

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 7 January 2023

Not the best start to the year

 Morning all.  Beautiful blue sunshine out there (though it was pouring with rain at 4 a.m. this morning and L. Whale decided he would go out hunting anyway.  No walk for me as I woke up with my lungs feeling Not Good and my legs are a bit weak and wobbly - have had such a week of it, and hardly resting at all, it's probably my body telling me to rest, so I have been sat down with Pillars of the Earth.

The babies on the proper poorly quilt - the other one was off our bed as Pippi was hidden inside is folds so I carried it all down.  This poorly quilt is the one the children would be covered up in on the sofa when they were ill when little. The first quilt I ever made, just using whatever fabrics I could find - many just cheap pieces from a stall on Salisbury Market, when I lived just outside the city.

Keith took his first prescribed increased dose of Levothyroxine this morning.  Let's hope it helps.  His BP is good anyway.  He is walking slowly, using the Stroller still, this morning, but doesn't look as dire as yesterday when I thought he would end up in Hospital as he was in such a bad way.  He had to sit down on the stairs coming down in the morning, and then after I'd managed to get a chair by him, went from chair to chair to his place to have breakfast.   I was so glad that Gabby was here later.  Somehow he managed to get up to bed but so incredibly slowly.  His new respiratory (wedge type support) pillow was flung on the floor this morning as he said it gave him neck-ache - don't want that to go into spasm again.  It wasn't cheap, but I may need it in the future or we could use it to elevate his feet in bed if necessary.

Diazapam will not be used again - it has made him so bad this week, in tandem with being told to drop another medication to see if any difference.  Soon had to go back on that as poor K was at a standstill.  He is slightly better today but having to use the stroller to get about.  No steroids either - these cause Oedema.  You probably don't need to know any of this, but my blog counts as a sort of diary for me.

A truce between Big Boys and Little Girls . . . Best cushion is turned tapestry side away from stropping claws!

    Our two babies are quite different characters - Lulu is a real gallon guts, and is currently standing on her head to play with a ball (pingpong, covered in string, gift from the vets when they had jabs).  She is a Terrorist Kitten.  Ask L. Whale as she chases him - daft 'apporth he is runs away!!  She bursts into merry purrs and chirrups when you make a fuss of her.  Pippi is quieter but cleverer, and plans and plots mischief.   I am her person. Lulu will always follow a rolling ball or the end of a wiggling stick, but Pippi more sceptical.  What do I get from this?  Ah yes, she gets me out from my hiding place.  Think I'll ignore her! She tells me when she is hungry (often at the moment, as she needs to recover what she lost when poorly) and if she is sleeping and I am too noisy, miaows to tell me to shut up and gives me an accusing look!

I am trying to get a photo of Lulu standing on her head playing with one of the string-covered pingpong balls which were in a goody bag from the vets.  She is very athletic and  can even somersault when chasing her tail.  Pippi goes in a little box we have to chase her tail and hurtles round like she's on the Wall of Death at the Fairground.

Three sleepy-heads.

Back to my book now.  Enjoy your weekend.


  1. Hoping the medics sort out Keith's dosages soon.
    Those kitties always raise a smile
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I am keeping a diary as the PD nurse asked. Keith has suddenly hit a brick wall again, which is a worry. The kittens keep me amused, thank heavens.

  2. I know I'm preaching to the choir, but you need to look after yourself. Goodness only knows how many times I was told this when I was a caregiver for my mother. It is not the easiest thing in the world at all to look after yourself when you need to, especially when you are putting the needs of another one before your own.
    Things are not getting off to the best start here either. My tremors are increasing. My medical support is not what it should be. And we have a family member desperately ill in hospital.

    Afraid I'm already starting to say let's reboot 2023.

    1. I would have liked to do nothing today, but it's not happened. Keith had to be helped back from the bathroom earlier and is now resting after eating his lunch, very late. Then helped back from kitchen to living room - over 10 minutes of very slow steps. TBH, it looks like the Levothyroxine has worn off, good and proper. Worth seeing if a pattern emerges from this. Keith could well be over-dosed with PD meds and not enough Thyroid ones . . .

      So sorry that your tremors are increasing as I know how it impacts on daily life, especially if you live alone. I'm sorry you have a family member desperately ill in hospital- so stressful. I hope you get good news soon. I agree, let'sreboot 2023.

  3. Those kittens are certainly entertaining they don't know how lucky they are. I have made two double sized quilts by hand in the past what a job. I don't have them anymore just pictures. Trip around the world with beautiful rainbow colors in graduating shades.

    1. I quite enjoy quilt-piecing by hand - nice and mindless as you watch something on tv! I love quilting by hand too. The professional machine-quilting doesn't do it for me.

  4. Do rest yourself Jennie you will need that strength to cope and watch the antics of those two kittens. Surely kittens were put on this Earth to cheer us up? Best wishes to Keith as well.

    1. I have been resting as much as possible, but the time it's been taking for Keith to move from A to B is as taxing for me as it is for him. The kittens are an absolute delight.

  5. Morning BB, here’s something to cheer you up, an 18th century Welsh stick back chair for sale in David Swanson antiques, Petworth for …. £6500!!! Can you tell I’ve been watching Poldark (we’re on series 2 already) and lusting over old country furniture. So sorry to hear about Keith. I am really trying hard not to think about the future but just take each day as it comes and make the most of it. I am seeing signs of spring here (despite torrential rainfall - although the water meadows below are currently reflecting blue sky and look like glass), the first snowdrops on our first cycle on Friday morning and I have anemone in purple bud in the parterre. I had a quick whizz round the garden on Friday in between cycling and working in the bookshop and picked a posy of hellebore foetidus (love the lime-green nodding flowers with maroon edges), some silky maroon Miscanthus inflorescences that had toppled in the wind, a branching stem of hazel catkins and some stems from the red dogwood. It looks good! Look after yourself BB. Sarah x

    1. Oooh - that IS nice, Welsh too. Missing a couple of stretchers but with that primitive look, who cares? I wonder if he got it through Richard Bebb in Kidwelly? Or Tim Bowen in Ferryside? Pieces like this so rarely come on the market.

      Keith has had a perfect storm of problems - changes of medication (which don't suit him), nearly a week of sleeping badly, which really impacts on PD, etc, but today he is a bit more mobile, Oedema gone and feeling brighter. The steroids are to be avoided, that's for sure, AND Diazapam.

      Lots of catkins out, no sign of our Snowdrops yet but bulbs coming through in the planters. Anemne leaves out so waiting for flowers now. My Hellebores aren't doing much yet - will go and check for buds when the rain stops! Not heard of Miscanthus inflorescences so had to look it up. That would be the perfect companion for the Hellebore in a posy.

  6. I do hope you can manage to rest to recharge your batteries and I hope they can sort out Keith's medication soon. The kittens look very entertaining. Take care.

    1. I've HAD to rest up this past week but even so it has taken its toll with the worry and stress. My BP is sky high.

      Kittens still v. entertaining and Pippi back to her old cheeky self again.

  7. I hope the book is a distraction form what seems like a stressful time - and the cats a comfort too. We are in good health but increasingly find ourselves caring for elderly relatives - it's relentless and sapping of so much of our time. But we plod on...

    1. Indeed it is. I did a meditation last night, that really helped too. Old age never comes alone, that's what my late ma-in-law always said. It's not for the faint-of-heart either. Well done for helping your elderly relatives - I know what a strain it is.

  8. I loved Pillars of the Earth. Is this your first read?

    Hopefully you and Keith both start to feel well very soon.

    God bless.
