

Jennie's recipes

Monday 13 March 2023

Wild, Wet and Very Windy


I've braved the weather and done the grocery shop this morning.  I nearly got blown across the Tesco car park in Llandod!  It's become a habit to take a walk around the Lake there, but this morning's weather deterred me today.  Above and below Pippy has a new game (well they both do, but it was Pippi who was most determined this morning). She scrabbles at and bites the "cord" for the kitchen blind.  It is discouraged, needless to say . . .

Saturday was an interesting day - Alfie caught a well-grown baby rabbit and brought it in to show the kittens - and eat in the warm.  This was discouraged, but he came in again behind my back and I found him under the table in the Library, excited kittens at his elbow.  I chucked it out again, and he and Ghengis went to scoff it.  Mind you, as Ghengis has no teefs, it was more sucking it for him.  Half an hour later I went into the living room and thought, what's that pong (Keith hadn't noticed a thing!)  Ghengis had been spectacularly sick all over the sofa - managed to get all three throws covered in rabbit insides (I'll spare you the details), so I had to clear all that up and then chuck the remains of the rabbit outside, over the paddock fence into the woods.  Yeesh.  Can do without that.

On Sunday, Keith wanted to go to Carmarthen Fleamarket.  I wasn't bothered tbh as it is getting worse and worse - not advertised, just one board on the A40 roadside to say it's on, and no customers and very few dealers.  I set the alarm - then of course woke up at 2.30 and couldn't sleep after that.  Keith was breathing heavily, which didn't help.  Well, we went down there - just 25 dealers or so, as the weather a little rainy and the forecast hadn't been good.  I just bought one thing - and debated about that, as I was so tired.  We got a tenner off the asking price, but research has shown it is pretty rare.  It is a French wrought iron ship's candle holder.  The little cap at the top swivels round so you can change the candle.  It's probably 150 - 180 years old and "has the look" . . .

I did some more of the family tree but now have to go back and change one whole branch as somehow I missed a generation filling in the details on mum's side.  Aries don't like to go back and do things again, but it must be done. However, as Tam is coming to stay overnight tomorrow and work from home on Wednesday, I need to finish the end wall in the hot pink bedroom, which means moving furniture (on my own as Keith can't possibly help, bless him).

Keith has gone backwards again, as the new patch which gives him benefit around the clock, has also given him VERY low blood pressure, so he struggles to walk far because of THAT.  We can't seem to win.  Anyway, we're still a bit forwards as he can walk round here without a stick but has to be careful when his blood pressure makes him dizzy. 

Hope it's not blowing a hooley where you are.  I baked some Cheese Scones for our friends P&D who we met up with yesterday at the Fair, and also made a small batch (too small, they are LOVELY!) of Apple & Cinnamon Scones.  I will put the recipe up tomorrow.  Sadly no photos, as Keith loved them too and the half dozen are gone now.


  1. Yes we have wild and windy weather here in Pembrokeshire too you won't be surprised to hear:)
    The incident with the rabbit reminded me of when our tiny yorkie caught one - what a palaver- and they are so pleased with themselves aren't they?!
    Alison in Wales

    1. Oh yes, delighted indeed. Made me smile he brought it in, not so much to share with kittenses but to eat it in the WARM!

  2. Cats do love to play with anything that hangs down. Sorry for the mess with the poor rabbit. When I lived in London I got a kitten, we lived in a flat so she never went out. I brought her with me when I moved back to the US, and to a house with a large garden. After adjusting to going out, she turned into quite the hunter. She'd catch but not eat voles, but all else got eaten head first, often leaving the feet for me. Ugh! She lived to be 20. Re your previous post, is that track into the canyon your driveway? And the wallpaper is lovely.

    1. You're right there Celie. Now Pippi has a thing about fingers and if she sees any over the back of the chair, she will pat them, and going upstairs, she lies in wait for Keith with his fingers on the handrails!

      Your little English cats seems to have adapted very well to going outside in the States. These two will be hunters - Pippi especially. I suppose the heads are tasty - that's the first bit to go on a baby rabbit . . .

      The track into the canyon is just beyond our stretch of the driveway/bridleway. We own about the first hundred yards. Then it goes on up to a farm up the hill.

  3. Clever kittens...too clever by half, I remember when we had kittens!
    That is an interesting find..worth the visit, despite misgivings.

    1. Definitely too clever by half - they are forever plotting mischief! We reckon the candle holder came from a ship - hence it being in a "cage". We can't find anything like it online.

  4. Sunny here on my patch of the Canadian prairies. The wind has come up a bit though.

    Oh yuchhhh, cleaning up rabbit would probably turn my tummy. You are a very strong woman.

    God bless.

    1. When does spring reach you then Jackie? Our gales have gone elsewhere I'm glad to say - the big old pine tree thrashes alarmingly when there are gales.

      I have learned to overcome a degree of squeamishness down the years, but drawing still-warm poultry was ever a challenge . . .

  5. We are having one rain storm after another her in California !!

  6. A great find. Did your eye pick it out? How’s the decorating going? It was windy here yesterday and I must have had a rush to the head after having my hair cut and then spending £40 on veg, fruit, eggs and milk in the farm shop as I stopped at the garden centre and bought a greengage tree for the kitchen garden. I’ve always wanted a greengage tree and I have just the spot for it too. So tree-planting is my job for today as well as sowing tomato seeds, sweet peas and beetroot. I also need to pick up the next Poldark novel from the library and will have another walk around the Pleasure Grounds to enjoy the daffodils and winter scent. How many fruit trees have you now planted at your new house? I’m on three apple trees, two crab apples, a cherry tree plus the greengage. Did you know that you only need five fruit trees for it to be classed an orchard. Best new tree in the garden right now is the amelanchier whose pinky-bronzey leaves are just coming out. It is all just beginning - so exciting. Sarah x

  7. That candle holder is very nice. What do you do with these finds? I have reached the point that if I cannot figure out what to do with something, it does not come home with me. I would have stopped dead in my tracks at the sight of your candle holder, but unable to think of what to do with it.

  8. Cats, no matter how well nourished, do love to capture some hapless form of wildlife and scarf it down--and of course it comes back up. If I see one of the cats with a bird or chipmunk, even a mouse, I try to intervene and dispose of it. Cats seem to prefer a comfy spot to 'sick up' their indigestibles. I suppose those who don't love cats as house companions wonder why the rest of us put up with shredded furniture, knocked over vases, litter boxes--quite a list of liabilities that come with the very real delights of sharing our space with them.
