

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 5 January 2023

Update on the invalids

 Pippi has had two long drinks, and a little bit of the Big Boys' Whiskas to tempt her to eat.  She is now snuggled down beneath the Poorly Quilt on the sofa.  Hoping (praying) she has turned the corner.  We saw the vet again this afternoon, who offered to repeat the hideous jab but I said NO very firmly.  

I think I may have discovered what made Pippi ill - they were playing on the windowsill in the pink bedroom earlier in the week, and Pippi was patting around dead petals from an over-wintering Pelargonium.  She must have eaten some petals as it turns out they are poisonous to cats, and dogs I think. Those have been chucked in the bin now.

Her Majesty . . .  You will just have to imagine a photo of Keith in bed!

Keith is having an early night.  I've been awake/up since 3am/4am respectively and am somewhat shattered as I've not stopped all day.  Keith's got a change of medication so let's hope it's effective.  His v. low dose of Levothyroxine has been doubled so let's hope his energy improves.

Will answer personals tomorrow.


  1. Good to hear there are some improvements, hope you have a better night
    Alison in Wales x

  2. I hope you get a better sleep tonight and that Keith's increased dosage helps.

    God bless.

  3. Poor darling Pippi! That face. I hope she is better soon.

    I haven't been sleeping, was still up at 4.15 last night, puttering around. I have a medical treatment Monday and I get very anxious/ panicky. Tired today. Hope you get some rest.

  4. Hope the increased dose helps Keith soon! Also hope that Pippi is on the mend, problem solved.

  5. I think I just lost a comment, mostly done but vanished. Hoping that the med changes work well for Keith and he gets his energy back. Glad Pipi is better as well, I hadn't known pelargonium (geraniums?)are toxic to cats. Good to know. I hope you are getting good sleep tonight.

  6. Poor baby cat--she's still looking fragile, isn't she. I removed a beautiful coleus earlier in the autumn as I caught Rosie nibbling it and she almost immediately threw up and acted under the weather for several hours. I didn't realize pelargoniums [geraniums, here] were also toxic. I'm thinking of the old proverb: 'Curiosity killed the cat.' I'm hoping that Pippi is much improved tomorrow, that Keith's meds kick in favorably--and that you have some rest from this welter of troubles.

  7. Aww ... poorly cats just look so sad don't they. It's as though they assume a permanent state of good health and get really knocked off their feet with any ailment. I think she is going to be a cat that you have to keep your eye on if she's tasting everything around the house. Some cats do this some just don't.

    Hopefully if Keith's meds start to work (and he doesn't eat any of the Pelargonium petals) he should start feeling a little bit better soon. Fingers crossed. xx

    1. Especially when they are still tiny. These two are BOTH very curious and Lulu had to have a piece of bottle foil (sharp and thick) removed quickly from her mouth as she picked it up at Christmas.

      Keeping Keith away from Pelargoniums and hoping he will be a bit brighter tomorrow.

  8. Gabby should be with you today to help nurse both your invalids. Pippi will of course improve as young kittens only can. Also Keith when he finds the right level of medicine. Now we go towards the light of spring and summer, a rejuvenating process.

    1. Gabby was a great help today Thelma (bought us a lovely lunch too). Pippi asking for food more now and mending I hope though she's not right t'other end yet.

      Thinking of Spring when I've seen Hazel catkins locally this week and increased birdsong today. Plus a Tawny owl calling in the daytime, which I don't remember hearing before. Apparently the males do that.

  9. So sorry to read this. Hope both improve by today. Most of all I hope you can rest some today.
    Lovely photo on your blog header.
    cheers !

    1. Hi Parsnip. Keith's improved a little during the day and I am hoping he will get a good night's sleep tonight. We have had to reintroduce one of the drugs the PD nurse told us to try not taking for a week. Hard to know if worsening due to that or the sleeping tablet prescribed.

      Glad you like the blog header.

  10. Hope both invalids have improved today and will be a bit brighter tomorrow.

  11. You know, I think of you often, over there with your kittens as I try to tame mine (he's made a lot of progress since New Year's day). You really do have a lot on your plate right now. I am glad to hear that Keith's had a better dayl. Hope his tomorrow is better yet!
