

Jennie's recipes

Friday 20 January 2023

A snowy walk and kitten hide and seek!


Pam and I had a walk down on the fields beside the Wye this morning. She's just about over her illness but still coughing and suffering blocked sinuses.  The snow was still lingering and we loved the way the frost had added to its beauty overnight.

The hill across the river, just to the Newbridge side of the showground.

In the summer, people picnic here.  A shortage of takers today though!

Pen-ddol Rocks (think this translates to top meadow).

Above and below looking back towards the hills above the town.

I changed our bed yesterday and the very edges of the flannelette duvet cover were still damp even after being on the rack overnight, so I tucked it over the back of the top hall radiator.  Of course, this was an invitation for two little kittens to play hide and seek.  Lulu wonders where her sister is . . .

Cooee - are you in there Pippy?

One smug Pippy, having 40 winks!!

After two days where his energy levels were up and Keith was able to walk up the kitchen and back - in fact yesterday, just using his stick, he's had a rest today and I've been out and about (I did the grocery shop this afternoon, as I needed to check if it was possible to drive along our trackway).  He can only do it when the Thyroxine is working (e.g. in the morning) but it was like a miracle seeing him more confident and walking properly. If only it lasted all day.  Now he has to work on being able to walk a little further each day. Fingers x'd.

The pillow raiser was a complete failure - good idea, but it stretched down the bed and Keith couldn't get  comfortable, so I had to get up again and unplug it and remove it.  They will be taking it back.

Have a lovely weekend.  We have our son here so that will be lovely. 


  1. Kittens are so charming! Nothing goes unexplored. If only the improvements that Keith is showing can become a daily gain.

    1. Well, Keith is still just using his stick rather than the stroller, so fingers x'd improvements maybe embroidered upon. Those kittens are SO nosy and I always check the washing machine before I turn it on!

  2. Very beautiful landscape photos, today and yesterday. I see a hint of spring in the fast running thawed creeks. The kitties are darling, they brings such joy, don't they.

    I don't know how you manage without a dryer, even if not used year round. Damp beding is so unpleasant.

    Good news that your DH is doing better --and son is visiting. Will he bring GF and child?



    1. Lizzy - tiny nods to spring with Willow catkins and the occasional snowdrop, and I've had a few primroses and primulas putting out tentative blooms in sheltered spots in the garden. Haven't had a dryer since the 1970s. At our old home we had an oil stove (a bit like an Aga) which provided heat and we had two "Betty Maid" hanging dryers in the kitchen. Electric dryers cost too much to run and I've no room for one here anyway.

      We had a lovely visit from Danny - and his girlfriend and little girl will come with him next time.

  3. I am glad that you are getting a visit with your son. Keith will really enjoy that as well.

    Gorgeous photos for your and Tam's walk.

    God Bless.

    1. It's been a lovely weekend and we didn't take too much encouraging by Danny to catch up on films on Prime! After all, we pay for them year round with my Prime subscription.

      It was a walk with my friend Pam this time, to give her rescue dog a good run round,

  4. The close up snow pictures are great . Such good news that Keith is still maintaining and also more family coming to visit I hope all will be good.

    1. I'm surprised they turned out as I couldn't bend low enough to see what I was taking! We've had a good weekend.

  5. I love your kitten pictures. I am glad Keith is improved. Enjoy your son's visit.

    1. The photo I want to get is of Lulu trotting off with the string-covered pingpong ball in her mouth! She looks like a Retriever :)

  6. Oh it does look cold. Here we have had freezing nighttime temperatures but beautiful sunny blue sky days so perfect for walking well-wrapped up. Our lane has remained icy in patches so we are careful to walk on the grassy edge avoiding emerging snowdrops and primroses. Actually saw my first primrose in flower today along the lane and the church yard snowdrops are coming through. I am so excited to count the snowdrops that I’ve planted under the beech hedges. I planted them in ones and twos and threes quite randomly and year on year they are slowly increasing. I have been in the bookshop the last three days, all day Thursday and half days Friday and Saturday and so on Tuesday I ordered some sock yarn and downloaded a colourwork sock pattern from John Arbon in Devon. I have four 50 g skeins in three different colours to make three pairs of socks which will keep me occupied during quiet periods. And it was very quiet this morning - only three sales! Home for late lunch, a quick sit down and then out for a good walk. Yes, the more S walks (or cycles or swims) the better he is. It is to do with flooding the system with natural endorphins which make you feel better and allow you to go further and for longer. He is planning a long cycle with a couple of friends for Tuesday (I’ll be in the bookshop all day) which I am really happy about as I can see how much he is looking forward to it. S has been doing some fairly long 30km lane cycles with our son recently so I know he is capable. Those kittens are full of mischief. I do hope K continues to steadily improve and you are getting the help and support you both need. I think confidence is key and the more he can do I am sure the better he will feel. Take care on the ice BB and enjoy the snowy views and the company of your son. Ours is in London this weekend and then going skiing for a week next Saturday which will give me a break. I mostly love having T around but when he’s not here it feels like we’re on holiday. Sarah x

    1. Well, it's warmer it was than during that freezing spell a while back. Just needs to be warmer still and melt the wretched snow. Isn't it lovely to see the first signs of spring, and the lengthening days again. We have established snowdrops on the bank in the garden here, but no sign of them coming through yet.

      Keith's rigid neck/back is preventing any more exercise. I am going to phone the Physio tomorrow and insist on some help. Heavens - a Physio with no hands-on treatment is like a book shop without any books! Confidence really helps, as you say. I think part of his trouble, apart from the neck pain, is worrying he will fall and then I can't get him up.

      Haven't gone a over t on the ice this time, I'm glad to say! Make the most of T-free time!!
