

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 12 February 2023

The restorative powers of Christmas Cake . . .

 BTW, the new header photo is from May a couple of years back.  There are just Snowdrops out at the moment - how I wish we could fast forward to spring proper, and carpets of Bluebells again.

Here is that rare thing - a photo of yours truly! - with Tam of course.  We were dressed up ready to go for our meal.  We did enjoy it.  Keith's idea of eating out was always a bacon roll at the Sandwich Cellar in Backfold in Hay-on-Wye!  

We did enjoy our meal.  They did a choice of menus including a cheaper one, but we couldn't decide on a main from that so as some of the other mains were things like chicken in a red wine sauce (which we had with our Tesco £12 meal the other night) and something I fancied but was accompanied by truffled pasta and I loathe truffles, I ended up just having cod and chips - but WHAT fresh, sweet cod in the floatiest batter, and the chips - oh my goodness, the best I've ever had - 3 times cooked and fluffy inside.  A small dish of petit pois, home made Tartare sauce and even one of batter scraps.  Tam had cod with creamed spinach, artichoke and silver skin onions, with sauces/drizzles (yum too).  The wine was a revelation after the usual "house white" you get.  No mention of house wine anyway - we asked for dry white and it was amazing. Really full bodied and fruity.  Gosh, we'd have happily sunk a whole  bottle of it!  We shared a pudding - banana fritters with banana ice cream, a spoonful of chocolate sauce and chocolate sprinkles.  My friend whose husband is a chef said it is a really good gastro pub, but there's one in Abergavenny which has a Michelin star, so that probably qualifies for best in Wales.  This was the Felinfach Griffin anyway, if you're in Wales and want a good meal.

Yesterday Keith and I went to Malvern Fleamarket.  It was a very early start - made worse by the fact I woke over an hour before the alarm and got up as I knew I wouldn't sleep on so by 3.45 a.m. I was downstairs getting organized.  Keith just had a few mouthfuls of tea and a toasted hot X bun - not much of a breakfast to keep you fortified for the day.  He has had a change of medication from a pill to a 24 hour patch and I think that is still getting balanced plus he had done more walking than usual at the PD Clinic on Thursday and any over-doing has a knock-on effect for up to a week afterwards.  He was very tottery on his feet yesterday, which was such a worry.  He went into the Gents and several blokes came out and said to me, "Is he going to be alright?"   Well, I could hardly go in and check could I?  Update: Radar key for disabled toilet purchased, and Keith is marching up and down OK today.  Obviously lack of sleep makes a BIG difference to his mobility and energy.

We were late arriving, it took a while to get the mobility scooter out and everything sorted and they had the outside stalls at the far end of the showground.  There were lots of buyers and I don't think they had the field across the road for parking (being winter)  so had to put the overflow inside the actual showground and then on a field off the car park.   Going round the stalls in the sheds was difficult as lots of people and as seems to be the case rather than the exception, people just blocking Keith's efforts to manouvre towards or away from a stall or just plain going forward.  We went back to the car for "breakfast" about 10 a.m. and I was glad to have packed some of my brandied Christmas cake as a slice between us really kept us going - not sure if it was the cake or the brandy wot did it though!

Keith liked the font cover - but let's face it, what would you DO with it?!!

Keith was very thorough with the outside stalls and went very slowly, which is so incredibly frustrating for me, who does everything flat out and normally I would be away and along those stalls like a whippet - I can quickly cast an eye, see if there is anything to suit me, and then move on.  We missed every other row, and there wasn't a great deal of any merit or suitability, but Keith got a couple of things.  

He had to be talked out of buying more Windsor chairs and wouldn't believe me when I said there was no room in the stables, as he suggested that's where any could go.  I have told him he needs to look in and see how full they are and suggested he gets rid of some of the bins of "useful bits of wood" which came with us from Ynyswen.  He isn't able to do woodwork now and it needs to get sorted out.  Me - I'd chuck the lot as with the best will in the world, Keith's not able to make use of it now.  I also need to do as many car boot sales as possible this year to get rid of old stock, now I am winding down from our trading years.

