, which is good for the soul.

  13. Hugs and good luck with quick healing wishes for Tam. Those kittens are growing fast. Now I want to eat Kedgeree which I have never had but sounds yummy. Too bad we don't get decent fish here in the bush of Canada.

    1. We're hoping Tam tests negative (finally) today.

      The kittens are looking more like small cats now instead of roly poly balls of fluff. For Kedgeree here we use smoked fish. I don't suppose you can get hold of that? You could use smoked salmon (indulgent though!) as what you taste is the mild curry flavour.
