

Jennie's recipes

Friday 10 March 2023

For once the forecast was right - more snow

 More snow overnight - fortunately, not too much.  We had rain all day yesterday, then a couple more inches of snow last night.  I went for a walk first thing to take some photos whilst it was still on the tree branches.  It was heavy going walking through the snow on the fields as it was deeper up there.  Nothing like John Gray (Going Gently) up in North Wales though or further north.  No winds here to blow it around either.  Anyway, I shan't be doing too much today.  I've got a loaf started in the bread maker, will get changed shortly and get back to decorating.  The "hot pink" bedroom has irked me all the time we've been here and as I have three rolls of wallpaper and that has more wall to cover than the guest bedroom (which is reasonably respectable and not so desperately in need of improvement) I spent a couple of hours yesterday listening to Wolf Hall on Audible, and getting some pretty yellow paint on the top walls (which are boarded).  Before I can put the wallpaper up in that corner though I will need to put some white satinwood on the dado rail and deep skirting boards.  I had to empty the bookcase and carefully manoeuvre it onto the top of the chest of drawers next door to the one it was on.  Managed it without it falling on my head.  I will have to take the drawers out one by one before I can move the first chest of drawers out of the way.  What fun!

Shimmering light on the wall but you get the idea and you can just see the pink below the dado rail.  A whole room of that was Too Much!

Now this looks SO dark and ochre-ish but it was late afternoon and raining, and the light not good.  It was taped up on the wall where the light comes in, so not getting natural light.  I love this wallpaper and chose it because my dad once painted a copy of the original Almond Blossoms by Van Gogh.  Anyway, it cost an arm and a leg each roll, so it's being used!!

"It's cold out there" - the two brothers Alfie and L. Whale deciding it's warmer indoors!

Turn right out of our gate and down the canyon. Our woodland on the slope on the right.

A tracery of snow on the branches makes such a pretty scene.

Up onto the first field, where it was a trudge through the snow - about 4" deep up here.  My legs soon began to complain.

Looking back the way I'd come. Everything so still and for once, the farmers further up hadn't come down on the quad bike.

View across to the heather hills.

Birds on skis?!! Not sure what these straight or X marks are.  Perhaps just melt from branches above?

The girls know the best place to be!  They have developed a very bad habit of dabbing fingers when they see them over chairs of when Keith slowly climbs the stairs.  Something to be discouraged!

Now, back to the decorating . . .


  1. Gorgeous snowy pictures, that header photo is beautiful. I love the wallpaper, it's very special.

    1. The header is lovely. Didn't last long though. The wallpaper will look nice when it's up. Low down and on a wall not getting the sun (plus the camera really darkened it) it will be OK.

  2. The X's look like bits of the snow covering branches fell off.
    I really like the wall paper. Yellow is so cheering.
    You had a lovely walk in the snow.

    God bless.

    1. They were SUCH straight lines though! Like they'd been drawn. Glad you like the wallpaper. We had a lot of yellow in our last house, to cheer it up as it faced East and was dark.

  3. Well you confirmed my fears about snow down there. We had considered going to our caravan this week to say after setting it up but seeing the snow put us off. I've battled with it around there in the past so glad we did not go. Hopefully we will get back in a week or so. The cats had the right idea even I have been staying in rather that go out.

  4. It's thawed a LOT since this morning, so check the forecast and you may well be OK. I'm glad I went out when I did.

  5. The snowy pictures are beautiful, so magical, serene.
    The Van Gogh inspired wallpaper is delightful...
    Darling kitties!


  6. What beautiful wallpaper - definitely worth the horrendous cost! You will feel better for having struggled into the fresh air. I used to enjoy wallpapering, but the walls in both our most recent houses have been painted. And those delightful kittens raised a smile here - they're sensible deciding it's too cold out there. As long as they use the litter tray! On another blog I follow, the elderly cat wouldn't go out, and peed on the bathroom floor instead. I hope the weather lets up before you really need to go anywhere.

  7. Yellow is the color of my kitchen and I love it.

  8. Does anyone else see an animal face in 5he last picture. Liz, Australia

  9. The yellow paint and wallpaper are a HUGE improvement over the former owner's choice of hot pink! Doing over a room is an arduous task--the more so with each passing year--but the results give long term satisfaction. I well recall my haste to cover all the shiny blue paint at the Amish farmhouse we acquired.
    Re cats 'dabbing' at fingers--Rosie can't resist snatching and whacking at the tails of her feline companions when they droop from a chair or windowsill. This is not usually well received!
