

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 15 February 2023

Holding my breath . . .

 Today is the day I change broadband providers from John Lewis to Plusnet (I think they used Plusnet anyway!)  I have a new router to plug in and fortunately Gabby is coming today (originally to garden but of course it is raining!) so she can help me set it up.  I am toying with the idea of nipping down to Jewsons and getting the yellow paint we have chosen for the Guest Bedroom.  Then we can make the most of a wet day and start decorating in there.  Watch this space.

Hopefully it will be a seamless changeover . . .


  1. Oh dear! If we do not see you again, we know where you've gone.

    1. Gabby tried yesterday, but it was a no-go, so I will ask a tech-savvy friend over tomorrow.

  2. Always nerve wracking this sort of thing - good luck!
    Alison in Wales x

    1. More than usual Alison, as we have to do the tv input too!

  3. Oh, good luck. If you disappear for a short while, we'll know why then. I am being forcibly removed from BT. Mobile, it seems they are closing down their mobile and being taken over by EE. My new SIM card arrived today. Frankly dreading trying to fiddle with it.

    1. Oh - forcibly removed isn't good! Hope your change to EE is seamless. At least you can take it to a mobile shop.

  4. Good luck! I am still trying to get painters in and ''handyman'' for repairs that I can't do. Three years after covid shut downs!

    I saw a Welsh quilt on Instagram so similar to the one you saw at the flea market. Now big bucks in fancy London shop! And the cheddar one I loved is featured [similar] in a wonderful book I am reading about Welsh quilt, by Jen Jones. I'll put the IG link, I think you can see it even if you don't do IG.

    If you can't see I ll put a screen shot on my blog later this week, plus the book pics.

    1. Ah, you've got Jen Jones' book. We lived about 15 miles away from her when in Carms. Thanks for the Instagram link - he has some nice quilts there. Bet the London prices are frightening though! I sold a couple of narrow-loom blankets to New York. You can imagine what the mark up was there!!

      If that cheddar quilt is there next month I shall have a jolly good look at it and if it's good, buy it I think.

    2. I'm glad you enjoyed the link for the London shop. The Jen Jones book was gifted to me, I'm learning a lot and enjoying it.
      One drawback Jones ,mentions w the Welsh quilts is that they usually were filled w wool gathered from fences [twigs, sheep poop, thorns], or old blankets and such--making them hard to wash, maybe. So buyer beware, if they have been used unwashed for 100 years, ick.

  5. We are with Plusnet. There are cheaper deals elsewhere, but we have always found their customer service excellent and not at all 'techy', plus they were very quick to tell us when they had a better deal for us, rather than remaining silent and pocketing the profit!

    1. Thanks Tracy, that's good to hear. I will try to be brave tomorrow (but with backup here!)

  6. Hope the change-over goes totally smoothly.

  7. I can hear the faint sound of alarm bells

    1. Ringing louder as the tv partly relies on internet connection too!

  8. Hope you can breathe again now! I escaped on Tuesday to spend the day with a friend (she lives in Bosham so we had a lovely slow walk by the shore in the sunshine and after lunch we pruned roses together in her garden) while our computer guy from work was here finishing off a weekend-long network update. S not happy as everything looks different on the desk top but having just upgraded my phone from a 2011 iPhone 5 to the latest model I know one soon gets used to it. It’s raining here today and S is taking our son T to a local pub for lunch giving me a couple of hours home alone time. I have realised that a good way to tackle PD is to do something different every day. So yesterday afternoon (I worked in the morning) S and I drove to a nearby NGS garden for their snowdrop festival which was a real treat for me. Eight acres of wintry garden, beautiful trees, scented shrubs and so many different snowdrops. Nothing too exhausting but just gently doing something new every day. I think S and I are still coming out of the Covid rut and as much as we love our home and garden routines and walks and cycles from our doorstep PD sufferers need more stimulation. My brain is going to have a satisfying workout today as I am making a pair of trousers - the Eve trousers by Merchant and Mills using a rich mustardy tan organic cotton twill fabric with a soft sanded finish. Lizzy D has reminded me that I would enjoy having my own copy of Jen Jones’s book and I am researching an e-bike cycling holiday in Norfolk - churches, windmills, coastline, historic houses, staying in nice country hotels and inns - as something to look forward to in the spring. Sarah x

    1. Not quite yet. I'm sure it's straightforward but anything remotely technical (or legal jargon) has my brain in a whirl. Oh how lovely to be down by the sea, and your mention of pruning roses with your friend had me out in the garden doing some of mine.

      I've announced to Keith we are going to try and get out every day and where does he want to go tomorrow. He wants to go to the (junkiest!) antiques shop on the way to Rhayader, to search for a glass stopper for a desirable old decanter we have (military) which has lost its own. Then it will be more desirable! Snowdrop Festival envy here. A friend has gone to the wonderful display at Painswick in Glos, and another friend has been (and goes annually) to Kingston Lacy. I went to our little church, but they are by the river and lagging behind the ones along the lanes.

      That holiday sounds lovely. We are tentatively hoping that as Keith's mobility has improved, we may be able to get away for a couple of nights, with one of our offspring holding the fort here. We had totally given up on the idea of even the briefest of holidays - now we have hope again.

      I am sure I have Jen Jones' book, but not quite sure where to lay my hands on it, though it should be with my quilting books upstairs.

  9. Fingers crossed that it allgoes smoothly. I am hopeless at anything techy!!

  10. I hope your change over goes smoothly, I wouldn't dare try it on my own. My older son comes over as needed to do that sort of thing.

  11. I am hoping that two heads are better than one and Pam and I can sort it together.
