

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 14 December 2022

"Don't feed them after Midnight!"


Butter wouldn't melt . . .  but don't be deceived by their quiet demeanour.  After they have had their next meal they will hurtle round the room as if their tails are on fire.  I am beginning to think they may be related to Gremlins - in which case, I shall definitely not feed them after midnight, however much they plead!!

Ghengis has shed years and has a whole new lease of life.  It's always Lulu he plays with, who loves a Rough-house with him, but yesterday he was tapping Pippi with his foot, so think she will soon be included too.  First thing in the morning they run up and down, and steeplechase in and out of the chairs in the Library.

We took the crate out last week, so they are free range in the living room at night now.  The Big Boys have calmed down sufficiently that they can soon all have the run of the bottom half of the house at nights.

We had sunshine today for the first day in a while, so I took the camera up into the orchard to get some photos.

Looking down the steep hillside which is our bit of land too.

The Long-Tailed Tits discovered the fat balls today.

The view from across the lane from us - a little bit of snow and frost still on the hills, as here.

Looking across to Aberedw.

Well, Keith is brighter today and more mobile today, but at teatime it's just like someone has pulled the plug.  Phone messages and a note to the PD nurse have not elicited a reply over our worries.  It is frustrating and worrying.  We want to know if what Keith is experiencing day to day, is the best we can expect from his treatment.  Fatigue is ever-present.

Now worried about darling daughter who has no heating in her flat as the system has broken/frozen and because she has Covid, the Landlady can't get anyone in to fix it. It never rains but it pours . . . Tam has spent the day in bed with the electric blanket on, though she's been loaned an electric heater now for the living room/kitchen, where it is barely 13 deg.  They have - 2 tonight.

Here it will be - 7, so we are thinking of leaving the heating on low overnight.  Don't want frozen pipes or kitties.


  1. I hope the PN gets back soon. Mine often phones VERY late. So sorry about Tam. Talk about timing.

  2. Me too. It's very stressful. It is a mother's place to worry about her offspring - not much time off from that at the mo!

  3. I had a comment nearly finished and took a moment to brush cat hair [what else?] out of my keyboard and the comment went away--somewhere?
    Looking at the photo of Ghengis and Lulu I think you caught a vital moment--G's back foot holding down Lulu's tail and she batting those delightfully marked paws for all she was worth. I see that Pippi was standing by to help if needed.
    I'm sorry that in addition to a lingering bout with Covid Tam must endure a chilly apartment--never pleasant without illness thrown in.
    With Keith's stamina and mobility so unpredictable from day to day it surely makes it nearly impossible to plan much beyond 24 hours. I'm sorry it has come to that.

  4. You only have to blink at the keyboard sometimes for a comment to disappear into the ether! Sleeves have a lot to answer for!

    There was more to the Tam story as she couldn't get hold of Jon all day, so WALKED down to his house (and then back up again). They have been separate in the hope he wouldn't get Covid as there's a family wedding at the weekend. I have been worried sick - thoughts of her collapsed on the uphill route home in below freezing temps.

    Keith's health is such a worry and my anxiety levels high before all the Tam shennanigans.

  5. It brings back so many memories seeing your older cat and the babies playing . What a special time with those kittens.

    1. The kittens bring such joy and help to balance out the anxiety levels. Alfie joined in the sprint around the library this morning :)

  6. That is very cold for Tam to endure while I'll with Covid. I hope the space heater and electric blanket keep her warm. I hope the PD responds soon, and with better news than feared. Worry comes from all directions it seems. Stay warm and hope you get good rest.

    1. It's such a worry about Tam. I just hope she tests negative today so the bods can be called out. Don't want it to go into the weekend when they presumably don't work.

      We daren't sit here in the cold, so have ordered more heating oil. I get paid a carer's allowance, so that will help cover the cost. We are fortunate though, I feel sorry for the folk who can't be so generous with the heating.

  7. I hope that you get some answers soon. Good luck. It is good that your little gremlins are fitting into the household. Mine is out of the basement but he hasn't eaten in over 24 hours. I'm concerned for him, but just keep fresh food and water for him, set outside his latest hiding place. At least he's out of the basement.

    1. That's good news that he's ventured up. Try tempting him with something irrisistible to cats -something fishy, slightly warmed to bring out the smell!

  8. You live in a beautiful spot. I expect it feeds your soul when worries build up. Hang in there and be good to yourself.

    1. We are indeed so fortunate to live in such a beautiful area - just looking out of the bathroom window brings a smile. Even quarries look pretty when they are snow-covered.

  9. I am surprised that the landlord (or letting agent) can't arrange heating repair. As a rental owner myself the letting agent I use would simply insist that the Covid sufferer isolates themselves in another room. We are no longer governed by rules that say anybody with Covid has to isolate. It shis now treated as a 'regular' illness and if you don't feel well don't go to work and obviously keep yourself away from anybody who is vulnerable, elderly and on the list of those to avoid. I would check again with the landlord. Two friends have broken boilers and their houses are unbelievably cold. An oil filled radiator could help.

    1. I passed this on to Tam. I presume the Landlady is still acting under the old regulations. Tam is suffering because of that. Hoping that she tests negative today. It's a flat in an old house where Tam is too, so not good insulation. Fortunately her bedroom faces south, so warms up from the sun.

  10. So many things for you to worry about at the moment, thank goodness for the kittens and the big-uns finally getting on with them and joining in the play. You need SOME light relief in your days at the moment.

    1. Waking up isn't much fun, that's for sure. Alfie was back to sleeping beside me on the sofa last night, his paws touching a sleeping Pippi's. Aw bless him. I just have to watch him if he's been on the cat nip mouse as he gets a bit wild then!
