

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 18 January 2023

Freshly Fresh and Newly New - SNOW!


We had snow overnight - about 4" or so.  Not much really, but on top of ice on the lane, I'm staying put today.  Could do without pranging our one and only car.

I went out in the virgin snow first thing (though there were car tracks along the lane proper).  The expression "Freshly Fresh and Newly New" came into my mind.  It comes from Rudyard Kipling's "The Maltese Cat" and was a tune played by the Band at the Polo Match described by the polo pony known as The Maltese Cat" or just "The Cat."  He had been found pulling a cart in Malta and gone on a troop ship to India, where he was plucked from obscurity to play in the Skidars team.  This is the tale of their final game in the Tournament, against the Archangels, who had the big expensive ponies.  If you want to re-acquaint yourself or hear it read, here's a link (though the chap is driving me mad - I could have read it SO MUCH better!! "Sais" is pronounced "Sice" for starters!) HERE'S A BETTER LINK and you can read the written word for yourself.  Quicker than listening to it being badly read.  Oh, I DID enjoy that and still know bits of it absolutely off by heart.

I walked slowly up the hill and around the bend, stopping to take photos of the landscape and the threatening clouds of snow behind the hills.

Looking back towards the town in the dip, and Aberedw.

Where I turned round.

The pristine track beyond us.

I am absolutely DELIGHTED to report that for whatever reason - change of meds, decent nights of sleep, Keith has turned a corner and has a bit more energy and better balance.  He has been walking up and down the kitchen, albeit with his stroller, but taking good strides (not little dolly steps).  His balance has improved a little too which is something we thought would never happen, because of the nature of the disease.  So, let us hope this continues and he can at least get back to the mobility he had before that wretched Moderna Covid booster.

I am now going to make the most of my Snow Day and read my book, and do some x-stitch.  Keep warm everyone.


  1. Your snowy photos are so beautiful but I'm glad its over your way and not here!
    Good News re Keith - long may the improvement last.

    1. It looks lovely but the track is impassable again even though the lane melted by mid-afternoon, so I still couldn't get out to post a card. Hoping Keith will keep improving now.

  2. Looks pretty but I do not blame you staying inside. Glad to hear that Keith is (excuse the pun) "stabilised". I had the Moderna and it upset me worse than any of the others too. Enjoy your crafting. I cannot settle to any at the moment, well to anything really. Wish I could. Take it steady, keep safe and keep warm. Tricia x

    1. I had a proper Snow Day Off yesterday, read, watched an old DVD (Rebecca with Laurence Olivier) and did some x-stitch - a little Robin tree-hanging for next Christmas.

  3. Love that Freshly fresh and Newly new....better than As pure as the driven slush!!

    We had the Moderna for our second or third booster with no problems, despite Pirate's health issues.

    1. The Moderna made us both think of not having any more Covid boosters. Clear skies overnight so the road to town will be black ice all the way today . . . Another home day.

  4. I am glad to say hubby and I never had any shots for covid, and we got covid and it was no worse than a flu in fact less worse. The only place we have snow here is in the mountains, it lasts all winter about two hours drive away. Skiing and winter fun. So glad Keith is doing better !!!

    1. At least Covid has degenerated so it is less murderous. We seem to get more snow here than we did in Carms. Hope that Keith continues improving.

  5. You got a lovely snowfall. Snow on ice is not fun.

    So glad that Keith is doing better each and every day.

    God bless.

    1. It is so pretty out there, but murderous underfoot on the lane today.

  6. That is wonderful news about Keith! I so hope he continues to improve. The countryside covered in fresh snow is lovely.

    1. Snow's lovely to look at, but not so good if you have to go anywhere.

  7. Good news about Keith, hope he keeps up the progress. I know exactly how you feel about a dull reader, reading fiction. I am listening to one at the moment, flat and monotonous, almost sends you to sleep.

    1. Improvement again today. Long may it last! I had to read The Maltese Cat from the written page as the man reading it was NOT a good reader, and didn't understand the horsey intonation - about a horse "standing over" at the knee far more than it should. I think he put a break between standing and over!

  8. So pleased to hear Keith has improved! Hope that continues. Sharie xx

    1. Hi Sharie - my heart sang to see him better balanced and stepping out today.

  9. So pleased for you both that Keith is feeling better. Keep warm and safe.

    1. I hope to God the improvement continues as long as possible. We're all snug as bugs here, don't worry.

  10. So pleased to hear about Keith. Wonderful snowy views. We only had a dusting here but its very cold. Stay warm and take care.

    1. I took some more views today. I prefer this to a dusting - at least it IS snow, not icing sugar! Keith more cheerful too.

  11. Firstly I have to say I am so glad that Keith is improving, I hope it continues until he gets to a level that makes his (and your) life easier and much happier.
    The fresh virgin snow looks wonderful doesn't it, and you are very sensible to stay in today and keep your one car unpranged. We had numerous accidents on the local roads yesterday, mostly during the school run times. And getting into town over the little bridge we have to cross was virtually impossible. Alan walked to the shop as he needed bread and ended up having to help a motorist who had almost slid into someone's gate.

    1. Oh my goodness so do I as he went downhill SO rapidly. A week ago I was expecting him to soon be bedbound. Only went out on foot today - our lane fine but our trackway NOT. Sounds like there were plenty of idiots out there doing the school runs . . .

  12. I do hope your husband continues to improve, it is such a worry. Thank you for the link the link to the Rudyard Kipling story. I enjoyed it so much I read it again this morning.

    1. Hello Lesley. All my fingers are x'd. I am so pleased you enjoyed the Rudyard Kipling story. He really knew his horses.

  13. The snow is lovely, especially when it covers up a brown landscape...we have freezing rain here in NY state, we're supposed to fly to Florida this evening to spend a few days with mother-in-law, hope we're able to. I'm glad Keith is doing better.

    1. Hi Della. It looks beautiful at the moment and of course, the green fields soon return as soon as it warms up a little. You've had a horrid winter in NY state - I hope your flight is still on for Florida. Enjoy that sunshine - I think you've earned it.

  14. Your countryside is so beautiful - and I'm glad Keith has seen improvement! WE have had almost no snow, strange for these parts.

  15. OK do I ever wish I lived down there with the sniw al around, I doubt mt wife would feel the same but seeing Aberedew just makes me thing of my Caravan near there, I can't wait to go back for some peace from around here.