A quick glimpse of some of the things on offer.  The Peacock style chair below should soon attract a buyer.

An old cash  till or a Fairground galloper ?

Lastly, a little painting which quite appealed to me.  I was good though and left it there.

Today I think we won't be doing much at all, just resting.  I can happily write we had a good day out yesterday but much goes unsaid, and to compare it to "the good old days" - well, this is a different experience entirely.


  1. Well, you and Tam look absolutely amazing. More like sisters. There's a definite family resemblance, though. The food sounds absolutely delicious. Going off now to Google the full menu.
    I'm glad you had a good day out at the fair. Would it help any if you encouraged Keith to use the disabled facilities? I have been using them for quite some time now. They have much more space inside and if you needed to assist, it wouldn't be a problem.
    I'll say this, Keith is getting far better treatment for his Parkinson's where you are than I am getting here.

    1. Thank you for your kind comment. She does look quite like me. Gabby looks like one of my (passed, sadly) Romsey aunts when she was young. Danny - dunno but he has my grey eyes.

      Thankyou Deb, for the heads up about using Disabled toilets. It occurred to me yesterday, just as I was dashing to the ladies before we left. I have now ordered a Radar key, so we will be fine once that arrives.

      So sorry that you aren't getting good Parkinsons' treatment - is it worth seeing a consultant privately if your finances run to that, just to try and get the right meds?

  2. I'm glad you had a good meal and a day out at the flea-market , albeit a slow one. Interesting to see all the things people had for sale

    1. TBH, it wasn't very exciting, stock-wise. I miss the British people who go shopping in France and bring back some nice goodies which they offer for sale at Fairs here. Makes a change from the same-old-same-old.

      Tam has suggested we go out for a meal more regularly which is good of her.

  3. Mustn’t look back BB. I always think of the song from Salad Days, remind me to remind you we said we’d never look back. This morning we’ve been giggling about getting the urine sample in jam jar for the neurologist appointment this morning. How lovely T took you somewhere special - such a happy photo of you both and T has the most beautiful smile. She reminds me of my daughter K who yesterday texted a photo of her one -year old cat with eyes as big as saucers watching pigeons nest-building in the garden. Tell me about the tiredness. I did nothing yesterday apart from change our bed and a hour’s walk with S. The snowdrops in the churchyard of St Agatha’s, down our lane are just getting going. I worked all day Friday and 5 hours on Saturday and business has been brisk, both online and in person. Today the sun is shining and after the appt in Chichester we’re off to West Wittering for a walk and I’ve booked us a table for lunch at the Crown & Anchor, a nice pub overlooking the harbour at Dell Quay. Looking forward to that, and yes I will probably have fish and chips. Look after yourself BB, it’s so important to make time for US! Sarah x

    1. No, you're right of course Sarah, but I was just so tired and fretting and upset when I wrote the post. Not the best idea. We are both better tonight, and have discussed things and I am back to my more usual glass-half-full again, thinking there ARE things to look forward to.

      Tam used to be called "Smiler" by friends of ours when she was little.

      It sounds like your job has been quite demanding and even changing the bed can be challenging when we are off par (says she who really had a battle with an extra big flat sheet the other day, trying to get hospital corners and it didn't want to oblige!

      I hope the appt. went well and you had a nice lunch at the Crown & Anchor. I enjoyed the fish particularly as I never have it if we have a chippy meal - all the fat in that batter!, but the actual fish down there is always very fresh and tasty. You're quite right, we need out own time to unwind and I have been out in the garden doing just that this afternoon, in the sunshine. That wild bank is quite a challenge but I am doing bits here and there with the idea that they will join up - some are more challenging than others so I have to do a patchwork approach. Two DA roses weeded and fed with muck heap, so they should be appy now.

