

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 4 January 2023

If I go quiet

  . . . don't worry.  I am worried about Keith's health as after steadily going downhill for over a year now- he barely has the energy to even take dolly steps right now, and I really didn't think he was going to make it upstairs to bed last night.   I have asked for the GP to make a house call tomorrow as I don't think I can even get him to the car, let alone into it.  PD nurse says it is not the Parkinsons, so we need to find out what it is and she said it was quite possibly the Thyroid levels (she suffers too) though the tests apparently read "normal", but then it depends how thorough the test is. Keith has been put on the lowest possible dose and it's never been reviewed for efficacy.

I also have a very poorly Pippi - tummy upset.  I took her to the vet today and she cried when they took her temperature and then the vet went to give her an anti-sickness injection and said she might react and Pippi yelled in pain and sank her teefs into my finger - blood everywhere.   You know how sharp kittens' teefs are.  She's still not right although she's not been sick since this morning.  I just want her back to her bouncy galloping around self.  She's just had a tiny spoonful of the Big Boys' Whiskas and eaten it, so I will try that again in the morning.  Even Lulu's seemingly gone off their kitten food (pray SHE isn't going down with it too).

Gabby is coming over on Friday (her day off) - believe me, moral support never more needed.


  1. We will all be out here in the ether, thinking good thoughts for you xx

    1. Well gz, the ether carried them here and she's almost back to normal this morning.

  2. Sorry to hear about Keith, one minute he's making progress and the next he's taken a turn for the worse. With MS (which I understand is similar to PD) my symptoms are slowly getting worse, but then that's the nature of the condition, so I don't expect any miracles. In Wales I was finding it difficult getting DOWN the stairs due to balance problems, so you may have to help him there. We movedt o a bungalow in Devon which solved that problem.

    I aso have Hypothyroidism and get tested every year and so far is under control, in fact apart from taking a pill every morning I don't think about it at all, it's all the other conditions I have that are concerning.

    I hope Keith gets some kind of relief and/or answers for what he's going through..

    1. Thank you Joan. MS can't be much fun either, and the fatigue and mobility problems are certainly experienced with PD too. Until recently stairs were the one thing Keith COULD do more easily. Keith's blood tests for thyroid function come back normal but I thought the dose was set at controlling the fatigue too.

      Now waiting for an appt. with a Neurologist.

    2. One of the symptoms of thyroid is fatigue and I've never heard of it being controlled. Keith and I don't stand a chance with fatigue from both PD/MS and thyroid.

  3. If it is loose stools that Pippi suffers, I would give my dog coconut moistened with warm water and it helped immediately, providing kittens like coconut as well as puppies.

    1. Thank you Lainey. I'll remember that. This was a reaction to something she ATE. Kittens are so curious!

  4. Hugs BB, to all of you. What you have described sounds like fatigue. Hope the Dr gets to the bottom of it for all your sakes major hugs and to the kittens xx

    1. Fatigue goes with the PD unfortunately, and it can be extreme. However, this downhill spiral has been happening the past two years, faster than PD progresses.

      Kittens back to the normal double trouble this morning!

    2. Aw bless. Hope things have settled down a bit for Keith and for you. Glad to hear the kittens are keeping you on their toes and back into mischief. There is something so special about mischievous kittens. Make you smile xx

  5. I'm thinking of you. Positive thoughts, of course.

    1. Thanks Tom. Yesterday was truly a sh*t day! Can do without many of those!!

  6. The thyroid is a funny thing indeed. Apparently it can be up and down like a yoyo, and if they get the reading when it's within normal parameters then that's it. No accounting for when it was the either side of normal. I'm probably not making sense. I hope all goes well with the doctor's home visit and they get Keith sorted out real soon. In the mean time, I am be sending you healing light.

    1. I think they only test TSH levels too, not the T3 or T4, or Cortisol levels etc. Dr phoned in the end and we had a thorough chat. Thank you for the healing light - worked for Pippi, Keith still asleep so too early to tell!!

  7. So sorry that you are going through some tough times My turn will come at some point but I hope not. Old age is a challenge, Doug and I are doing really well so far.

