

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 8 March 2023

A snow day - but not quite the Beast From the East 2 that was threatened!


Remember the Andrex puppy?  Well, this is the kitten equivalent.  Keith started laughing last night when we were having our evening meal - as behind me the girls had retrieved a spare loo roll from on top of the toilet cistern and had dragged it, protesting, down the stairs to the kitchen where they killed it good and proper!  Oh they're SO funny.

We woke up late (for me) around 8.30 and it had snowed a little in the night and then set to in earnest and by the time Keith had to go and have his (low) blood pressure checked at the surgery, there was about an inch on the ground.  Fortunately the roads were too wet for it to settle.

I am glad that the oil man came to top up the tank on Monday, and that it has gone down to 70p a Litre now.  

I am going to spend the afternoon enjoying my (very early) birthday present from Keith - which is an Ancestry DNA test and on offer, at the moment, for just £1 more, a 3 month membership of Ancestry.  I let it drop when I was having a break from family history research, but now it helps get me out of the house on these grey winter days.  Having found I have a drop of French Huguenot blood amongst my Devon roots (the Legassicks, from Gascony or as I prefer to think of it -more romantically - Aquitaine) I am keen to learn more.  The line goes back to the 1690s.

Keep warm all.


  1. Wish you hadn't told me that heating oil was down to 70p and I got mine 3 weeks too soon!
    Have fun with the family research

  2. Oh dear! Never mind - at least you didn't run out by getting it sooner. Family Research is doing my head in as I am building the family tree again (from Scratch - Ancestry seems to have lost the one I started years ago). So many HINTS keep coming up.

  3. Oh those kittens! I was just thinking that it had been a while. Take care in this weather. We've got five inches here and it is not warming up enough to melt off. We are supposed to get more on Friday.

    1. They do more sleeping now but when they are playing, they are at warp speed and I can't get photos of them! We have about 3" and now rain. We will have more snow towards the weekend though.

  4. Glad you could travel ok.
    We have a lot of hints to follow up when we return from Aotearoa NZ! No point following them now when I am notes and printerless! Plus I have a few trails to follow for people here of ancestors back in Britain. One way of thanking them for giving us free lodging!

    1. You are having a lovely long visit to NZ. Another friend of mine and her husband have spent the winter in Oz - not a bad idea!

  5. 50 F. is our high for today and the sun is not noticeably vigorous. Re the 'hints' from ancestry--I wish they would quit notifying me several times per week that they have 'found' my parents! It will be interesting to see what your DNA discloses. No big surprises with mine, but the percentages of known factors are intriguing.

    1. -1 and rain here now. If it freezes after this we're stuck here for the duration as hills between us and town. Smiling at Ancestry "finding" your parents . . . I have deep West country roots so not expecting too much in the way of surprizes there - but then I got the Huguenots! Yet another person (Pam) saw photos of the girls (she's met both) and said, "Are you sure you don't have Spanish blood?" They have been asked if they were Greek or of Mediterranean origin several times before!

  6. Brrrr, that looks as cold as here. Oh those kittens are just having a great time killing the loo roll.

    God bless.

  7. We had more overnight but it's raining now. I think we can do without a daily paper today!

  8. Oh my goodness, that is clever work by the kittens, thank you for sharing their antics. Felt like we were walking in Wales yesterday the hills around us were so snow-covered. Hope K’s BP was up a bit. I have never delved into Ancestry - I’m happy to live in the present, although I do know from my cousin’s research that my maternal grandfather had Hugenot ancestors. It’s another sewing day for me today and I am making the most of it as I know once the warmer weather does arrive I will be cycling, gardening and out and about much more - maybe even a cycling holiday abroad now I have renewed my passport! Sarah x

    1. It's ok until he eats . . . he said he had plenty of energy when he was walking up and down the kitchen this morning (before breakfast) so that's going the right way.

      I have been interested in our family history since my dad died - if I had only asked more questions when he was alive - he was only 63 when he left us.

      I am decorating the "hot pink" bedroom now. Heaven only knows it needed it!

  9. Well My Ancestry popped up about four siblings I had never known about, I talked to one but we haven't kept in touch, it is rather late in life of course but I am glad to have a photo of my birth mother.

    1. I hope I don't find similar! Glad you got a photo of your birth mother anyway. My closest so far is my 3rd cousin once removed, who I've met down the years and stay in touch with. Others are all 6th or 7th cousins once or twice removed.

  10. No if we were still in the 'lockdown era' and toilet rolls were precious, you wouldn't be laughing at those little Andrex puppy imposters. ;-)

    No snow here, just the lightest of flurries in the air washed away by rain every few minutes, we must be right on the edge of it. I'm proper disappointed.

    1. Indeed - gold dust then. I can recall reading about a feckless lass I knew who hadn't bothered at all and had to beg loo rolls from her sisters . . .

      More snow overnight . . .