  4. That's a lovely photo of you and Tam, you are very alike. The meal and wine sound lovely, there's something really good about the perfect fish and chips isn't there. A few car boot sales over the summer to release the money you have in the old stock sounds like a brilliant idea ... and maybe a bonfire for all the excess wood!

    1. Thanks Sue. We do look very alike in that. I have to say, perfect fish and chips like that sets the measure for whatever else they have on the menu.

      Can't have a bonfire here as we have electricity cables passing over the top paddock and Lord knows how fast it would take off in all the leaves in the bottom triangle.

  5. A RADAR key makes our family outings a LOT easier. You have done the right thing in buying one.

  6. You look so very happy and I am glad to see it. I have to tell you, I'd have made a bird feeder out of that font cover, and would have snapped it up in a minute. What a lovely garden piece it would have made!

    We can look back, but we can't go back. You day sounds like a good one.

    1. Oh Debby, the idea of that font cover as a bird feeder made me smile! I'd never have thought of that !!

      We did appreciate the freedom and fun we had at fairs, buying and selling, in the past but it was so good it is so missed when days are a struggle now.

  7. Such nice photos, good to eat out sometimes.

  8. What a lovely photo of you and Tam and so pleased you had such a lovely meal. I do like the painting at the end of your post.

    1. Thanks RR. I didn't ask the price of that painting in case I was tempted. Haven't enough wall space as it is.

  9. The meal sounds amazing and the pic of you and Tam is lovely
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I said to Tam, I am always BEHIND the camera - time to have some more photos with me in. The meal was a real treat.

  10. Beautiful and I love your blouse it looks like a William Morris style print !!

    1. The blouse was my treat recently, when we bought a Careline pendant for Keith I got a £15 Marks and Spencer voucher so spent it on this top, which is a Seasalt one and reduced from £53 to £28 I think. Ended up costing £16.50 incl. postage. It looks much nicer than the photo in the M&S listing.

  11. Great photo of you and Tam. I am happy that the meal was so good. Lots to see at the sale. Love the chair. I have always wanted one of those.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you. We did enjoy the meal, and in retrospect, Malvern, though it was so tiring at the time. The chair is Very Desirable these days.

  12. How lovely you and your daughter look in that photograph. She does look like you. It sounds like you had a good outing even though it was tiring and stressful at times. I hope this week both you and Keith get some much needed better sleep.

    1. Thank you Celie. We've been catching up on sleep since - in bed at 8.30 p.m. last night and I slept 11 hours, and Keith 12!

  13. How lovely and 'dressy' you and Tam were for your treat outing! Of course I enjoy seeing you in your newly refitted kitchen as well. It has a classic and welcoming appearance. Of the articles pictured at the Flea Market--I would have coveted the painting of nasturtiums [is it on glass?] and the galloping carousel horse--no idea where I could display either one!
    Indeed, outings in which Keith can take part are sadly altered for both of you.

    1. As you know, I rarely go anywhere TO dress up, but wore some new purple velvet trousers to go with the new top, AND lipstick! Blimey. The Nasturtiums picture was a print behind glass but that black background really made it pop. The Galloper was lovely too - you'd need a big empty room for that to look at its best.

      Sadly, outings are now very altered for us, but we will work out a plan for next time at Malvern. We thought Keith could go round the barns whilst they are relatively empty and I gallop round the outside stalls.

  14. A great pic and very happy that you had a good and well deserved evening out. Do have more of them and, difficult though it may be, find some time for yourself. I lost my husband to wretched cancer over 10 years ago and remember too well the stress of caring for him over almost two years. I do enjoy your blog, a wonderful mix of home, family, countryside, antiques (I used to collect Carltonware mainly bought for very little at car boot sales) and of course those beautiful kit kats!

  15. You look gorgeous in that photo, both of you. As long as you all enjoy life, visiting fairs and posh restaurants life is good.