    1. Gosh, yesterday was a taste of things to come with Keith. He could barely creep around. Old age doesn't come alone, as my late ma in law always said. She was right on that.

  8. I'm so sorry Keith is doing poorly. I hope the doctor can figure out what is wrong and provide treatment. You must be so very stressed about him and now also poor Pipi feeling unwell. I hope you get rest while you can. My best wishes to you, Keith, and kitties.

    1. Hi Celie, it's such a worry, and with Pippi on top I was crumbling the last couple of days. Middle daughter is coming today, so that will cheer us both up.

  9. If its not one thing [Keith's decline] than its another [poorly cats!] I'm so sorry. The kittens are meant to provide a lifting of the heart, not scare you with being limp and ill. Nothing seems much more fragile than a sick kitten.
    I've been wondering if the 'big cats' actually eat the voles they catch--I'm thinking those creatures are related to moles; if a cat is so unwise as to ingest a mole there is an almost immediate stomach upset. One is so tempted to give a sick cat/kitten liquids via dropper, but I've been warned off that by vets as the cat may aspirate the liquid.
    I do hope both Keith and the kittens will have problems identified and properly treated.

    1. Decline is the word - too rapid for PD. GP is going to refer him to see a Neurologist now. I can imagine the waiting list though. You certainly nailed it with the "limp and ill" kitten description. Oh my goodness, what a worry. The Big Cats eat the bank voles, but usually spit out one bit of the gizzards (if they don't it makes them sick).

      When Pippi wouldn't eat OR drink yesterday I was worried as drinking was the vital thing. Fortunately she is drinking again and in fact, drinking at I write this. As the medication with electrolytes, potassium, magnesium etc made her sick yesterday, I'm not risking trying that again. Money down the drain. After her first jab she was very dehydrated and I dripped water from my finger onto her teeth, which helped.

  10. I will keep you all in my prayers. I do hope Keith gets better and regains his energy.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you Jackie. I think we have worked out what has caused his sudden weakness now (new medication).

  11. Keeping you in my thoughts.

  12. Hugs from Marjorie

  13. You've got such a lot on your plate. My best thoughts to you all. I'm glad you've got moral support coming.

    1. The plate nearly broke yesterday! Jeepers, I can do without too many days like that. Yup, cavalry arriving later bearing lunch!

  14. I am so sorry for your troubles. Will be keeping you in my thoughts and sending hope and love. lizzy

    1. Hi Lizzy. Thank you for thinking of us. Am going to be positive today, despite the grey skies out there.

  15. So sorry to hear about Keith, hope the doctors visit will help.
    I'm glad your daughter is coming to give you some support.

    1. The Dr phoned in the end, but that was sufficient - though she may have been very shocked if she saw the state he was in. Gabby will be very welcome and can help me set up the Careline system we've gone for.

  16. Thinking of you - you have so many worries at the moment. Glad Gabby is visiting.

    1. I hardly sat down yesterday RR - out to the Vet's, Dr's, Dr's again, Boots, and tea was courtesy of the Chippie as I'd HAD IT!

  17. It does sound more like Thyroid problems than the PD. I'm no expert but with a Mum with the former and a Gran who had the latter it does fit. Anyway whatever it is I do hope that the doctor does come and can reach a diagnosis and get Keith back to feeling a little better and more mobile.

    Don't worry about at all not blogging, you know we will all be here thinking of you and sending positive vibes your way. xx

    1. Well, we will see what doubling the Levothyroxine does. I am hoping it will make a noticable difference anyway.

  18. So sorry, this is not at all how your move was meant to be. Like everyone else, I will be thinking of you both, and hope the doc can determine the problem.

    1. Too blardy true veg artist. Several people have said this and I totally agree.

  19. So sorry, life can feel so cruel sometimes. Thinking of you and thanks for the heads up as it is disconcerting when favourite bloggers go quiet x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I know there are plenty of people worse off and apart from his neck seizing now and again, at least Keith isn't in pain. All the same life's not been much fun the past couple of weeks.
